Raggin' Piano Boogie


HIS SPIRIT LIVES ON! ... BONER, THE PIANO DOG ... November 27, 1994 ... February 20, 2010

Use the links to the left to read a past Month or Year... and then there is always your Backspace to return to a past page.

HELP! A new Carburetor is needed. SpotFund: Long Live the Traveling Piano Spotfund Venmo: Dan Kean @TravelingPiano 2156399378 - Paypal Direct: Paypal - And of Course this Website Contribution Page. Contribute Or email me for snail mail.

January 31, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

Mo and I got loaded up with supplies from friends today. I created music on the street corner until I became completely exhausted and had to go back to my room. The original plan was to hit the streets all day with music, bags of snacks and chips, socks and blankets, cases of water and miscellaneous warm clothing. That will all have to wait until tomorrow. I can't tell whether the exhaustion is because of my age, the lack of stamina because I've not been as active, or depression about the pandemic, or this infection I've been dealing with. Maybe it is a mixture of all three. In any case, there is a calmness about it all from an unexplained source from within. Maybe its faith and trust?

January 30, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

I need to keep it easy, I'm still very sick with an infection so today was all about just hanging out but... the temperature, the sun, the air was just so delicious I had to get out in it. Mo and I walked around town avoiding people as much as possible "jonesin" to be working the street with the Traveling Piano like in the old days. So we walked around hating this and that, loving this and that, feeling indifferent to this and that but most importantly just enjoying the weather. I'll look forward to getting some energy back to take a good long hike into the desert before the heat arrives and enough energy to create music. I wonder how much people realize that creating music can be physically exhausting. Where I live, when this pandemic is over is ready to be a hot spot draw for people equaling the strip itself. Where I will fit into it all and how and if... is still to unfold. I do know I have no interest in being a curiosity or a novelty. The serious desire for musical fun, friendship and respect with purpose that the Traveling Piano shares with the world... equal reciprocation will be necessary.

January 29, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

My friend Eric helped me with the Art Gallery Photos today and then Mo and I hung out with his wife Mary and sister Barbara. I may have said this before, it has been a long time since having friends to hang out with! It is an awesome feeling. I was thinking how almost unreal it is to be living in the year 2021 while also knowing I am sixty five years old and how fast the rest of my life is going to go. In no time at all I will be gone! It being the end of January another almost unbelievable feat... I was thinking about January 2009 when Traveling Piano pup Boner and I went to President Obama's Inauguration in Washington DC and the Traveling Piano was used up and down the streets to give people rides in the back while they create music! Fun times.

January 28, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

We missed most of the desert snow again but, each passing moment has its own special visual gift. I actually waited I think for the first time ever to get a photograph with the best lighting from the sun on still wet rock from snow in Red Rock Canyon today just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. We did practically no walking as we both have been under the weather but we did get out into some nature. Any people around were getting on my nerves. Especially those flying their drones. They are completely intrusive as they fly over your head filming you and the noise is anything but peaceful and serene with irritating buzzing sounds in and out, up and down, around and around. So... with all the crap going on in life politically, my health, Mo's aging very fast, not being able to be out and about with the Traveling Piano because of the virus, etc... at the same time I do not think I have ever felt more grateful in life. It is kind of crazy. But... I have a feeling of security with a home (small as it is) and food and basic needs... being able to pay the bills, Mo in my life, I have friends, people who love me, potential, purpose in life if I so choose... my life has been full... and onward we go.


January 27, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

I went to the specialist today about my infection. It was getting really bad again. Last night I knew something was really off kilter as my brain was super chaotic and the pain in trying to urinate was awful. My appointment with the doctor was not for another two weeks so I choose to see the physician assistant immediately. I learned that a physician assistant is very different from a nurse practitioner. The guy explained clearly what he is about and why he choose his profession verses a full doctor. All these medical terms and ways, I've never been in this modern day medical system to know how it all works now. Anyway he put me on another antibiotic and diagnosed me as having an acute a migraine cluster prostate infection that went into my urinary track or something like all that. As soon as I began the first medication he prescribed I began to feel better. There may have been some psychosomatic relief involved. Mo tossed his entire days food on the truck seat later on, I think he was sucking in some of my angst? Then again on the bed at night, luckily on my top sheet so it did not sink through. It is winter cold right now and three cartons of blankets are in the Traveling Piano truck bed along with food and water that I had planned to give out today. It all had to get out to people immediately so I did that for a few hours after all the other crap of the day. Half the truck load was distributed and I felt good about that.

January 26, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

We are having a week of winter here in Las Vegas and the mountains surrounding the city are covered with snow. The last time this happened was in 2018 and I missed it all. The same thing is happening now! I am missing it all. This picture is from inside of Las Vegas looking out. There is a lot of beautiful photography I could be collecting but I just cannot get the where-with-all to do get going. Today was sort of a lost day. I did go out onto the streets for a short time to give out resources for those living on the streets, but the rest of the day I cannot remember. Also, I need to keep away from the news. We all just got through the trump period and now is the time to rest and regroup for what will come next. And then there is covid. Part of me wants to pursue getting vaccinated and another part of me says wait.

January 25, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

It is snowing in Las Vegas! In outlying areas it is laying, not here on the strip tho. A little bit of winter and I am loving it. And, God knows we need the rain. It will only be for a few days. I want to get up early enough to go out in the cold and snow. In a few months it will be a hundred twenty degrees again. I took the truck to the repair shop and luckily they were able to repair it without wait and it only cost $50 bucks. Thank God for that. But just with the truck itself... that took the day away from me in doing anything else emotionally. It feels like I need to find a specific direction to take with what I want to do while I continue doing everything I've been doing. Also, I still have health issues going on. It is what it is. Once I get going with the music... everything falls into place, that is what I want to be doing in the moment. Same with helping the homeless, and really... everything else. Ugh! Tonight, I walked the streets and gave my coat to someone. Did I do it because I am a wonderful person? LOL, no. I did it because it feels so fucking good to do! Try it. Not only will it help keep the guy warm, it has two years of my loving energy in it and I told him that. I still have three coats. I also gave away a sweatshirt, a pair of gloves and the last three knitted hats I had. Giving one on one is so much better than giving it to an institutional organization to pass out. Today's photo is from Chinatown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 2008 with Traveling Piano Dog Boner.

January 24, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

I had gone to this non-profit place that has an outdoor food cookout for families in need on the third Sunday of every month. There was no one there, this four the fourth time. But, I did pick up some bread to hand out onto the streets from a nearby food distribution place. Then we drove to our Sunday commitment on Main Street to pick up some supplies. I really enjoyed playing music there. It was sunny and cool out. I so much want to capitalize on people being out and about. There are not many but still... and I really miss the one-on-one personal interactions on the piano. Afterwards, Mo and I went to have dinner with friends and visit with their dogs. These are the only people I will socialize with during the pandemic. It feels like I must have someone and we are all taking responsibility for ourselves and have been tested. On the way home something broke under the truck engine and even though the truck sounded like a freight truck I got back to my place in one piece. The picture today is a blast from the past, 12 years ago with Traveling Piano Dog Boner in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania.

January 23, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

Mo and I got back on the horse so to speak today. We created music and distributed resources to those living on the streets in four different spots. It has been a few weeks since we have been out. As I wrote below I've been really sick. That is still being resolved, but I had enough energy to get into the truck bed today. It was very difficult to do that the last time I was out. The first spot was two blocks away from where I live. I saw a tent set up on the sidewalk, it was someone getting ready to open a pastry shop and having a fundraiser selling her product pre-opening. So of course I created some music in support. Posting pictures of the Traveling Piano's going's on has been a major part of this blog for me through the years, a major part of the fun. But now, just posting pictures of myself is boring. Posting pictures of homeless people and the goodies I share from the truck really gets old after awhile. I am not out in nature and the natural environments are the same all the time as I am not traveling as I once did so anything I post is not as interesting as in the past. Oh well, I suppose it is repeat time with images, remembering the past. I prided myself up until this pandemic with never having had a repeat image on this site. That... is impressive, eh? It felt good to get out and about today. Live music on the streets is healthy, healing and just fun.

January 22, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

Today, I ran a bunch of errands. I'm feeling financially ok, wow... did I just write that? It has been many years since... During the days, I go through periods of panic mode concerning the virus. I miss the normalcy of using the Traveling Piano for its musical Fun, Friendship and Respect, the interactions with people. The work with the homeless, those living on the streets, I need a long break from that but plan to go back to it tomorrow. There are people who contribute monthly via this website so I feel an obligation... ahh, I can feel myself falling back into the "system." It is very strange. For example, for ten years I dealt with only one debit card in my wallet and that was it. Now my wallet has at least eight different cards in it. No credit cards, I'll never partake in that banking scam again. I paid off hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt over the years, sometimes sixty grand at a time. For ten years I lived without obligation or expectation concerning anyone. It was all self imposed. I have been loving where I live although it is not summer. I miss the people on the streets. Mo and I grow closer and closer, moment by moment. It feels like I have options in life but I do not know what they are. It is time to transition again?

January 21, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

In order to move forward I feel a need to stop, take an inventory, re-organize, etc... and besides, I really need to just rest. Been trying to get an urology specialist appointment. Maintenance reconditioned my air conditioner today and so that finally got me moving on cleaning my room which is a major task as the room is so small. It serves as my living room, bedroom, kitchen and storage room all at the same time. So its all about constantly shifting everything out of it space, cleaning it all, then putting it all back in, behind, under, on top, etc... At night I had a wonderful time in candlelight, with a clean and accomplished feeling with Mo by my side while I watched a movie. It was true escapism. This time period... wether the future gets worse or better it does not matter. Right now, I am feeling a huge relief with trump gone, like a huge monkey has been lifted from my back, the need to constantly stand guard, speak out, stay aware... just for today there is relief and dear Jesus, it has been so needed!

January 20, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

I went back to the hospital emergency room today for the 3rd time in less than two weeks over urinary issues. My antibiotics are done and the issue keeps shifting on a theme. They have taken a urine sample twice now and also blood twice, I have had an x-ray and a cat scan. They said they would create a culture to see if they can discover anything... I am being referred to a urologist. I do not want my life to begin getting wrapped up in doctors appointments, testings, etc... and of course I get to decide for myself as I am all on my own with this situation and I feel it. There are pluses and minuses to being on your own, same goes with having someone by your side. Mo has substituted for a human in my life. He was not only by my side he was on the hospital bed with me while I waited. I could not be more grateful for that being allowed. I really needed him with me. Of course it was extremely difficult for every single nurse and doctor in the place to ignore him. We both had to listen to some horrible screaming, crying, hacking, moaning and constant heaving from different people suffering for different reasons all around us... for five hours! It was a first for both of is. I missed the entire presidential inauguration through the process but caught up when I got home.

January 19, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

Seize the moment! I am happy, relieved and invigorated that Joe Biden is about to take over the Presidency of the United States. I Thank the God of my understanding. The first duty for a president is moral leadership. Administrative duties come second. I do not think most people realize this MAJOR fact. Joe Biden is a man who has had not only exemplified and proven his consistent moral character throughout life... he has hands on successful administrative experience with a willingness for team work more than anyone else at this time in history. This, he has already shown before taking office. Go Joe!

January 18, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

Mo and I spent a short time in the desert today for the first time in a very long while. Ahh... for the love of silence. We just sat a sunset and I turned off my mind. My mind is always working on how to stay interested in the music, the homeless, my health, the future, working with the Traveling Piano ... all while loving the present moment. Doing simple activities is a huge challenge. I'm not depressed or anything but I do go through periods of incredible angst.

January 17, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

I am feeling a little better each day but I need to just rest and take it easy for awhile. If not for the seriousness of how sick I was, guilt over not pushing myself to continue working or to get back to work right now would win out. This break is seriously needed.

January 16, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

Sometimes I am living in two states of mind at the same time. One being of clarity and organization, the other, total chaos. In the 275 square feet of space that I live in... (Do you know what that size looks like?) ... today shows the manifestation of both states at one time. To the left my bed area. And yes, that is a convection oven on one side and a refrigerator on the other and a real pumpkin alive and kicking still, since halloween... and to the right my kitchen, everything is a shambles right now including the toaster on tilt. Say a prayer I get the oomph to clean and straighten the kitchen area please. It has never been this disheveled... Ahhh..... I'm feeling better today, at night of course I go down hill a bit but I think I am on the mend. I really needed to stop. My body to me to do it or else. I'm allowed to do no work for a week, right?

January 15, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

When I was sick at the hospital the other day I had no issue except for the blood. When I got home thats when everything got worse. So, after yesterday and how I was feeling mid-noon today, my symptoms seemed very Covid. I went back to the emergency room as they told me to do if I was experiencing what I was experiencing. I had no fever. Figures... I guess my fear chased it away, lol. I did not think to ask them to take another urine sample but they did take blood and run some tests. And also, they did a COVID test. If I am positive they will call me tomorrow or one day in the future I suppose. It is a pain in the ass that we all have to be our own advocates now-a-days. How is a patient to know what to ask? Like, for the repeat urine test. Anyway, this is all so weird as I have not been to a hospital in 30 years and maybe four times in my entire life. I took Mo for a short walk. There are no chills, no fever, I still have a constant headache and I feel that people care which is huge. Of course Mo was with me the entire time. I do not think there was one nurse that passed by either day where I did not have to ask for them to ignore Mo. He was a champ. He has served me so well in life. I just need to remember that when he goes, it is ok, I will be ok. Then I need to remember, I may go first, we both may go together... it serves no purpose now not to live in the present moment and enjoy it.

January 14, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

I was very sick today and bedridden the entire day. Last night just got worse and worse, serious flue like symptoms. It could have been my mysterious groin issue. As far as the virus I do not know what to think as I was at the hospital for the blood issue, they did not test me for any virus. What came on last night did not exist when I was at the hospital. The chills, severe shaking and headache was constant even with six layers of blanket on. At four in the morning I looked up on the internet to see what meds I can take with the antibiotics and Ibuprofen was ok, so that helped a little. Onward...

January 13, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

This morning I woke up and Mo felt unusually comfortable by my side and I asked him, "why are you laying with me as you do when I'm sick, it feels good Mo." Then I went to take a pee and instead of urine it was a white cloud that smelled unusually strong and different. Then again ten minutes later, it was an orangish pink, then red, then clots of blood, then just a steady stream of dark red blood. I thought, "what if you have stage 13 cancer and you are going to die in four days?" Then I thought, "cool, I'm ok with that." My friend encouraged me to go to the hospital and I thought ugh, the last time I went for medical care about four years ago it was so abusive I became permanently scared. The doctor who delivered me as a baby in 1955 has been the only doctor in my life and still saw him in the basement office of his row home back east until he died in 2016. So... all these modern ways I am clueless to... and on purpose. I've never been to an emergency ward for myself. It all went smooth, just a few hours of waiting.

I found a spot to park close outside, there were only a few people waiting (luck) the intake people had a wonderful temperament, I had a lot personally in common with one of the girls. She gave me the name and address of her primary physician since I need one and most are scammy here in Vegas. I have people in my life to take care of everything should I become incapacitated. Mo was with me being a good boy the entire time. He laid in my lap in a recliner while I waited in a hallway. All that... was very reassuring that everything was ok no matter what. I closed my eyes to meditate while waiting and could feel myself, simply spirt/energy flowing freely through my body. Turns out I have a somewhat serious bladder infection. They gave me some serious antibiotics to get rid of it and said usually (with stress on that word) it does not get worse. Well, I suppose I will say I am glad I got all the health insurance needed to pay for everything. That happened in just the past year. For the last twenty years I had none and am glad I got away with that. Now I'm glad at this stage of life to have it. Everything happens in its right time. This I believe.

January 12, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

After all this time while out and about with the Traveling Piano, I am still amazed every time I see people on the streets cleaning up after themselves and for each other in order to keep their areas clean and organized. I am amazed because of an original indoctrination pounded into all of us that so many homeless people are nothing but dirty scum. The messaging is pushed by ingrates who live life without empathy or compassion for anything that does not personally serve themselves. You will never, ever hear about situations such as how much they clean the streets, or how the homeless contribute to society, watch out for business in the neighborhoods or call out troublemakers in neighborhoods homeless or not. You will never hear or see in media photos showing any of that from those who do nothing but complain and whine. The incessant propaganda machine for the war on homeless people, the clouding of the truth, pointing only to the negatives, the constant messaging of prejudice and demonization by corrupt government, neighborhood instigators and parrots for it all... must stop. I have have been living with the homeless and working as an individual with the homeless for the last five years full time along with the Traveling Piano's music. Today, I took a picture of some cleaning up by a group that stays with each other on one of the streets. I rarely take pictures out of respect because it feels personally exploitive. Where do they put the trash? Downtown where I live, they put it in one of the "eight" trash cans on every corner that are hardly ever used. Yes... eight! And there is no trash because community service slaves are used weekly to pick up any that there is.

In the disgusting areas where the city constantly tries to corral the homeless into... there are "zero" trash cans with a lot of spinning crap as to why. There are also no slaves that work in the area and limited trash pickup. But the bottom line, with all the trash on the streets in those areas, arguments for the propaganda machine can seem justified for the parrots, cows and sheep. The also try to justify the inhumane argument that people should not help the homeless with food because of the trash it creates. Everything they say is bullshit. I encourage everyone to go out and help a few people every week as an individual, especially those lost, those too tired to walk to a resource or those mentally ill who cannot access resources. Lastly, those hollow statements you often hear "of course we want them to get help" when they mean is "help" as long as it does not include them are fake people. "There are government agencies, institutions and non-profit corporations to handle it all." Obviously... they cannot handle it all and are in fact not handling it all. Every single individual can play a part no matter how small. Our communities and society at large needs all the help possible, in every way possible. Institutions are not the "only" answer. Go share a sandwich with a stranger on the street and help to create some validity and reassurance that they have worth as a human being. And for all the parrots, cows and chickens crowing, mooing and crackling all the time... ignore them. I'm beinging to post some photos here on the blog from the pre-pandemic era. Until now I have not repeated one photo on this blog! Today along with the homless street cleaning guy, are Traveling Piano photos from 2009.

January 11, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

We woke up 12:30 pm today after waking up around six times during the night. I felt rested and will be eternally grateful for being able to sleep as much as I need. Everything I am able to accomplish is possible solely because of this. It is why I have lived this long. Mo and I got going outside with our "loot" at about 2:30pm. When I have as much as I have to share on the streets, thinking "easy and steady" with it all, concerning passing everything out so the energy does not get chaotic is very important. I did not think I would have enough room in the back of the truck to play the piano but a lot of it went fast so there ended up being room. The cans of cookies purchased before Christmas... this is the perfect time to give them out, about two hundred cans maybe more. I've written recently about how beautiful it is for me to be able to trust that Mo loves me more than what I have to give him. He loves me in spirit totally. Today, I felt that from people on the streets. They love seeing me more than what I have to give them. This is a fact. One guy said, every time I see you I get excited. As I played music a lady just stood still, transfixed for a good twenty minutes with the most amazing full teeth grin the entire time.

Other people homeless, just stood and sat and listened to the music intently. I will never... never... take for granted any of that for a moment. It is as amazing experience on par with the relationship I have with both my dogs Mo and Bo now passed. Relationship, trust, joy, caring, peace, interest... thank you, thank you, thank you. A law enforcement guy came up to me asking for my business card. I told him that I am not in business and gave him my flyer. He could have genuinely been interested or sniffing around for trouble especially now with the looming trumpsucker violence in our mists for the next few weeks and also, the cities incessant negative propaganda about helping people who are on the streets homeless. Do I have to project what his motive was? Will it help anything? No. I just need to say alert and aware thats all. Meanwhile, every day I work with the Art Photos. The one's on this post for example. You can have them framed in plastic with backing, signed, etc... 25$ free S/H. I need to begin creating a resource to pay the rent and I want to spread these flowers throughout the world.

January 10, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

It was another super beautiful day today. In getting started this morning, the only reason I was able to was that I have a self made commitment to be at my usual Sunday spot for two or three hours to pickup any supplies people have for me to share with those living on the streets. And of course I wanted to create some music also. I don't know if I subconsciously set my life up, or God sets it up or maybe its a little of both but, I remember when Boner died my first dog and before Mo... I was on the road and staying with people I did not know and who did not know me. I had to keep going as I had no choice. I remember going to my first host house after he died with people who had no idea what he meant for me and our connection, what he meant for the Traveling Piano. I just had to keep going with what was. This morning it felt the same. br>

I had to keep going and do what I do because these commitments were set up and I could not let people down who might bring supplies. It is like I live in spite of myself sometimes. As it worked out people did bring supplies. I never know if it will happen and do not depend on it. I just show up. Todd brought water, Loretta brought cup cakes, gloves knitted hats and scarfs, Tom dropped off baseball socks, a lot of them. Then we went to my friends Mary, Barbara and Eric to pick up the rest of the tin cans of cookies purchased before Christmas. I was treated to pizza and they gave me fresh baked goodies to take home. I'm getting fat. It is a huge problem. We all just do the best that we can, eh? Mo loves these friends and the two little pups they have. It feels like family. They care for me and about me. I should say... the family I always wanted to have. So, by the time we got home I felt good about the day. Thank God.

January 09, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

Last night I Mo was using my pillow for his head to sleep while I used another pillow. He has found his way to the top of the bed and thats not good. When I turn over to the pillow I suck in Mo dander which I am allergic to. It can put me out of commission for a full day with a headache, feeling lethargic, etc... So that is what I will attribute today to. I got little done, it was difficult to function. That along with what is happening in the world is stressing me out. I've not meditated for the last two days. Why do I not just do what is good for me and stay consistent with it to save myself from the craziness of myself, others and the world? Oh well, its just one day at a time. I've been backing up my computer data, that takes forever as I need to be very careful not to delete anything. I was given a 5tb hardrive for Christmas and that is how much data I have in writing, videos, pictures, promo, etc... from fifteen years of journey. It is a lot for sure and now all the data is in one place verses my getting confused with what is where on what hardrive! I have a lot of hardrives.

January 08, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

First of all, it was a beautiful day out today. Acknowledging beautiful days is absolutely necessary. I'm still thinking about my friend Pavel who game me another free pizza from his shop yesterday. He's going to give me a free pizza once a month to take out for people living on the streets. My friend Eric dropped off a truck load of second hand stuff people from his church wanted to dump. There were two circular saws in it all, lol. Everything has worth... someone can take that to a pawnshop and get a few bucks for it. There were about twenty coats and thick pullovers, lots of women's clothes, some kids toys, shoes and sneaks... it all went in a matter of two hours. I took it to an homeless encampment and gave out stuff there. Some women I know were serving food there and they took the rest to another encampment. I saved some coats to store inside the piano for random people I come across through the week that are alone and who have lost their possessions because the city took them when they were not looking to dump in a trash can.

When the city dumps homeless people's clothes into a dumpster they make sure garbage goes in with it all. This renders the blankets and other resources useless or to make people suffer in having to use the disgusting and soiled supplies. Well now, another good thing about today... a client from twenty-five years ago back when I performed called me to re-book another gig! LOL, what a compliment. It happens several times a year as people keep my contact information and promo material to use at just the right time. Is that awesome or what. Being remembered throughout a life time with no ongoing contact or reminder that I still exist... it is just beautiful. It is her fathers 80th Birthday and with covid the Traveling Piano would have been perfect on the street in front of their house where everyone could gather outside with social distancing to sing Happy Birthday. I told her I moved away from the area fifteen years ago and have not been back east since 2015, now residing in Las Vegas, Nevada.

January 07, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

This has been a rant day. I have been letting people know online how angry and disappointed I am. History will rightly remember the sitting president donald trumps incitement of insurrection in American society. He has been a corrupt liar every step of the way supporting great dishonor and shame-full acts. Did you vote for a republican and/or trump? YOU... are to blame for what has happened today, the breach of the U.S. Capitol in a stunning assault on American democracy. You are a disgraceful human being and a traitor to you're nation through you're vote. Same goes for those lackeys who did not vote. It makes me laugh when I post a strong political comment and someone tries to identify and label my anger by attaching the word hate to it. This is a republican, trumpsucker tactic that has developed over the past few years, People have been talk to parrot it by watching FOX news who taught it to them. Now as usual, they just can't stop. And then, those who try to use my work with the Traveling Piano in association with my political views... as though I must personally be all polite and nice and nothing more because that is my work and especially seeing that I work solely from contribution. These kind of people want me to be one dimensional, lol. They are people who live life themselves trapped in a world where they watch everything they say and do to try and manipulate others for self-serving means with thoughts and actions. And by the way... 98% of those who have attempted to attack me through my work over the years have never contributed a dime to it. That... is a big "tell," One of the most mature acts in life for me has been to dump all the takers and minds, gaslit. This is the strongest statement I can make, the most helpful act all around is to detach. In the end, it has afforded me more time and energy for gratitude, appreciation and the manifestation of love for the world beyond my wildest of dreams!

I hope people realize that what happened yesterday in our Capitol was much worse than 9/11. Not only is there a genocide happening of the American people through trumps' virus denial and 100% republican support of it... what happened at the capitol... warped trumpsucking mind cannot realize that all those morons would have been slaughtered by machine gun if they had done a stunt like that in any authoritarian dictator, fascist regime such as in the Philippines, North Korea... they would have been machine gunned down in Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iran, Africa... and for the next week their dead bodies would be hung by the scalp out in public as an example for others to see in many of those countries. Is there anyone who doubts that fact, anyone? Although many of us have thoughts myself included, of wanting to see that happen to every single one of those morons yesterday, we cannot allow it. That is not who we are as a social democracy, we are better human beings than that. This is because our society is not dictated to by one person as trump would have it. Had trump been reelected, there would not have been anymore... We the People. Those that voted for trump and his republican cohorts, or did not vote at all are selfish liars to their own truth of spirit. The fucking president let this happen yesterday and gave them kudos!!! Shame on trump voting traitors to our social experiment of democracy and those simple minded assholes who have allowed themselves to become gaslit, who care so little about humanity and care only about those they can use in self-serving ways. Anyone who calls themselves a republican, anarchist, conspiracy theorist or anti-democrat had better get their fucking act together.

January 06, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

This is first and foremost a personal blog. If you notice there are no commercial tie-ins. Most commercial entities that link to blogs and websites would not want to link to this one. It is too straight forward and is not out to appease anyone. That has been my tradeoff through the years with my life style. No once can tell me what to do or how, and I don't have to care about what anyone thinks. When people talk about my being a "free spirit"... that... is the free part. It is not the pickup and go at any time random traveling without ties, obligations or expectations... none of that has been free spirited. All of that has been a tradeoff. I have many ties that bind with obligation and expectations. They are created for my by myself. I created music today out on Las Vegas Blvd on a block with about three hundred homeless tents on it and also handed out some stuff.

January 05, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

There is this blog, restructuring the website for the new year, the Traveling Piano Photo Art, creating music out on the street daily, giving out resources to people living on the street daily, a good walk with Mo everyday, meditating, online work, cleaning and keeping my place in shape, eating... I'm tapped out with having time but now am also making food to give out on the streets? Someone gave me a large jar of peanut butter and a large jar of jelly so I went out to purchase some bread and made twenty sandwiches over a period of two days to take out. It really takes a minimal amount of effort but effort is... effort. I also purchased some baggies and tinfoil to wrap everything in. It takes a very short time to prepare everything, I don't know why it feels like a big deal. I had peanuts, dried plums, trail mix, pretzels... threw them together and mixed it all up.

I cut up the plums into quarter sections, threw in some salt and sugar, filled up the baggies and it all took only 15 minutes. Someone else could have done it in ten. It was a large full bowls worth of trail mix but it did not turn into many bags. I could have just put a little into each bag to extend it all for more people but that is not the way I roll. Feeding one crumb to a pigeon satisfies nothing. If someone is hungry on the street, give them enough to satiate the hunger. If it is something good to eat, give them enough to enjoy a fill of it. One spoonful for someone hungry is simply torture. I'd rather satisfy ten people then string along 20 to want more. Do what you can do and leave it at that. I do this to stay alive. It is called purpose, work, a need to be part of, connect in relationship with life. Sometimes it is fun, sometimes it is a pain in the ass, always extending myself to others is necessary.

January 04, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

There has not been one day with Mo in eleven years where he has not made me laugh. I caught a photo with his old dog teeth and gum full grin, lol! We spend time connecting about six times a day for five or ten minutes at a time. It might be for some head scratching or belly rubbing or a little wrestle, sometimes we just lay with our sides of the head on the bed and stare at each other. He grounds me into the reality of the present moment. The love and respect between us grows daily. We make each other happy!

January 03, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

I'm wanting to be angry. There really is no reason to be angry except for my desire to focus on the idea. And then, when I do that I can find a hundred reasons. Mo and I went to Main Street today for my Sunday commitment to create music and in case anyone comes to drop off food for me to take out to friends living on the street. Someone did bring food. A woman named Loretta has really been thoughtful and consistent about it but I thought damm, now I have to go and give it all out while its fresh. Lol, but thats the idea, right Danny? I was just not feeling it but I did it anyway. People living on the streets we're really happy to see me... me much more than the idea of my having food for them. They yell hello to me as I drive past. They yell to each other, "the piano mans here." I used it today to create pressure for myself. "Don't be needing me or expecting me. I don't want to be creating obligation for myself."

While creating music earlier downtown, there we're too many people out and about. Lots of influence and money, people walking the street, eating in the restaurants, drinking at the breweries. At least ten new businesses have opened up during the pandemic and they are doing great. People just don't care. I want to get angry about it but I'm out there myself. I can rationalize that it is for the homeless but the bottom line... I'm in the mix that I want to complain about. They are all trying to figure me out because they see I do not take tips. Why am I there? Ha, I want to "work" them for support but just cannot do it with the covid virus going. When I was done I went to get a shelf at Walmart. The place... packed. What the hell? But then again... I'm there myself, I cannot get angry. Well, yes I can... at myself.

January 02, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada

My weight is really slowing me down. My clothes are getting tight. I need to get this website restructured for 2021. God, I wonder how much longer it will take than it did last year. When will I find the time? The Traveling Piano Photo Art Gallery needs to get going again NOW to sell photos. People are getting their $600 checks for Covid relief and are going to throw money around for the next month. I want them to throw some at me and purchase some photos to help keep the journey going. Mo and I took an hour and a half walk. It has been a long time since I took a break from the Traveling Piano's work. There has not been time to even clean my room. A break is needed. Creating music on the streets is needed, care for the homeless is needed. the online work is needed. Creating a future for myself if I am to continue living is needed. I created music out on the street yesterday to help bring in the New Year. It felt a little stupid on a random street corner by myself with passing traffic. After all these years, I still can feel stupid doing what I do? Thats just crazy. It really was good for people. Someone even emailed me about it to thank me.

January 01, 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada