Raggin' Piano Boogie


HIS SPIRIT LIVES ON! ... BONER, THE PIANO DOG ... November 27, 1994 ... February 20, 2010

Use the links to the left to read a past Month or Year... and then there is always your Backspace to return to a past page.

HELP! A new Carburetor is needed. SpotFund: Long Live the Traveling Piano Spotfund Venmo: Dan Kean @TravelingPiano 2156399378 - Paypal Direct: Paypal - And of Course this Website Contribution Page. Contribute Or email me for snail mail.

July 31, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

It feels like I should be working more but I must remember it is only for a few months with the heat going. And, I am always working in one way or another. The truck is getting fried outside in the heat and sun and all the paint is not fading, its actually peeling off. I took the keyboard out. The speaker is getting fried as I have no room for it in my micro-studio room. Mo, we get out just a little bit each day. Neither of us can handle the heat very well. I am gaining weight as a result which of course is a huge downer in many ways. I've spent years writing about that on this website. It is important to remember that every time I pick up momentum with this journey I always make up for lost time three times over.

July 30, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

This dinosaur website and its structure has limits. For example, my video's must be posted on other social platforms and then embedded here. I know that is the norm these days but the Traveling Piano website, I have always wanted to be a self-contained entity. I do not want to be advertising and associated with other social platforms. The amount of people who see or find this website is very limited as a result but being a self-contained entity is more important for me. It is sort of like my work of art and I do not want to be pasting commercial advertising from others on it for viewership gain especially when there is no monetary advantage. Youtube, where these videos are being downloaded from is now beginning to become full of distracting advertising. If my videos hits ever get to that level on Utube, I will stop sharing them. Unless that is, big bucks happen from them, lol.

July 29, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Even with temperatures under a hundred degrees these days... I have not been taking the Traveling Piano out. In the high nineties or even in the nineties, I cannot handle it. The humidity feels good. My focus is beginning be put on my video collection. In all these years I've not organized, labeled, categorized over a thousand short takes while working with the Traveling Piano. It is time. Posted today is one of my all time favorites as it was in the beginning in 2007, Payson Arizona and full of synchronicity and spontaneity in an elementary school yard. Something like this would never happen today especially in Arizona and so I am full of gratitude for having had the experience.

July 28, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

There was rain tonight like I've never seen before here in Las Vegas. It is very rare to see rain as it is. They call this the monsoon season which has always been a joke to me as the most it has ever rained has been a spritz. There have been showers a few times a year, like two or three but that is it. As the temperature was in the nineties I could not help myself and had to go out and enjoy it. It took off all my clothes down to my shorts and ran around the parking lot. What a sight, an old fat man running around in his skivvies. A few neighbors opened their doors and I really don't care what they thought, it was wonderful. Water was running into the rooms even my my room on the second floor got soaking wet from water on the deck running in. I began to get cold so I put on a rain jacket I have and went out to Las Vegas Boulevard and down Main street in my shorts and flip flops. The strip was completely flooded a foot deep in spots and I thought about how they had just finished ripping up all the streets, sidewalks and palm tress to replaced them with drainage sewers, it took three years. Of course the drains we're not made wide enough and the trash blocked all the drainage. The lightening and thunder was strong and all around me as I screamed in joy, it was an awful lot of fun! A picture moment for sure but everyone else was hiding in their apartments and homes. Mo stayed home and hid in the bathroom.

July 27, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

July 26, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Money! It is amazing how financial needs shift in life. The gratitude for the stability of having the room Mo and I live in right now is beyond expression. Never, do I want to feel the financial insecurity of the past recent years. Living in the present moment while looking to the future is a real challenge in life. As the heat gets worse every summer, as my age creates limitations, as the worlds political landscape deteriorates, as the rent goes up in this pit I live in, the Traveling Piano is now 35 years old... we all know that reality needs to stay present... taking what I have and transitioning it into a better and more secure living situation is a major need. Having more financial resource seems to be absolutely necessary maybe, just having more resources period. Does everything have to manifest through money? Putting myself and my needs, desires, wants out into the world is the solution. Doing that takes finding ways, maybe new ways to stay interested in life and to avoid complacency at all costs. I ask myself, what would be fun? How can I generate more finance for my life through fun? Doing it the way young kids are doing it these days... ha, the energy for that kind of fun... I'd have to be sure the payoff is big, real big for the energy drain that would result.

July 25, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Music has not been happening these days and the lack of it lends to a thoughtless drifting away from the focus of Musical Fun, Friendship and Respect with Empowerment and Inspiration, and as well, the idea of strangers becoming less afraid of each other through spontaneity and synchronicity. The homeless community outreach is still going at a bare minimum, there has been no enjoyment of nature with the temperatures over a hundred degrees most always but, I need to remember this is only for a few months and until the summer is over. Getting out of Las Vegas at this time does not seem to be happening. So, it is a good time to practice strengthening my cognition. The result of long term Covid, my age, the worlds negative distractions has been interfering with what I want from life and creating confusion about what I want to give to life. That all can be a tool for honing in on what I will choose to be most important for life at this time and in the present moment. That would be first and foremost Mo while he is still with me. Our being together is everything.

July 24, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Sometimes it feels like this journey is going downhill and nearing the end. Then other times it feels like I am just in a lull as I have been many times in the past that there is more to do. When I come out of a period of what feels like "nothing" always, I make up for down time three times over. It is just the way life has always worked for me. Then I think, why "downhill", "nearing the end"? I can look at it as moving onward and up, looking at and feeling the manifestation of my life and journey in a positive direction, to watch it transition, look forward to wonder of the future no matter what it may look like in the present is really what is most important about life. To see what has been and to see it disintegrate, end, fall apart, stay the same, etc... is to hold onto the past and put importance into what is earthly. Earthly is good but it is not the "end" all of goodness and wonder. This I know.

July 23, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

I have been packing as I want to be ready for anything, to be able to leave here at a moments notice and it takes me longer and longer to pack and unpack everytime I go somewhere. So, I have managed three stages. I now have overnight short term needs packed... doubles like a shaver, tooth brush and other stuff in both my bathroom and in a packed bag. Then I am working on needs packed for long term like last year when I went cross country. There is short list of whatever is needed to take from my room like my spare computer, backup hardrives, etc... and I spent the day taking stuff to store in my friends Mary and Eric garage... like the spare piano and speaker. Thank God for them. In a week they will be leaving for over a month for vacation and I will miss the reassurance of them being here. Mo too, as he loves visiting them. And, they have a backyard pool which has been a great relief to be able to hang out in once or twice a week.

July 22, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Going into the desert to photograph scenery and explore these days... not. I am even afraid to go outside in this heat. Age definitely plays into it all. But then again, it was 120º outside today! Is that amazing or what. Those living on the streets, I pray for them. The Powerade in my refrigerator, I just keep saying, they can go out any day... I cannot do it everyday. An onther hundred dollars came in from a friend to purchase some more so that is really, really good. I just need to watch for when they are on sale and go get more. I can easily give out fifty a day in less than an hour. There are a lot of people on the streets. There have only been a handful of days that I've spent in nature this year. I've been posting the photos. Every day is a beautiful day. Saying that is something I want to remember to say. My friend Mary does it. Staying in gratitude. When I wake up I still try to remember and say... Musical Fun, Friendship and Respect... Empowerment and Inspiration and then begin thinking about everything I am grateful for and saying it... the bed, the toilet, the room, Mo of course, etc...

July 21, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

I know I have been redundant with these blog entries in recent weeks. They reflect how confusing my life actually is I suppose. Mediating is my saving grace when I can do it. It has always been a dilemma how to move forward and what to do. I was thinking while walking in a local mall with Mo to escape the heat about pitching a Traveling Piano fundraiser inside the mall. It would not be easy to accomplish especially with the truck looking so beat up. In todays world, the legalities and insurance would probably come into play and just kill the idea out right as far as sharing the piano seat. Maybe not. I could always rope off the truck area and just create music myself. I'd have to leave it there and have no transportation for a month. I could sell my photographs and pitch getting it restored to the media with a hope of exposure for a contributor... or a few. There are many great ideas... none of them are new... I've ruminated for years on just about every idea possible. What do they say, something about ideas are a dime a dozen? It is time to be as realistic as possible... really?

July 20, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Negotiating Life... accepting what I cannot change, moving forward in ways possible, the wisdom to know what is what. With the temperatures 115º where I am, being super careful well, there is no choice. I almost left Mo inside while I went out to share Poweraids on the street. Then, it felt ok... the air conditioning is on in the truck with the windows open while we drive around. He has yet to ever be left alone in the room and he is 12.5 years old. Some people are delirious in the heat. One woman... "why are you so kind, I really appreciate it." An alcoholic looking in a trash can for empty soda cans... "thank you so much, do you want an alcohol?" That... from an alcoholic is true appreciation. Another guy hanging over a city trash can. I said, "drink this while its cold." As I was walking away I heard the Poweraid hit bottom of the trash can unopened. Ouch, that hurt. There was no way to retrieve it and he was to out of it to realize what it was.

July 19, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Wow, will we make it for the next two and a half months over constant over a hundred degrees both day and night? It was easier five years ago for both of us. I'm thinking I can go into a mall with Mo to give him his exercise but I'm even afraid to drive the truck in the heat. In any case I've been packing. I have three levels... overnight... long trip... and then just everyday living in this micro space I rent. It takes so long to pack and unpack once its done, I shouldn't have to ever do it again. Ha! We shall see but, I want to be ready to leave here in a moments notice should the need or opportunity arise. Also, the piano needs repair. It lasted cross country and back and through a lot of heat especially in Uvalde, Texas. There is insurance on it, I've already spent two days working through that hell. Doing business in the world just keeps getting worse and worse... as an old man. Young people grow up with it and do not know how good it used to be... at one time long ago. Wow, do I ever sound old with my talk!

July 18, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

There is not much to write about these days. I'm going to try to go into malls to walk Mo, it is too hot outside. The truck is frying in the sun and I just don't have it in me to go out and put the sun cover on and take it off everyday. That helps a little but not enough to make it worthwhile to do anymore. The energy is not there. Using the truck to give out Powerade drinks to homeless people on the streets is really pushing its capacity, I broke a head gasket over the heat two years ago. No piano music these days, it is too hot... need to set something up in my room to keep the music going just for myself if nothing else. Took the piano out of the truck to get repaired, luckily I have insurance although it was three days of hell to get the company to follow through. I would have seriously burned myself if I had not used a towel to hold it while getting it out. The speaker, the electrical wiring and elements sitting under the tarp in more than 120º everyday... luckily, I have a backup speaker. The world weighs heavy on my mind. Many people are just turning off to what is happening with politics, the environment, disease, famine and inflation world wide... I would like to but just cannot turn a blind eye. I am trying to navigate through it all for the betterment of the world as a whole. Although, I have not been online very much at all to post, comment and simply socialize.

July 17, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

With the heat, brief Traveling Piano encounters are still happening. A spark of interest happens, could be about anything and that transfers into a musical experience. When I take the tarp off the truck it almost feels like cardboard. In past years I would cover the truck when not in use with a sun shield. Sad to say, I just don't have it in me to be putting in on and taking it off every day as I used to. As a result the tarp is getting fried. As far as the truck paint job and the sun... lol, it cannot get worse than it is. The equipment, some of the piano keys are dead and the speaker is sounding like tin but that might improve when the temperature goes down? It has been at least 110 degrees every day. Mo's ok... the pads of his feet getting too hot when walking on the cement or asphalt trumps any breathing or body heat issues. So we are careful... very careful.

July 16, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

I am not out to get kudos today but I do want to share this particular day with joy. Quite the accomplishment and in fact my biggest, most important and revered accomplishment in this lifetime... that of marking today as clean and sober for forty years. I collect a bronze "chip" every year, that is the photo posted. Oh my God! No alcohol, drugs, pot yikes... forty years!!!! I could easily go out right now and "use." The better, bigger and longer that my life gets, the more precarious it gets in many ways concerning alcoholism, drug addiction, wanting relief and just wanting to hide. Staying on track means staying conscious and vigilant all the time. I take nothing for granted. Practically everything good that I have accomplished in life has come from putting down the drink, drugs and pot. The result has been for the world to see.

I have been living beyond my wildest of dreams through a disease called alcoholism with drug addiction, pot is also in with that mix. I have not been alone in "recovering" from dis-ease. I have stayed connected to life with 40 years of Twelve Step program along with 25 years of psychotherapy, 17 years each of two different group therapies, a Course in Miracles, the Secret and many other spiritual and religious paths in service for the world... I am not a special person as many would label me. I just work damm hard at staying sane because I am too much of a coward to "off" myself. Living with Danny Kean's insanity is not pretty. If I "picked up" you would never see that insanity as I would be dead from "using" in no time at all. The "Grace of God," that of my own personal understanding explains all of my ability, tenacity, desire, passion and love. Whoo Hoo!!!! Jesus Christ, look at what I have done! Lol, he's up there somewhere, in there, out there, in here saying, "Danny, just keep on going!"

July 15, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

This has been happening... the photos... other than that... there has been little desire to connect with people online, little desire to post online and I have the feeling I am not the only one. Although, I have been sinking into my own world and realize there are a lot of worlds out there. It would be very easy to think that my world is everyone else's world too. Not. How I can contribute to the world is on my mind often, how to stay interested in contributing. The lack of creating music because of the heat is not good. I've been thinking about how to set the piano up in my bathroom so I can play. There is not room anywhere else. I can put it on my bed and play standing up as I did through the covid period but I can no longer stand and play like I used to.

July 14, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

While handing out Powerade on the streets the other day the thought entered my mind, "I wonder what Miles is up to, I want to give him a call." Miles was a neighbor who had gone out to the streets with Mo and I several times, he moved away last year. We are very different in thoughts when it comes to politics and religion but we share the same core truth of spirit and have been able to connect on that basic level. While my thought was happening, unknowingly to me, Miles was returning to Las Vegas after six months on the road with his work while also thinking about me. He called this morning and asked if I was still doing the same work. I said yes and he said he wanted to connect. He came over and gave me $500 cash saying he felt a desire to bless me. I thanked him, we hugged and I thought, "that is how it works." People say, how do you do it? This is how. Through random contributions of service, contribution and respect. So, I acknowledge, have gratitude and share all spiritual miracles such as this. You may call it luck, coincidence or many other things but the common denominator is clear. It happens through love, appreciation and acceptance.

July 13, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Well, unfortunately I no longer trust GoFundMe. The websites financial banking transferal partner has changed and the system will no longer handle my banking with the same account I have used for years. I had to figure out the problem on my own. GoFundMe refuses to be transparent about it. They do not want to be transparent concerning new limitations that cannot adjust to older accounts. The back and forth game with representatives who have little comprehension skill and the eventually ignored emails have been played out by design to get the customer to just give up and close the account. Again, the process is all by design. Customer service is a zero. Everytime an email is exchanged it is with someone new. They have no history of the past correspondence. There is no phone support, a convenient way to escape accountability. Now a big bureaucracy with multi-million dollar accounts, GoFundMe could not care less about fundraisers like mine. There is no choice but to allow GoFundMe to screw me out of $260 already contributed.

There are many complaints I have had with this fundraising platform. It has contributed to two different fundraisers of mine in the past that created gratitude, loyalty, appreciation, tolerance and patience. GoFundMe has now destroyed all the positive good will it created. The website is not user friendly and becomes more controlling and manipulative as time goes on. With tremendous anger I will get satisfaction from the troubles and the financial worth of contribution GoFundMe has cost me. Others online, in person and in interviews will be warned "beware" until I feel satisfaction for myself. I've lost sleep over the past month in trying to find ways cooperate with GoFundMe. What bothers me most is that I was put through a worthless hell which was unnecessary and directly because of a lack of straightforwardness. Even representatives have not known from the start that this problem would lead to a dead end. They have all been exhausting.

The only training representatives receive is the same help links the account holders see. None of GoFundMe directions are direct. I've gone back and forth at least twenty times with different service representatives, uploaded my bank statements and a signed bank letter multiple times as requested. It is difficult to allow a company to get away with something like this. And, the money from contributors, they will hold until October four months from now or until I close the account! Lets hope it is returned to them. GoFundMe now is nothing more than just another online platform that began with good intent and is now consumed with self-centered greed. Their is a lot of money being made by GoFundMe for its oligarchs and it is all about business. Thanks for all your support. Onward with the Traveling Piano's Musical Fun, Friendship and Respect in new, different and better ways.

July 12, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

I went to get my second booster shot today for COVID. The cases are rising again. Not many people care except for those like myself who have been through it twice. The second time, I am sure the first booster helped keep me alive or at least out of the hospital. I know first hand the danger... I have had long term both times with serious physical complications. I'll do whatever I can no matter how little if it may help. Going in the hospital for any reason is not something on the table for me. While at the vaccination place I ran into Jose a young guy who I run into somewhere at least once a year. He is unique as I rarely run into anyone over and over and in fact he is probably the only person. We met in Red Rock with the Traveling Piano about five years ago. Clouds rolled in. So with the lack of direct sun heat and with Jose helping with the vaccinations it became a Traveling Piano moment for the volunteers and families coming in for their shots, children included. The temperature was about a hundred and six degrees but doable for a short while without the sun.

July 11, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Today I found a photo of Mo sharing his spot on top of the piano with a chicken while in Uvalde TX after the gun slaughter there last month. LOL We have been handing out about 30 Powerades every day to people living on the streets. There is little need to travel far and easy to find 30 people in a ten block area literally dying on the sidewalks. Everyone needs to know they are loved, especially when dying. Does the use of the word "dying" sound like I am exaggerating? Feel free to come out with us and see for yourself. People I have known for a few years, I am watching their bodies wasting away. When it is a hundred and twenty degrees and you are outside in it 24/7 your body also becomes extremely dirty. That just leads to open infections that makes everything worse. Most of the people we come across are mentally ill or drug addicts as they are the ones who cannot find the where-with-all to get to a better place or find the resources they need. I thought today, what I can do is so little but anything is better than nothing. We all need to be showing love to each other more than ever and right now.

July 10, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Today, I finished processing the last of photos for 2021. Now, I need to tag and upload them to this website and possibly create even another gallery. Last year was a banner Traveling Piano year from the cross country and back tour. Mo and I did two years worth of work in one. We certainly make up for the COVID year! How that was all paid for is just miraculous and the same goes for the truck with only two major repairs while on the road. Hell, last month to Uvalde, TX and back was a major accomplishment for the truck with only one breakdown. That was well over 2500 miles of travel and then there was Sacramento, CA the month before that! Anyway, thousands of photos from last year, I am so thankful that I have a timeline and log of everything especially as my mind forgets more quickly from age and just being so overwhelmed with life on every level, our world with what has been going on. My birthday was great because I decided to share it with everyone online more than usual. Everyone needs to feel as much goodness as possible right now and with every opportunity.

July 9, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

My friends Eric and Mary for my birthday today took Mo and I to Boulder City Nevada an hour from Las Vegas for lunch and we looked at a bunch of wild goats that come down from the mountains every day to lay in the shade of trees in a nearby park. I was feeling a bit cranky with the heat and also grateful for friends in my life. I have been obsessed with having a sour, tart cherry pie that holds memories of childhood and that I found back east last year on my birthday. My niece Heather sent me one through the mail and then a monthly contributor to this journey sent me two from where he lives the tart cherry capitol of the world in Traverse City, Michigan. Three cherry pies for my birthday, that makes the day for sure!

July 8, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

It is amazing that tomorrow will be my 67th Birthday and I am really looking forward to it. The feeling is somewhat surreal when I try and feel the reality that I have been on this earth for 67 years with all that has happened. It is almost as surreal as my living in the year 2022. Through each decade I think about the time past and the future. Will I be alive in the year 2025? I can't even imagine the year 2025. Then again, I never thought I would live past the age of thirty. I am so thankful I can love the world. I can love the world because I am thankful!

July 7, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

GoFundMe is torturing me. They changed their banking partner which does not have the parameters to transfer contribution payments to my banking as has always been. My banking is not conventional as it goes through my friends brokerage firm. They have $260 dollars of mine in contribution and want me to prove the account is mine after all this time while really without being transparent about wanting me to just shut down my account and take the $260 loss because it is easier for them. I have given them what they ask for three times now and they just keep coming back with I need to prove I am the account holder. I have been back and forth now twenty times, no exaggeration with service representatives that have practically no comprehension skills and cannot operate outside the box they have been given to work with. They have the same resources I have and that is it. There is no phone support so that is how they have the upper hand. Over the past month of wading through pure shit, I figured out what is going on. Once I give up wow which will be soon, am I going to slam this company throughout the internet to make my hassle worth what I have been through. I've been removing all Traveling Piano fundraising links that I have posted over the years. I am so angry about the waste of time they have been creating and of course the money they have cost me.

July 6, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

I have not played the piano myself in a while nor have I shared the Traveling Piano on the streets. It is too hot outside. Inside, I can barely get anything done in this small room, there is no physical energy. It is interesting that when I am working with the Traveling Piano just about all the energy both mental and physical needed is present. I think habit and being in an automatic "zone" that I throw myself into has something to do with it. Literally, I can do one or two physical tasks like cooking a meal and putting an object somewhere and I am done. Working on my computer and online I can do forever. Again, I think it is about the "zone" a fall into. Lol, with actual Traveling Piano work I must "throw" myself into the zone. With computer work I sort of "fall" into the zone. While my life presently plays out I need to be careful not to fall into the anger zone. When I am unhappy about how little I am accomplishing I tend to act out through whatever is going on in the world outside of myself that I do not like.

July 5, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Mo and I are in challenge mode. The most positive thing about right now is that the trucks air-conditioning works if we need to go out. It only cools to about ninety degrees but that is so much better than a hundred and ten with the windows open and the dry wind. I have a keyboard in my room with a stand and piano bench that I plan to set up in the tub because thats the only space to do it in order to create music for myself and practice some, lol. We get exercise for ten minutes at a time when we go outside to share some almost frozen poweraids with people walking the streets. Cleaning my little space is absolutely physically exhausting which I realize is crazy but it is what it is. Each day something gets done like changing the bed sheets... that can take a good forty five minutes and wears me out. It is what it is. When I need quick bread crumbs I take some bread and place it on the truck dashboard by the window and in an hour... bread crumbs!

July 4, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Mo and I went over to our friends house for a few hours today to enjoy the pool and Mo likes to hangout inside because it is cooler with the air-conditioning. There is also room for him to walk around and in and out to check on me every once in awhile. At home, there is no room to move around in our micro home. I was going to get some food but the supermarkets are closed for the 4th of July, I do not remember it being that way in the past. The amount of fireworks going on around this time of year are about 15% of what has always been. That is probably a good thing for many reasons. With the dry heat people are very fire conscious these days and also with the rising cost for living in all ways... of course the rich have no worries with anything. Even though the fireworks were few, Mo becomes more sensitive as he gets older just as Bo did. He would not even sleep on the bed with me, I think that is a first, ever... preferring the floor as far away from the door or window as possible.

July 3, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Today was a GoFundMe day of hell. Well, I have been in GoFundMe hell for over a month now! They are withholding $260 worth of contributions as a result in a system change requiring proof of what they already have and no more proof than that possible. When GoFundMe began I had hoped through time the website would become more user friendly and the customer support as in representatives with comprehension skills and training would improve. Instead, both have become worse and also, GoFundMe on the whole more self-serving, manipulative and controlling. I have had five fundraisers on GoFundMe since it began. Never, ever again! They keep changing the system and leave it to the account owners to figure out what goes wrong, what is needed and there is zero accountability. They have no phone support with a just a plain "stupid" staff on the most basic level to go back and forth with fifty times.

GoFundMe has always been a pain in the ass and finally as they say... the straw that broke the camels back has come to pass. Yep. I have lost all patience, tolerance and respect for the company. I am willing now to have them return the contributions (I notified everyone) and will make the loss worth while through warning others online... GoFundMe is now nothing more than another bureaucratic self-profiting billion dollar money making machine using mostly the worlds tragedies and the sadness of people to profit from. When I become totally enraged I'll tell you what I turn to. Meditation, processing some Traveling Piano nature photos and remembering my purpose, the mission for example the photos posted today from Uvalde, TX last month after the gun slaughter of innocence there. That works!

July 2, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Whew! It is over a hundred degrees, everyday and night now. I chanced driving the truck with air-conditioning to my friends Eric and Mary, spent some time in their pool which felt so very good and went to the store to purchase three hundred Poweraides to take out to the streets for people. A friend was supposed to help me carry the twenty cases up to my room to store lol, like store where in the room, there is no room? He ended up asking me to come to his house, I could tell he was having trouble. His older neighbor was there who just lost his wife two days ago and once I got there I met the neighbor, he was like I don't need this shit and left as... my friend was drunk and passed out. I rallied up his friends and family via phone (he is an alcoholic, "was" in recovery) and then left as soon as he woke up. I thought, some people say about drunks, "I liked you better when you were drinking" and that would not apply to this guy! I got back to my place and carried all twenty cases up to my room by myself. This was something I did not think I would be capable of doing with the heat, my back, my "seeming" lack of physical strength, age, etc... well, it is amazing what one can do when there is no other choice. I could have left it all in the truck but I was not going to chance frying and melting it all in the sun tomorrow morning under the black tarp and in the heat throughout the night. People donated the money for all that Poweraides and people are literally dying on the streets who will appreciate it and need it all very much! I could not let it all go bad.

July 1, 2022

Las Vegas, Nevada

Life would be easier if I did not see people suffering but it cannot be ignored as I live in it all. Those dragging along the streets ready to pass out, laying on the sidewalks, etc... something must be done! Do you want to help? The temperatures are over a hundred degrees both day and night and it is just terrible. Poweraids are on sale almost 50% off the 32oz size. A cold Poweraide can change a persons life and even save a life. I know, I have seen it happen. I've been giving them out for years. While just purchasing a case a guy in the store recognized me from two years ago and almost began to cry, seriously. "Where have you been he said?" $25 bucks is two cases that is 30 Poweraids. I put them in the freezer and fridge and take out a few at a time. You can send a donation: Paypal me direct: Paypal Direct or here on this website: Contribution Link And Venmo: @travelingpiano - 215 639 9378 or email me for another way.