HIS SPIRIT LIVES ON! ... BONER, THE PIANO DOG ... November 27, 1994 ... February 20, 2010
Use the links to the left to read a past Month or Year... and then there is always your Backspace to return to a past page.
HELP! A new Carburetor is needed. SpotFund: Long Live the Traveling Piano Spotfund Venmo: Dan Kean @TravelingPiano 2156399378 - Paypal Direct: Paypal - And of Course this Website Contribution Page. Contribute Or email me for snail mail.
February 28, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
So, this month ends without the Traveling Piano truck. I am beginning to go crazy not having played music for almost a month. Also, being around people interacting as I do... miss it. Life is forever changing. One thing that is constant, although there have been times I feel secure there never really is any security in life. The complacency trap of thinking anything is secure may last for ten even twenty years but not forever. Need to find a better place to live and the funds to pay for it. Need to find the money to pay for the truck repair. Need to not get caught up in the news or absolutely wacko people who seem to have taken over the internet. Need... need... need... at this point of my life there is nothing new. Any negativity, fear, insecurity... been there done that will know it all will pass. The present challenge... stay interested in life!
February 27, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
Every single time I go out with Mo for a walk, when someone passes us they say, "you have a beautiful dog" "thats a nice dog you have there" "handsome dog," things like that. Seriously, there is not a time when that does not happen. It feels so go to share his presence with people and for people to know how I also feel. What a blessing! When we get the truck back with a new engine in it, I am fairly certain he will no longer be able to jump into the back. He was losing his ability last month and from not doing it every day, the muscle power will probably not come back. I hope he will try and then I'll boost him midway. As it is now, when we come back after a long walk he wants me to lift him onto the bed, to jump up is too much. He has both a bad back leg and front. It is all good and natural and we just adjust. Same with me and my physical abilities.
February 26, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
We went for a long walk today, almost an hour with an hour break and then back. That much ability has not been since pre-covid. I have been dealing with long term covid for a year but it feels like I'm coming around some. The fact that the weather is colder and when the wind is blowing it is much easier than still, dry air and heat. They closed the Las Vegas strip for the yearly rock and roll marathon and so walking along up to 30,000 people running beside us probably keep the energy flowing for me. It certainly did for Mo. I see these events and wonder if I could ever play for them again with the Traveling Piano. My first marathon booking was in the early 90's for the Jungle Bell run in Philly back where I grew up. As I was walking, my thinking went to how much the Traveling Piano would make a significant contribution to the event. But then again... the "did that, done that for twenty years" came into play in my mind.
February 25, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
I want to feel good about the truck being repaired but I just feel numb. There is the cost, the time without working and the missing of creating music. Everything that needs to be done to get done to get it back in shape... once I get it back, it will still only be half done. The worse is yet to come. That would be the time getting it painted by someone I do not know and hoping they can do the job, for a fair price and in a timely manner. I know my present mechanic and have total trust in him. He has been on top of it since I dropped it off and has no one to suggest for the paint job and logo. So as far as I know the muffler is getting replaced, the carburetor was readjusted, a new engine, clutch, something with the transmission, my headlights have been changed, new sideview mirrors and door handles, a new front dash window.
The doors and windows have been repaired, new wiring and hoses and all the other tuneup parts, the chassis checked, the wheels... it is a lot. I just hope whatever has not been replaced holds together, lol. Now it its thirty seventh year, the Traveling Piano. I need to get it into shape to pitch to producers, reps, backers... for something bigger than I've done in the past. Seriously, when this began I never thought I'd be alive at this point of my life or that something big would have already happened. Well, I'm not dead and still need to do something to make my way while heading into seventy years of age. I need to get out of this place where I live into something better and nothing bigger or better will happen unless I make it happen. This I know.
February 24, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
One man, Russia's Putin has murdered over 60,000 of his own people by forcing them to kill and
torture an entire country of people... completely unprovoked, a genocide of innocent babies, children, men, woman, fathers, mothers, and all they have built for themselves for over 30 years for one motive only... self-gain. How long will the world allow this to continue on? And, the countries
supporting Putin, now China finding its way into the genocide. Pray that God, the Universe or...
whatever energy you acknowledge for the good ... Direct our Thoughts. Pray for Ukraine.
February 23, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
Do you know Traveling Piano Pup Mo? He becomes an instant star with everyone he meets both locally on the streets of Las Vegas and worldwide. Although, fame is not his thing. While hanging out on top of the Traveling Piano, he is all about the sharing of musical fun, friendship and respect. He and his buddy Piano Man Danny Kean, they work without fees, tips or commercial affiliation... freely share the piano seat with everyone through community outreach for the sake of strangers becoming less afraid of each other. Today is Mo's 13th birthday. He is the G.O.A.T.! Mo is the greatest gift in life I that I have experienced, a relationship that cannot be compared. Everyday with Mo is the best day of my life.
February 22, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
I was walking through downtown here in Las Vegas looking for some new art on the streets and in the ally's. Some of the business and a few graffiti artists are trying to keep the theme of the area being called the "Arts District" as it becomes more and more generically gentrified with little more than bars and restaurants. A neighbor told me yesterday that his apartment complex (older with character and kept up) was just purchased from the city to turn into a parking lot like many other properties have been.
With up to $30 to park for any event (cha ching for the city), I'll be missing the original purpose of the downtown redo, that of a community, quality artists and galleries. It was a perfect day, cloudy and a little bit cold. So the cold gives us more energy and the clouds are good for the camera photos as I do not know how to adjust the settings for when it is too bright. You would think... Anyway, after I process photo's they usually look a lot better.
February 21, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
I want to feel very angry all the time. Catching myself and not allowing it is almost constant. I do not like change especially when forced. The web hosting company for this website is now saying this website structure can no longer be used unless I pay $9 more a month in mid-contract. This happened last year with my apartment lease, finding a way to raise the rent mid-contract lease for the year, because... they can. The ability to use my computer online and the social platforms... its all disintegrating, too old school. I'm not changing over to my phone for everything, sorry if this all ends as a result. My close friend Mary is having serious medical problems. Her husband Eric of like fifty years is my closest friend. Transferring my intense feelings about all that, the fear of lose, feelings about what they are going through, the fact that there is nothing I can do about any of it especially without a the truck, not channeling that into anger is a challenge. Not having the truck and not knowing what will happen with that, the funding, no music, my ever growing physical limitations, Mo getting old...the need to find a better place to live, funding... I take deep breaths, make sure I walk everyday and focus on what is in front of me to do.
February 20, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
It is the anniversary of Piano Dog Boner's death. I never remember death anniversaries ever but, Bo's I hang onto because it is significant more than any other death in my life. Many, many people around the world loved Boner. He was my first dog ever and taught me about respect, gave me the opportunity to embrace it for our relationship. I experienced my first "present moment" ever with Bo. I had a moment of total peace in mind, totally and it came through total chaos while holding him. When I look back his death was palatable especially as Piano Dog Mo was born three days after. Bo's spirit returned clearly. I've written a lot about that in the past all the synchronicity and discovery, validation. Bo will forever be in my heart separately from Mo, but still as one.
February 19, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
There will never ever be enough time to do all that I want or feel a need to do. I have known that for a long time now. Although, I must absolutely make time whether I think I have enough or not... to remember to remember several life basics. Where as I have lots of practice remembering gratitude, humility, appreciation, that I am an alcoholic, a drug addict who cannot ever, ever "use" (it has been over 40 years now) and to remember all that I have accomplished for myself both personally and for the world but... I have not been remembering how there is fun to be had outside of my work. The Traveling Piano work and travel has been fun. This video I am posting today is from a guy I met on Main street here in Las Vegas. He was from Paris. Maybe this time without the Traveling Piano will give me an opportunity to have fun in a different way. It has been basically one way (with the Traveling Piano) and just about the only way now for thirty-six years? Hey! Make a contribution to help me fix the truck and get it back on the road. It is in the shope for a total do over, the engine and everything else.
February 18, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
It is somewhat comforting to know that most people these days are going through the same feelings that I am going through, that I am not alone with the lack of clarity, fear, uncertainty, exhaustion in putting up with those who are gaslit and just wanting to destroy themselves and the world without realizing it or, maybe with actually realizing it... the gun murder going on... I mostly try to blank it out as I need to choose what I can add to the world while still here. All of my personal resources need to be put into loving the world as much as possible. That is what I feel. I have prioritized my social agendas through the years... protecting American social democracy, exposing police overreach and how they lie to protect one another, gun violence, conspiracy theories, water as a human right, respect and giving support for those homeless and on the streets, human equality, diversity, inclusion... those are the issues I have addressed in this website along with all the Traveling Piano's fun, music, friendship, respect and joy of many other life aspects.
February 17, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
It is like I have writers block in trying to word a new promo sheet for the Traveling Piano. It has been done a hundred times and each time I try to become more clear and succinct. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. There is a tendency to be too individually personal and intimate which just does not sell to a general audience. Then making the distinction of being professional about asking for support while saying the work is done for free... the Traveling Piano's "sell" has never been easy. The story cannot be told in just a few words. "piano man on truck synchronistically creating music for people to discover... "a pup"...that does not convey what is needed for people to contribute. "Musical fun, friendship and respect with empowerment and inspiration," "no fees, tips or commercial affiliation," "community outreach" "a fun distraction, creating a healing space" (for natural disasters and gun massacres) "the idea of strangers becoming less afraid of each other," relationship, heading successfully towards forty years, experience with people from all walks of life one-on-on and through the entire northern hemisphere in both rural and urban environments, experience as a humanitarian with people living on the streets, etc... ugh... onward...
February 16, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
It is a little crazy that I am not panicking about the Traveling Piano truck. Maybe I am too old to panic anymore, the adrenaline is just gone, lol. Aside from a new engine and other parts, the cost... my mechanic drove it home to test it over night and the new fuel pump broke on the way. He purchased another, it broke. Another... did not work. Getting parts now are almost impossible and the only parts available are cheaply made from China. (china is doing that on purpose) Parts are returned and then simply recycled. He will get me an extra so we have that as a backup once we get one that works. I do not want to imagine the hell going on for newer autos these days.
People are not contributing because I am not making it easy for them as I am no longer interested in using scummy online fundraising platforms like (ugh) GoFundMe (ugh) or Facebook. As people see my posts less and less online because I am not commercial, they are buried on social platforms not serving the algorithm interests... I'd rather quit everything than hand my life and work over to the internet and its greed and/or laziness. I've too much self respect. So, on this website or Venmo... or by mail, that is the only way to contribute these days. Everyday Mo and I go for a walk. I am posting more photos from the Bellagio Chinese Lunar display in the casino atrium.
February 15, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
A woman I met in the Valley of Fire recently with a few other people put our conversation and interaction, the Traveling Piano encounter into words. No one has ever transcribed what is say with such detail before. You may find it interesting, if you are reading this blog I am sure of that. Her name is Maria Vargas and you can find her on Instagram and I suppose other places also. I wish more people did this!
Eye-Opening Conversation with a Piano Man in the Middle of the Desert
February 14, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
On a beautiful day like today... Mo and I are missing the Traveling Piano being shared out into the community. Want to help out get the truck back on the road? (new engine needed after 37 yrs) A subscription would be very helpful. Check out the "Contribute Here" link to the left of this page. Venmo: @travelingpiano 2156399378 We work without fees, tips or commercial affiliation. I posted for today a few photos from the Botanical Garden inside the Bellagio Hotel and Casino and an unusually lit tree outside from last night. Doing another fundraiser is not an option. I've done enough. Finding new ways to move on is a must. Finding representation... that is the way to go. I've been on my own for all this time. The journey began with a goal to partner with someone else to take this all to the next level.
February 13, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
Not having the truck creates the opportunity to take the bus down to the casinos and walk around a bit. That is what Mo and I did. Mo is as tired as I am these days and as an old dog getting his footing can be difficult. Still, he gets on and off escalators and in and out of the bus pretty good. Its getting up on smooth surfaces that gives him trouble. Being in the energy of people feels good. The bus packed with people felt dangerous considering that covid is still around with so many people who could not care less. Having had it destroy my health permanently to a degree, of course makes me very aware. The stores, all of them along the strip and in the casinos no longer impress me at all. It is like a giant mall with mediocre merchandise, really bad fast food places and restaurants that I could never justify paying the price for. Entertainment is all around as is the advertising but I don't really feel any of it. We all in life are feeling a bit lost, eh? So many are just going through the motions of life but that is what is needed, right? Sometimes, we must just fake it until we make it.
February 12, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
When I first began living this journey, several things happened at the same time that we're catalysts. One was a video I saw called "The Secret." Something I remembered always from that video is that the dreams I pursue can change, I can drop them, they can leave. I'm thinking about that today concerning the Superbowl. It will be played here in Las Vegas next year. This present Traveling Piano journey began in 2006 with the pursuit of the wildest dream I ever had. It is a long story but involves my streaking diagonally across the Superbowl field playing Boogie Woogie piano on the truck. I got close to it happening several times. Part of me wants to continue pursuing it, another part says I could not care less, I no longer have the ability, part of me no longer wants to pursue it for personal reasons and then another part says it does not have to happen in real life it could be through a commercial or in some other way. Never the less right now I need to prioritize a few goals. The first is to get the truck in running order to continue using it and make it presentable enough to pitch ideas with and also for me to write a flyer (again) to give out about what the Traveling Piano is and does and wants.
February 11, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
It is not easy keeping positive and having a smile on my face when I am living in chronic pain with little energy or ability to breath. Now I am thinking the problem is a degenerating arthritic disc in my spine. It was a mention from a past MRI I had. There is no way I want to find out for sure. How do people life in chronic pain? I am learning... just gotta keep going. For example getting up and going in the morning is just difficult for all people when they get older. It is all in how you process the process. I have been adjusting. This too shall pass. The days are becoming perfect. That helps. Almost, every morning I wake up to the sun. I've moved my photos once again. They are in a crystal shop around the corner from me. The owner said I can store them in the back. Now, to find the energy to do something with them like a third try at a gallery or fifth try selling them online? If worse comes to worse I will just give them all away. I did that with over a thousand posters and cd's I had left over from my "for profit" days. I gave them to everyone I interacted with on the piano seat for the first few years until they we're all gone.
February 10, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
The Traveling Piano photo gallery is now up to date.I finished posting all the photos for 2022 with now over 100,000 photos total posted on this website of the journey. The last photos for the year are of fireworks going off outside my door from the roof of the Stratosphere motel and casino. There have also been over 100,000 people on the piano seat over the years all one-on-one individual encounters, no crowds how almost unbelievable is that? Having the photos as proof of my work is so important for me and as well this blog over the years. More and more I become concerned about how so much in life is being made up and fabricated, especially photos... I cannot tell if they are real or not anymore online. When posting I have began adding the hashtag #realphoto to my posts. Some of the photos of people on the Traveling Piano well, I also have them as proof this all really happened. The blog as well as the photos have info linked to where and when everything has happened.
February 09, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
Mo's birthday is coming up. It is my favorite day of the year. I make him a special Happy Birthday card to post online. I need to get going on an idea. I've so much to be grateful for in life. Being present with it is the key. If I can focus rightly, allis good. It is like being on a good hike. When I am immersed in nature and the beauty surrounding me, the idea of hurting or being out of breath is really irrelevant. I can physically accomplish beyond anything imagined. The same goes for having good interactions with people while with the Traveling Piano. Once I get going, there is no stopping me. It is like I become superman. No pain, the energy flies, happiness, joy, excitement, the satisfaction of accomplishment, doing good, having fun, friendship, respect all around and of course good music. Mo will turn thirteen yeas old. Yikes! His biggest problem is a permanent limp when walking. Otherwise he's just moves a lot slower and needs to be careful when getting up and down. Otherwise, Mo is a very happy, loving and appreciative pup! Dogs never lose their childlike joy no matter the struggles they have. What a gift of life Mo is.
February 08, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
You would not believe the thinking that keeps me from moving forward even though I am always moving forward. Having not enough time to do whatever is number one on the nasty list. Lack of ability comes next. Self gratifying needs as a distraction in unrelated ways would be third. The idea of dying is always present for the "like, why bother" excuse. Telling myself that I cannot deal with pressure keeps thing slow. Something kind of weird that has crept into my life through the years is that I wait until the last minute with something and although it gets accomplished it is never on any level that is acceptable for me because I did not give the attention and time that was needed. And then there is the times I start something but do not finish. Always, if I can remember, I just toss all that off because in reality nothing "needs" to get done. And, if there is something I do not accomplish it is because I just did not want it bad enough and that is ok. On the whole... the big picture... I've done and am doing great even if that fact gets clouded with what I have not done, or should have done, or can do but am not choosing to do.
February 07, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
There are so many things in my life to do. I want to use this time to become more centered and focused on my future and what I want to do with it... while living in the present moment. The first thing to do... detach from the news media, learn to not need it as a way to be connected to my world. I need to find a better place to live. Talk with some entertainment lawyers about protecting some ideas I have. Find someone to do what will be needed next with the truck after the engine and those types of parts are replaced. The guy I have can be trusted completely, he does not know anyone to trust concerning what he cannot do and the ability to find someone to trust auto related well, most people know how difficult that can be. A new bio needs to be written and printed... oy vey, yet again? Mo's birthday is coming up... creating an annual birthday card for him is a personal big deal for myself, filled with total love. Always, there is lots of organizing, filing taking inventory and backing up to be done both personally and with the Traveling Piano.
February 06, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
It happened. The Traveling Piano truck is now in the shop for a new engine, carburetor adjustment, clutch, hopefully not a new transmission, new hoses, wiring and everything else. A new chapter is beginning for the Traveling Piano. As soon as that gets done, a paint job and new lettering will be needed as well as a dashboard window, doors, rear, sideview mirror pieces and more. It is going to cost over twelve grand when all is said and done and I am going to need to raise that funding. It must be done if I am going to continue and what would I do otherwise? It needs to get refurbished to be presentable for whatever is to come concerning my future wether it be pimping it out for performance, or performing myself or connecting with a commercial entity or just being able to do basic travel with what we have been doing. I need to make enough money to get out of the pit I am living in by June. I feel numb, really. Although, I've been around the block with just about all of this before. God, I thought I'd be dead by this point of my life! Lol...
February 05, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
Oh my God our last day with the truck for at least a month! We drove to the Valley of Fire both Mo and my happy place. We went strolling in the landscape, I meditated while laying on a rock for forty minutes and then we headed to elephant rock to get a photo. Climbing over and up the rock mountain to get to where the view was best felt poignant in many ways but not pathetic. Fumbling and huffing and puffing both of us... we made our way with not too much strength. There was one spot where Mo made it clear he thought it would be too hard to climb so he backed off and I took his lead for a different direction. As we went in a new direction to the top, a woman walking back yelled, "are you looking for elephant rock" in wanting to be helpful.
I said yes but the way we we're going provided a better view. She followed us and it felt meant to be so that someone could take a photo for us. Before leaving the park I played some music at sunset where a few people drove by stunned as the situation was so beautiful and surreal with the music, the piano, Mo, etc... lol. Then my most favorite thing happened. Strangers getting onto the piano together for an experience of a life time. Represented: Ukraine, Israel, Austin, TX and Las Vegas, Nevada. Connecting with people of all ages, from all walks of life, from around the world and bringing them together... what a gift of joy!
February 04, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
The weather is beginning to really become perfect in every way. The next four months will be so very nice and then the hell fire of heat will arrive once more. I took Mo to our favorite park in North Las Vegas to create some music, walk in some grass, around a few ponds and just enjoy nature. There we're many families there. It fills me with love to see parents taking their kids to a park, being together and with neighbors to play, relax and manifest the idea of family and community. I have a little "in" with the park system from last month after meeting the head of the public art department for the country. I have visualized many times over the years being contracted to meander in this park (its huge) with the Traveling Piano. If I was going to go back to working, this park offers a perfect environment for the Traveling Piano to present itself in the best of ways.
February 03, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
It was the First Friday event in town tonight. I never take the Traveling Piano to it as I do not want people to think I am hired for the event or there as a street performer to entertain or perform. But... I will not have the truck as of Monday for who knows how long I will be without in getting a new engine and other parts. Damm, now the weather is good and I won't have the truck! But, it needs to get done right now. So I have been taking it out as much as possible. Mo and I had fun on the street a block away from where we live. I played outside the crystal shop that supported us for the Christmas fundraiser. We met allot of people but what stood out most was a group of young kids, clean and smart, happy and interested... the high energy of being around that, the "newness" of transition from teenager to adult in a healthy maturing way is irresistibly appealing and totally full of the best that life can offer. I want to live in that feeling.
February 02, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
I took Mo to the vet today. It had to be done before the truck goes in for repair because his limping is getting really bad. He has a fatty deposit (several on his body) from age but it seems to be directly at the joint. It does not seem to hurt but does hinder his ability to walk and is getting serious. There is nothing that can be done about it. If it is cancerous, at his age an operation would not help anything and could do him in immediately. The same with removing it. So... as we go, day by day... living in the moment with as much joy as possible, preparing for the inevitable but not getting lost in that. His 13th birthday is coming up in a few weeks. Whew, this will be... Mo has been the greatest gift for my life to date, an extension of Traveling Piano Dog Boner, letting him go emotionally will be the biggest challenge of my life. I tell myself, he could gimp and around for a year or more. I'll carry him around if he cannot walk but is healthy otherwise, etc...
February 01, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada
My friend Larry who passed many years ago now, comes to mind often. He went through so many difficult events in life including war, testicular cancer, (yet he was still on the rooftop putting up Christmas lights that year), he wore a battery on the side of his pants that was recharged nightly to pump his heart. Yet, in his 70's and 80's he went into training to become a school bus driver and got his certification. He began guitar lessons so he could create music with the granddaughter he thought he would never have. He found his wife having been married since they were young adults suddenly dead on the stairs of their house in their golden years... it just went on an on. Some would say, "he just would not die." But here is the truth. He would not give up on life. My friend just kept going, going, going with gratitude and appreciation and as a result had life experiences he would never have dreamed of. He was a life mentor for me through example. While everyone was telling me not to drive the Traveling Piano truck down to the south of Mexico, Larry said its a good truck it will make it, do it and so it happened with his encouragement. He knew and had experience with trucks. As I have my own personal difficulties in life I thrive from so many people having said, "Danny, just keep going." Life itself is a positive and sometimes it takes a "fake it until you make it" mentality to find the truth of that.