Raggin' Piano Boogie


HIS SPIRIT LIVES ON! ... BONER, THE PIANO DOG ... November 27, 1994 ... February 20, 2010

Use the links to the left to read a past Month or Year... and then there is always your Backspace to return to a past page.

HELP! A new Carburetor is needed. SpotFund: Long Live the Traveling Piano Spotfund Venmo: Dan Kean @TravelingPiano 2156399378 - Paypal Direct: Paypal - And of Course this Website Contribution Page. Contribute Or email me for snail mail.

August 31, 2013


We left Philadelphia today to head back to West Virginia... with a angst. Everything was fine until I had to stop in Maryland to get gas. After filling the tank, the truck would not start. Someone tried to give me a jump, no good. I tried every trick in the book watching not to flood the gas line. I thought about keeping my serenity so that God and the Universe could enter the situation to get everything going again. I began to call friends for help. The idea of creating an imposition for anyone was not an option. I just had to reach out in anyway I could. Once I connected with two friends the engine started. I think the engine was just too hot and needed to cool down. It was all about keeping calm, reaching out and knowing I would do whatever was necessary. Now on the subject of keeping the Traveling Piano truck going...

A FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN WILL NOT WORK and WHY... For the Traveling Piano hopefully this will help everyone who cares to understand.

For everyone who thinks fundraising with Kickstarter or IndieGOGO for the Traveling Piano is a good idea and solution in order to continue please do it, create a fundraiser for the Traveling Piano! Here is why I choose not to.

First, I have almost 5000 friends on Facebook with another 1000 on the pages and following along... many more who are voyeurs because my account is public. On Twitter I have over 10,000 followers and then there are many other social sites I connect with. This personal website is heading towards 15,000,000 hits since it started. Take a wild guess from those numbers how many people have contributed this year to the Traveling Piano's journey without my asking. Zero, in large because I have had no interest in creating a "sell" by acting needy. Now... since I have begun to make a "call to action" in the last month guess again how many people have contributed. Less than 50 people with the average contribution being $25 dollars. From the many thousands of friends and web connections, less than 50 people have responded to date.

Do you think I will do better with people who know nothing about the Traveling Piano on outside fundraising websites? Not one "friend of a friend" has contributed to date. Online fundraising websites are called crowd-funding. They are for product in exchange for a pledge. This is business. It is full time work with outreach, updates, marketing and promotion. It is not the Traveling Piano way. The most successful crowd-funding site campaigns have about a 44% success rate. The goal must be accomplished in 30 days or the success rate drops another 24%. Do you think those odds or good? If the campaign goal is not reached, the Traveling Piano gets nothing. Unfortunately I am not in the position to take a risk like that. With other sites, if I fall short of the goal I am still on the hook to produce the product for those who paid in. This is a big risk! Most campaigns that are successful raise less than $10,000. To restore the Traveling Piano truck and keep it going for another year I need much more than that. Presently everyone contributing is helping to keep me going day to day. Recently in the last month the contributions have paid for a new truck battery, battery charger, truck radiator, other parts, service labor, engine seal, tires, etc... as well as ongoing gas, tolls, food. This journey has happened to date through my total financial worth which was originally $200,000 (my home) along with staying in others people's homes without charge and little bits of financial help here and there.

One of the largest components of the Traveling Piano mission is that it is inclusive for the world. As a result I have more friends internationally than I do locally. The fundraising site Kickstarter does not accept pledges from outside of the United States. The majority of personal contributions directly to the Traveling Piano in the last month have come from friends living in England and Canada. As it is 50% of all money created from crowd-funding sites go to fees, costs, product process and delivery! When all is said and done, half of the money has gone to the process and product. Giving direct to the Traveling Piano... 97% of your money goes directly to the source. Why would anyone want to waste their money on the fundraising process and products when they are giving for the purpose of the source? Have the money go to the mission of fun, friendship and respect for everyone. For your money directly, people can choose 97% total fun verses 50% fund-raised fun. Most large scale fundraising is done through teams of people working for a goal. This journey is about one man, a dog and truck. Even though I wish I had a team to work with me, I do not.

The time, effort and energy to create and carry out a fundraiser is enormous. I am not willing to do it at the expense of living in the moment... now, while the journey is still alive and without commercial agenda. If I begin to fund-raise and create product, the music stops. There can be no time for picture sharing, traveling to meet people individually, creating music, personally sending pictures to the people I meet, writing about the experiences and sharing them on the blog, social sites, in galleries or posting freely of music everyday without solicitation, promotion or fees involved. I cannot both live the present Traveling Piano life and continually fund-raise while keeping the necessities of life going all at the same time. The fact that I am now fifty nine years old does enter into the game whether I want it to or not!

The Traveling Piano is not a product and has in fact given product away freely to individuals. 1000's of CD's, Posters and Cassettes from 20 years as Raggin' Piano Boogie... since the beginning of this journey in 2006 this product has been shared along with everything else freely. That is the Traveling Piano way. Everything... unconditional. For the crowd-funding business... products must be offered, a video must be made to promote the campaign. (and it better be a good one) Every product offered cost money to make, produce and then deliver. The fundraising site takes a fee, the money processor takes a fee, taxes are taken, and then there are shipping and handling fees which double internationally, along with all the trouble that can happen from promised exchanges. That is along with effort, labor, time and materials.

Some people cannot understand why I want to restore the Traveling Piano truck. Why not create a new one? That may happen but still, there is an unmeasurable amount of human joy and comfort that has been created on this particular truck since 1987. Because of its past, I will do my utmost to keep it alive. Along with the feat of having created a legitimate full time 20 year performance career with myself on the piano seat outdoors... and my dogs Bo and Mo their full lives spent hanging with me out on top of the piano... in thousands of different situations, for different events, in different environments for easily millions of different types people since 2006... this truck has traveled to the most north-eastern tip of America on Cape Spear in Newfoundland down to the middle west coast of Mexico in central America and to the most Northern drivable point in the Yukon areas of Canada. The Traveling Piano truck has made it all throughout Alaska as well as to the islands off its coast. Several times this truck has peregrinated back and forth, up and down and around throughout the United States. More importantly this particular truck has created relationship in communities rural as well as urban, in areas where musicians never visit with people who have never seen a piano before let alone try one out for themselves to create music, or hear a piano man play. The Traveling Piano truck has never been about performance or entertainment. It is all about connecting people through musical inspiration and empowerment, through spontaneity and synchronicity with surprise and without obligation or expectation. There has never been any commercial, organizational or political affiliation. The Traveling Piano has responded to individuals who have personally asked for comfort after tragedies, specifically the student government of Virginia Tech. The truck has been used to create a welcomed distraction for communities affected in Mississippi and New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. It visited Sandy Hook, Connecticut after the community massacre. It created a presence in Joplin, Missouri one week after a tornado devastated the city and most recently in New York and New Jersey after hurricane Sandy. Most important for me personally... is to have shared the piano bench on the Traveling Piano truck with over 40,000 individuals one-on one who have never before played a piano, did not think they could play or were psychologically damaged from music lessons earlier in life, or full of fear from a judgmental upbringing. The present Traveling Piano truck is relationship personified. It has value. Lets keep it going... Here: Its Time To Contribute ...or email me on the contact link to find a different way.

August 30, 2013

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I had no sleep last night, none. It was very strange, I don't know why but as soon as I could get myself out of bed I began to think about all the things I needed to get done. The bottom line was to get outside and play with the Traveling Piano. First things first. I'm only here for a short time and feel the need to take advantage of every opportunity. Last night I was thinking how the passion for what I do is as strong as ever. The way I am accomplishing what I do needs to change. I'm burnt out of that. Also, a patron is needed or something. Needs must be met soon... before the truck engine dies. It is now running on a sealer and the compression is going although the radiator held all its water down to the Jersey shore and back yesterday. That is a good thing. I felt a very strong draw to a city run home down the road from where I have been staying. I had been there many, many years ago. It is the end of the line for homeless people and next to a big prison. It also boarders a park along the Delaware river where I have played. Even though the chances of getting in were slim through the typical bureaucracy of such places, I thought I'd give it a shot. At the gate I said I wanted to get to the office. They began to ask questions and I just answered like I knew what I was talking about. I do know how the system works having been to different homes like this many times throughout the years. The recreation director was a jackpot hit go with the flow, take advantage of opportunity, loves her job and the residents she works with, able to handle spontaneity and synchronicity type person.

All the people and administration who would have put up a wall to not allow some fun... were not there today. The recreation director was able to allow everything to fall in place. Helped me drive the truck up a curb, onto the sidewalk between fencing and around a tree which was a tight area and onto the lawn. Some residents needed coaxing others did not. Some needed help getting in and out of the truck but that was no big deal. When they saw I had old Raggin' Piano Boogie cassettes to give away they were ready to jump into the truck as fast as possible. I really enjoyed interacting with such spirited people old, a little mental, some played with their fists because their fingers did not work... we all had fun! My treat was an older woman who played old gospel hymns really well. When she was done she asked, "do I get a cigarette for playing that?" Apparently cigarettes are a hot commodity at this joint. Also, no pictures with faces were allowed which was no problem because there was such a cooperative feel about the situation but I wondered, "why are there people in the witness protection program here, is someone going to want to kidnap an old homeless person"? She asked if Mo had his shots and I said, yep! There are about a hundred feral cats that live in the area. I've seen them every time I've driven in the road into the park that passes the complex I was in. It is interesting how everyone chips in to take care of the cats. The guards, employees, residents, people who live in the area, etc... they keep water bowls and food bowls filled everyday, everywhere around. I thought, "wouldn't it be great if people joined together to care of "each other" unconditionally like that?

August 29, 2013

Need to leave where I am staying before my welcome runs out so I can return! Feeling my way through time with people, not over extending my stays is amazingly draining. Before leaving I really wanted to visit a New Jersey ocean boardwalk while in tourist season. I may never have the opportunity again. The boardwalks of New Jersey are unique. I have found nothing like them anywhere else I've been in the world. Also, I performed professionally on the boardwalks as Raggin' Piano Boogie with the piano in the truck for twenty years. I haven't been to the beach (my favorite environment) or the boardwalks in years. So we heading for Wildwood, New Jersey in the afternoon as I wanted to get there before the sunset and spend sometime walking the boards while the sun was going down and then into the night. While driving through a small town named Croydon in Pennsylvania and old friend found me at a stop light... usual crazy synchronicity! He happens to be entertainer and we met many years ago while working for the city of Ocean City, NJ on the boardwalk! He was heading down the shore for work... on the boardwalk, super crazy! We ended up on the side of the road talking for about an hour and spending time with local residents. The longer I stayed the more people were appearing. Once I got back on the road we got caught in rush hour traffic on back roads all throughout New Jersey so I ended up stopping in Ocean City because it was closer and getting dark quick and also to see my friend perform for a few minutes.

As soon as I arrived people started to recognize the truck and asked if I was there to perform. It was ten bucks for public parking and I half jokingly tried to work the attendant saying I'd play some music if he didn't charge me. That didn't work. He said, "wish I could." I took Mo for a walk around town and again we were recognized. With truck, with dog... everyone recognizes. Me alone... naa. On the boardwalk I was kind of bored. Everything was too calm even though it was crowded. I wanted to experience a little chaos and summer excitement with vacationing people. I walked to the waters edge and immediately became memorized with the nature of the beaches sand, ocean and waves. My state of mind immediately switched into another space and time, that of nature not people, buildings, money exchanging, roads, cities, etc... I'm needing time on a beach really, really bad. I was going to buy an ice cream cone and it cost $4.25 for a small cone. I just brought a gallon of ice cream last night on sale at the supermarket for $2.00 so I could not justify the purchase. Then carmel popcorn, a cup for $5... Not. Fudge... I thought, I'd rather spend money online and get some from my friend Melanie who makes the best fudge and doesn't rip people off with the price. Salt water taffy... not worth the money. I walked off the boardwalk ready to drive back to Philly but forced myself to drive another half hour south to Wildwood New Jersey but before that I wanted some good crab-cake. I stopped at a place and did a short Traveling Piano interaction with a family while waiting for the food. It was twenty bucks for two but I justified it as they were 90% crabmeat and it was real food and I rarely treat myself. When I got them I was too shocked to respond. $20 bucks for what turned out to be two... one inch high, 2 inch in circumference lumps of crab-cake. It was good but damm... does good food have to cost that much for so little?

Once in Wildwood every place to park was five dollars compared to ten up north. The the parking lot attendant started talking about the piano so I began to play him just like the last guy but this time the response was, "don't bother playing the piano someone might complain about the noise but I love music" and as he said that he handed me back the five bucks. That was a good start. Then once on the boardwalk... ahh, it was great, exactly what I was looking for. Older rickety boards to walk on... "watch the tram car please, watch the tram car please." I walked along games and stalls for stuffed animals, novelty and souvenir shops, sandwich stands for greasy sausage, pepper and onion sandwiches. The place was filled with different varieties of people in different shapes and sizes, ages, ethnicities, piers full of amusement rides with people flying through the air upside down, sideways, round and round screaming... neon lights and colors, a super large ferris wheel with amazing designs flashing in the darkness... everything was noticeably clean. I took a tram car ride for the first time ever. They are small open compartment trains that ride on the boards. I happened to sit with a women working on the tram car who has been working on the boardwalk for forty years. Wow, I learned allot about the tram car business. First, the money they make is a way lot... like through the sky... and all cash! As it is with most summer vacation business in the United States... kids from europe are shipped in every year to work for practically nothing. They are given a place to stay and actually pay to have "a summer experience working in the United States" and then they are treated like slave labor. Every few years the country where they come from changes as the kids catch on to the scam. This year Bulgaria is the top country. The woman's job is to police the the kids so they don't steal the tram money. She said seventeen kids have been fired in the last few months for stealing. Owners, franchising the trams into boardwalk sections, to managers, to employees, to employees policing employees... crazy. The bottom line... there is nothing more enjoyable than watching people be happy together, content and active and in harmony having summer vacation fun. Back in the truck Mo was waiting for me and I had some pizza crust to give him as a treat. I had the boardwalk experience I was craving since the Traveling Piano visited the hurricane Sandy affected areas last year. I wanted to see it all put back together for sentimental reasons.

August 28, 2013

it rained today and thank god for air conditioning because it is super humid. My physical health as said many times before is critical for this journey. A friend and I had a discussion about it and his thoughts were helpful for me. So for whatever they may be worth for you... The body isn't important other than to allow your mind to experience things. If all your doing is worrying about what your body can't do, you deny your mind the pleasure of enjoying the things your body can do. I have this conviction via quantum physics and the notion of our energy as mass forming part of the universal energy once it has used our bodies to exhaustion, feeding itself. It is our spirit, soul, life force, energy, label it how you will, that is important. The body is in my view the vessel that transports our mind around. The body is something that should be cared for as a piece of equipment and maintained to whatever standard we (our mind) sees fit. Its role is transport and data processing. If you will, it is like a two way radio. It receives information. The brain processes that information and shares it. Along the way, a well maintained self and body, will not only process and share information, it will enhance or add to it too. The object of all of this is to feed our souls and those of others with the beauty and vivacity of all that is around us, the more so that when our bodies are exhausted, the most incredible energy can be released into the universe. In Essence we obsess too much about physical health to the detriment of our mental and spiritual well being. A healthy body will serve a healthy mind for longer. But an unhealthy body can still serve a healthy mind. Life is unimportant...LIVING is.

August 27, 2013

I slept twelve hours and really needed it. The drive from West Virginia, the sun, the work on Broad Street yesterday, the disorientation from a change of environment... I felt drained. I was going to try and go to the beach, I am missing it so much. It has been years. I could not get my act together. I did get to the park as it got dark and created music in a large open area along the Delaware river with a prison behind me. A family from Albania was there exercising together. They came over to the truck for a few minutes. The young girl was very interested. I showed here how to improvise and helped the father to let her explore without interfering. That is the number one issue I see for parents. They have a hard time letting children find their way to success after failing, to not insert their experience before the child asks for it. Also, the boy was interested but it seemed like the girl was being set up to be the piano player of the family.

Today, someone who found the Traveling Piano on the social site Reddit and who has never interacted personally with the Traveling Piano just sent $20 to support the journey. Now is the time of need. It is the first time ever for the journey. There are those who want to appear like they care by agreeing that I need or should get contribution but do nothing themselves. They think their agreeing is something. That does nothing to help physically. A simple five buck contribution is something. Others encourage friends to care but do nothing themselves. That is bogus caring. Caring is an action word and I am going to need some financial action in order to continue. This is a learning process for me. What this journey has been about from the start... the purpose of my website blog, relating on social websites is all about relationship. I made a commitment with myself to share all of it for better or worse. I am also always discovering why I want relationships and with whom and how to stop personally filling bottomless pits that drain me. Being honest and pure with my intent in sharing about contribution is a serious matter for me. I am learning there are many reasons people share and do not share financially. I want to show how people share financially... and while doing that to the best of my ability not let others negate or try to use my asking for support to create false motives with my intent... or be dishonest for themselves at my expense. Blah, blah, blah... the truck engine is about to go any day... send support! Its Time To Contribute This link is for Paypal. If you would prefer to send cash or a check... email me from the contact page.

August 26, 2013

Philadelphia, PA

My friend Cindy had some errands to run in South Philadelphia so I thought we would take the Traveling Piano and while I waited for her, Mo and I could have some fun. We ended up on broad street and it felt oh, so nice to be creating music in my home town. The music I create these days is decidingly simple. I am not sure why, maybe because I have less energy, maybe because nothing else is necessary, maybe I want to hear everything else around me along with the music. Local life long south Philadelphians would walk by and jump on board the truck. The area is amazingly diverse with different ethnic backgrounds. I like that. The whole time I was in the city I was disoriented. First, driving with crazy people on the roads is a constant. Then there was the whole city urban energy feeling to adjust to, having come from a rural small town area in West Virginia. I had to concentrate diligently on everything. The sun was bright and hot on my skin wow... I was jonsin' to play music. Families stopped by, a six week old baby boy had a go at the piano with his dad, brothers and sisters... people came out from offices along the street to play and also tell how when they heard the music their day completely changed that their state of minds relaxed totally. They wish I would come back every day. It doesn't get better than that for me!

August 25, 2013

Philadelphia, PA

I want to share some random thoughts. To love... and know I am loved from people all over the world in return... has given me total fulfillment in life. I have learned that sometimes with loved ones it is simply best to accept that you are loved by them even if it is not in a fulfilling way, not in the way you expect or want. What can you do other wise, nothing. Exposure to the real world is meant to expand your sensitivity, not diminish it. Feel it's raw beauty for yourself. There is nothing to be gained in potential from others and all that exists is to enjoy now with others. What a fucking difficult practice that can be and it is all a practice for me.

If I want to think into future earth of/with others it can only be with the illusion of my own reality. Reality is only now. I must be joyful and grateful for what my earthly enjoyment is now. What comes to mind, "Ours is not to reason why. Ours is but to do and die." I remind myself that cyberspace creates reality but is not reality in of itself. I'm loving life on my terms... in this moment that is! Honesty and transparency have been what interests me most in life... since I was as young as I can remember. I work on myself concerning that first and foremost to the best of my ability. Today, a friend of mine who is an alcoholic said, "When I have a day where everything goes right and I don't take a drink... that is a "good day." When I have a day where everything goes wrong and I don't take a drink, that is a "great day." I thought that was interesting. That thought has been ruminating in my head all day.

August 24, 2013

People are coming to use the place where I have been staying so I had to clean up everything and ready the place. Then I took off from West Virginia for a five hour drive to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania hoping that the truck would make it. It did but once I turned off the engine and turned it back on it got hot. After it cooled down I went to see if there was any water in the radiator and... well before I left I checked the oil and filled it to the brim but... forgot to put the oil cap on. The entire engine and roof of the hood was covered. Luckily the oil cap was still there sitting on the air filter after five hours of driving. Luckily I was on smooth level highway for most of the time. My head is just so cluttered with so much stuff. I headed for the Delaware river to create some music in the dark to try and center myself. There were bright street lights on the water which hindered the environment somewhat. So did the hooker that kept walking back and forth in front of me. I think I was on her turf but there were a lot of people hanging around so I don't think it mattered. I was in this area a few weeks ago taking Mo for a walk and she was busy working with some guy on a park bench as we walked by. In my earlier days I might have though that was rad but now it was gross. No one bothered us. One lady came up to pet Mo with her boyfriend. I just kept to myself for myself. I'm staying in a house on a main street and along with normal traffic (its like being on the side of a four lane highway) and the people walking by... cars and motorcycles are constantly drag racing. Its all a bit noisy especially for Mo who is used to the sounds of the forrest.

On the subject of contribution in order to continue... I do not want you to help me out and contribute to the Traveling Piano because it is the popular thing to do in a viral internet craze wave... or because of being sold the idea in one way or another. I'm looking for unconditional support as in... giving for the sake of giving... or simple because I ask, as a friend... or because the Traveling Piano is good in of itself for the world and you want for it to continue... for the world. Its Time To Contribute This link is for Paypal. If you would prefer to send cash or a check... email me from the contact page. If your wondering why I am asking for help read the earlier posts for detail. The Traveling Piano truck is worn out.

August 23, 2013

I give thought to living in another country where I can escape distraction. I don't know if that is possible as I am distracting myself from myself. I recently read this and really like it... suffering is what happens when we are lonely and forget that we participate in the world. People often complain about love, or at least about its consequences, but welcoming the consequences is part of the game of generosity. The earth gives a Yes without regard to what is given back, and being a human is also a gift, not a purchase. Even the No’s we get are gates to the generosity of the world.

August 22, 2013

Overnight, a Friggin' Mouse crawled up through the Traveling Piano engine into the glove compartment and tore everything apart to create a nest for itself!!! I've been packing everything up again because people are coming to use this place where I have been staying for a week. I need a home. Times have changed since 2006. People are not having us stay with them like they used to and because of that I don't have the drive to look for people as much, also I'm just burnt out of the work involved in staying with people. Some say I have it so great the way my life is. I say, everyone has it just as great. It is all six of one and a half dozen of the other. I miss the security of knowing where I will rest, what my bed will feel like, where necessities are placed, that I have someplace to go without obligation or expectation concerning other people and know I won't get thrown out! Ha, thats never happened by the way. Oh yea, it did... once.

August 21, 2013

West Virginia

I never ask for anything in return when I interact with people through the Traveling Piano. In fact along with my music, sharing the piano, the fun, friendship and respect and yes, even as it has been for some entertaining in many ways... also, the thousands of posters, musical cd's and cassettes I have given to people over the years... even when people say would you like some money, how much do I owe you... I say it is a gift. This has been the Traveling piano way. I enjoy the wonder, amazement and surprise people experience in being gifted by a stranger unconditionally. Now, that I am winding down with resources and with the Traveling Piano truck needing to be restored... I think about the many people who have offered without solicitation to contribute online or otherwise anyway and have not. That bothers me because they created an expectation for me that I did not ask for. Hollow appreciation it is. There really is no excuse but... I will tell you something about that. For every person who has said they would contribute financially when they interact with the Traveling Piano and who have done nothing... it only takes one person to follow through... and that knocks the rest all "outta the ball park..." concerning my staying on track in feeling assistance... to keep my spiritual drive going in order to continue physically!

July 20, 2013

Just one picture and 2:18 minutes of musical improvisation. The music may be a bit simplistic for some, not for me. :) The picture, a gift from the Traveling Piano's first journey outing ever, to the hurricane affected areas of New Orleans and Mississippi.

August 19, 2013

I am in a quandary about the Traveling Piano. Do I need someone or a group of friends to come through and help rebuild the engine or switch out the present engine for a new one... contribute the finances, resources, time, labor and expertise... or go a completely different way? What I have been doing works. Changing direction I cannot see unless someone begins to collaborate with me. I don't know if I have the desire to pursue what would be involved with collaboration on all its levels. A new truck for many reasons will not work without collaboration. In fact, I had purchased two in the past and they did not work out for the Traveling Piano needs. I would restore this present truck, a 1987 Toyota with a R22 engine. The carburetor was rebuilt in 2006. It now has a new radiator and I am not sure about the transmission and starter, etc... There are 265,000 miles on this truck that has created Fun, Friend and Respect with Musical Empowerment and Inspiration. It has been all about Music for People to Discover with Spontaneity having had over 40,000 people on its piano seat. The Traveling Piano has given comfort to communities in Louisiana and Mississippi after hurricane Katrina, small rural Mexican villages on the south-middle west coast of Mexico, the students of Virginia Tech at their request after the tragedy they experienced... Joplin MO, after the tornado, the east coast after hurricane Sandy last year, Sandy Hook, CT when the massacre happened, etc... but this truck has also created random jolts of joy and discovery throughout Newfoundland and the rest of Canada, throughout Alaska and off its coast as well as back and forth, up and down all throughout United States. Also, before all that... a full time career performing with the truck when I called it Raggin' Piano Boogie for twenty years throughout the northeast corridor of the US for millions of people in parades and festivals, large as well as small city events. The Traveling Piano has a long and deep history now. It ain't over! Going the commercial, organizational, political or fundraising route is not the Traveling Piano way. Relationships, one on one or even in small groups of people is the Traveling Piano way of continuing as I see it today. August 5th on this blog gives the details of what happened. Along with those who have invited us into their communities to stay in their homes over the years... I have contributed my own total worth since 2006 which was about $200,000 through the house I owned. That is how the finances have been paid for from the start. Non-profits, Sponsorship, Crowd-funding... all those ways have not been the Traveling Piano way. The Traveling Piano is about giving and being given to without obligation, expectation, strings attached, formalities or paying middle man expenses and fees to accomplish its goals. All finances have been dealt with one-to-one direct to the source... source to source. Its Time To Contribute

August 18, 2013

I had to take a firm stance that I was not going out today with the Traveling Piano. It was raining when I woke up as expected but then the sun came out in the afternoon. Still, I needed to give my working with the truck a rest for a day. Even though, I'm always doing work of some kind with this journey. I've been waking up to fallow deer out the back window of where I am staying. When its nice outside Mo hangs out with me as I have my morning coffee sitting on the deck... they lay on the ground less than 200 yards away and we all just stare at each other! I've been thinking which is nothing new... but specifically about what is to come, the future. As time moves on and the truck falls apart, my body ages, my mind fades and spirit becomes more elusive, how do I want it all to end for me. Do I stop the Traveling Piano while everything in appearance about me, the truck and everything else materially like my clothes and the equipment still looks somewhat respectable for society in general or keeping going no matter how difficult and embarassing it may be for me... just what is an unacceptable presentation for myself? Just how slow can I go, how little am I able to accomplish with this journey in a days time, week, month, year before it becomes worthless. Part of me says just continue as long as it is fun and feels purposeful and fuck everything else. Someone complimented me the other day on taking the stance to live life on my own terms. I thought about that and the phrase, "living life on life's terms." After thinking about it, I realized my terms and life's terms are one and the same. Its other people's terms I have had to take a stance with, learn how to negotiate with or just plain get rid of what other people think about me... from inside myself.

August 17, 2013

Cacapon State Park, West Virginia

I'm feeling like I must take advantage of every moment possible to be with and use the Traveling Piano. Live it to the fullest. Having offered to visit a huge family reunion in the local park yesterday, no matter how much I did not want to followthrough, I did. It turned out easy, short, simple and sweet. My gift for doing that was what a ninety year old guy said when I asked him half jokingly what it feels like to be ninety... he said, "It's great, all the cards are stacked in my favor!" That felt amazing to me because it is so true if a person chooses to think that way. For him at 90 years of age, it just gets easier and easier with less and less chance for undesirable life consequences. Mo and I decided to drive up to a mountain top overlook to create some music and go for a walk. We never got to do the walk because the day turned into constant interactions with people some for long lengths of time with reveals about life and relational struggles between individuals as well as couples. It is a major honor to have people trust me and for myself to be able to trust people with personal, intimate life details in conversation especially having never met before. I am amazed with how so many of us suffer and no one knows.

I met a couple from Israel and relived how when I was visiting Tel Aviv many years ago I saw a woman randomly sit down at a piano and improvise music. It was the first time I ever saw someone do that and never knew it could be done. Last year I realized that is what I now do with my music. She had sparked an inspiration within me without my realizing it at the time and the manifestation of that inspiration came to fruition some twenty years later! I met a family from Philadelphia my original home town and the mom had been to hurricane Katrina to help after the storm. That storm was the catalyst for being the first time I ever gave of myself freely as a musician with a piano on the back of a truck. Along with many other people there was a church youth group that appeared. Before they departed they all prayed over me as has happened many times before but this time... the person praying used words, they were my words from the past that I have not thought about for several years. They thanked God for the "Jolt of Joy" I gave them with the Traveling Piano. The biggest "Jolt of Joy" I have ever experienced in life to date came from my first Traveling Piano experience with people in Mexico. I don't even remember the year now. It is all written about in this blog somewhere, ha! I stayed on the mountain top today until it was almost dark and the park ranger came to move us out! That was a first.

August 16, 2013

Cacapon State Park, West Virginia

A new friend who had recently been on the Traveling Piano paid for a dinner we had together last night. Mine cost around $30-$40 with tip. She explained her reasoning was from thinking about the American Indians and how they made reciprocal offerings as a result of a gift. My gift to her had been the Traveling Piano experience. Usually when I get together with new women I need to be straight up about relationship and status concerning that. But while driving to dinner I thought... "she's pretty nice looking and 42 years old. Danny, your 59 and now at this stage of the game you don't have to worry about laying the cards out so much anymore... hot woman = old, fat, poor man... Not!" LOL, Mo and I drove to the park today. It was another beautiful day. A guy named AJ was there. I want to think of him as a kid but today was his birthday and he turned forty. He is a rough terrain downhill, freeride mountain biker. Every Wednesday and Friday he comes to this spot where I create music and climbs the mountain in front of me that is almost straight up. It takes him about forty five minutes and then he rides it back down in only a few minutes. There is no trail. He flies over the rocks and trees and anything there is... straight down. It is a major physical endurance endeavor. Today he clocked his speed at 28.5 miles an hour! He is completely geared up because one bad fall could kill him.

An older couple stopped to fish. They were the most classic scenario of polite, friendly, easy going West Virginia country people, the kind of people you would want to just sit with on a porch with while rocking in a chair and enjoying the summer air. People who go with the flow are the best and so comforting for me to experience. It was a busy day with many different people around. Later I was talking to a friend and he told me how the priest at his church in Maryland had used his chance meeting with me about a month ago by a river... in his Sunday sermon. That really struck me because I was very insecure about the short time the priest and I had spent together. I could not read him as in figure him out. When he left I felt very uncomfortable because I had been strong in my delivery. (communication) Actually I felt a little defensive when we were talking about God. All I could tell about him was that he was intense and strong with his "fatherly" duties as a priest. I guess he was impressed in a good way with how I live my life and I still need work with not reading into people as to what they are about or thinking. My friend was also saying how he is a super hyper priest. Thats probably what I was feeling most. And also, what are the chances of this information coming to me? Its crazy, the coincidence of it all and from another state. The lesson for me is not to assume I know anything and go more with the flow of what is happening and accpet it all without questioning or judging any of it... as in life!

August 15, 2013

Berkeley Springs, West Virginia

I was laying outside in a lounge chair on a deck with Mo beside me. It is sunny with the temperature about 75 degrees. 100's of pure natural sounds are everywhere. Three deer are hanging out, sitting on the ground less than 500 feet away. I'm not thinking about anything... just "being." Everything is experiencing... specifically feeling, sight, sounds and smells. The taste of fresh strawberries, cereal and milk are close by. It came to my attention that thinking is a choice. No one can make me think. I don't care about anything except being peaceful. My personal nature is not aggressive. I don't have to... anything, if I don't want to. I am present and in the now. This is a natural right. Ha, that was for the first few hours of today but then unconscious thinking began. It distracted me greatly. Feeling my way into the future... the stakes are getting higher.

The truck needs a new engine and if not a new truck will be needed. Do I want to go through the hassle of getting the money somehow and how would that be, there are about a hundred different ways to go about it. What about taking the Traveling Piano to another country... God knows I've talked enough about that. And then all the other stuff... While interacting with people today, I think I was ok but remember little from each interaction. I met a couple having their third wedding anniversary, several families, Two women from my old neighborhood back in Bucks County... I don't know whether they had to leave or I slipped out from interacting with them and into someone else. I would have liked to have taken more time with everyone. A women I met last night in the park named Stacy took me out to dinner. We sat at a sidewalk table dealing with the noise of large tractor trailers whizzing through town while Mo sat in the truck. Stacy is an art teacher in the public school system of Pittsburgh, PA and a dog rescuer. She channels spiritually through her art. My creating music while she creates art at the same time is a must for the future.

August 14, 2013

West Virginia

With it being seventy degrees, sunny and dry... I had to enjoy today. We drove to the park and setup by a lake. There was a steady stream of people and a I am glad I have a camera because I would not remember any of it. I do remember today was a birthday for one girl and her family arrived with fishing rods and a birthday cake. Everyone got onto the truck for music and a picture but I forgot to play Happy Birthday for her! I'm having a difficult time with focus considering what is going to happen next with this journey. When I am out creating music and interacting with people, that needs my full attention. On a subconscious level my head is spinning with the fact that the trucks engine can die anytime now. I put new waterproofing on the cover even though it probably won't do it any good. The whole tarp needs to be replaced. Nevertheless it was a really enjoyable time with the people I met even though I am distracted big time.

August 13, 2013

I did nothing today! Well, I'm always doing something but nothing with the Traveling Piano truck other than pictures and correspondence. There are flowers popping up wild everywhere here in West Virginia. Having never seen them before I looked them up and found then to be called Rain Lilies... a bulb that has been around since 1889, starts out in early spring as a broad grey foliage that turns yellow and quickly dies back, then surprisingly pops up again blooming in clusters with bare stems after rain in early late july, early august.

August 12, 2013

Hancock, Maryland

I thought I knew where I was going to be today but I was wrong. I never know where I'm going to be. Mo still has issues from, I think spider bits almost two weeks ago so I took him to the vet. I did not want to take chances on it being something else. Its always tricky in knowing what to do as I don't want him to suffer but I also didn't want to be shelling out the $200 bucks when I do not need to. It cost for the exam, tests, I had to get him some medication and his frontline and heartworm stuff... ugh! Afterwards, we went for a long walk along the C&O canal in Hancock Maryland. I created music from an embankment overlooking the Potomic river. The original plan was to play into the night but I decided to get back, cook some dinner and try to get to bed before 4 in the morning so I can wake up before noon. Most everything is packed away. I decided to cook chicken dumplings to use up some bisqucik I had. With only two pots and a bowl, what a joke. I had the chicken and then the chicken mushroom (lot of it) that I found along the road a few days ago that does not shrink down when you cook it. Of course I had to stop at the supermarket to get some peas and carrots. I found two large cans of tomatoes that need to get used. What a mess and what ingenuity cooking it all in a few pots but then I had to mix everything. Ha, it all ended up in a five gallon picnic cooler. Now I'm wondering if it is possible to freeze chicken and dumplings because there is a lot of it! I cannot seem to cook for just one or two meals. It diesn't make sense. If I'm going to spend the time cooking I might as well do it for a week.

August 11, 2013

West Virginia

With the days getting shorter already, we can be in the park when it gets dark for more time. Dry leaves are beginning to fall and that feels mighty strange. Life constantly seems to be speeding up. Maybe that means I need to get serious about meditation to be more present. My fingers feel exercised. My mind can't get enough. My spirit is alive... I'm milking what time I have left with the Traveling Piano for all its worth! I created music almost continuously from 4pm to 10pm (I think a record amount of time) ...while watching the sun setting in front of me and next to it a crescent moon rising over a mountain ridge shining its light on a dark lake... constantly changing clouds billowing with a dimming sky only to light up once again with stars. The night locusts have never been so strong in harmony. I know exactly where I will be again tomorrow.

Earlier, people hung out along the banks of the lake while I created music. A young boy caught a salamander and it took a stroll across the piano keys while he played some musical notes. People I had met before arrived. A kind spirited, good natured guy walked by while I was interacting with others. I knew he wanted to connect so I said, "your next." He was ready. As it turns out he is from Iran living outside Washington DC. I told him about people I had met from Iran a few months ago in this very spot. Surprise, they are family! It seemed more than coincidental. In fact after an hour, two of the family children who had been on the piano before arrived. Eleven year old twins with the social skills of a thirty year old and I am not exaggerating that at all. The guy wanted a photo big enough to print out and frame for his office. He talked about helping me to get the Traveling Piano overseas and how I might need to let go of the present Traveling Piano truck to do it..

August 10, 2013

Morgan County, West Virginia

First... I went to sit on the piano chair and it spilt down the middle. It is wood and having been used since 1987 tens of thousands of times by me and buy over 40,000 other people... I'd say it has done me well. I positioned it so I could sit without moving while I created music. Tomorrow I'll problem duck tape it. It has a custom height so I must make a custom chair if I am going to replace it. Now, I drove into a forest in the dark to a clearing by a lake. We were completely alone. It was pitch black except for the crescent mountain ridge surrounding us. I watched the stars come out. Their was a constant chorus of locusts in the trees 360 degrees around me; billions of them. The sound was louder than I have ever heard in my life and created a foundational rhythm for my musical notes. One at a time just listening to the notes ring out and dissolve into the sound of locusts. The rhythm was really a pulse, the pulse of life and Mo, I and the music. We were all part of life on a beautiful clear and cool summer night.

August 09, 2013

Morgan County, West Virginia

So we are back in West Virginia. The truck was running better than I can ever remember and I told myself to stay real about it. This is temporary. Then the first hill I drove up in West Virginia, reality set in... the power just isn't there anymore. There was no problem with the temperature gage but I could feel the heat from the engine.

I stopped for some gas and saw fried chicken behind the counter. I knew better then to make a purchase. The last time I brought fried chicken from a gas station it was so bad I couldn't give it to Mo. I wanted friend chicken. I knew popeyes fried chicken was not an option because that is just as bad. Kfc was the only option left and I stopped at one of the stores to purchase a ten dollar four piece meal just hoping. I ordered extra crispy. It must have been dunked in grease and reheated over and over for a week. I thought, "this crust is what I would imagine a warm wet kitchen sponge feeling and tasting like... with pepper on it." Earlier in the day I was slipping on a dirty, greasy kitchen floor. Thats what the skin felt like sliding around the inside of my mouth. I tried not to think about the fact that the chicken I was eating was probably raised inside a tractor trailer in a cage just big enough for its size made of chicken wire. As I bit into it I could not tell if I was chewing chicken or bone. They both had the same soft consistency. Kfc must have a deal going for their dry mashed potato flakes from the dollar store market. It was really bad and the cabbage mixed with sugar was cole slaw. I hope I am cured from ever eating there again. Once or twice a year, I forget or just want the illusion of good food to come true. I've been done with white castle, taco bell, mostly burger king and the idea of mc donalds grosses me out after having recently found out that the hamburger it serves is worse than dog food. There are three grades of meat. The first is what is sold as meat. Then the leftovers from the animal, the not good stuff goes into dog food. Then what is left after that, the meat not good enough for dog food gets soaked in chemicals and ammonia which brings it back to government standards to be sold as hamburger in fast food restaurants. Ugh! Anyway, I'll eat the hamburger before I'll ever eat kfc chicken again or chicken from any fast food place.

Mo was beside himself with happiness coming back to a familiar environment. I stopped at the grocery store to get some milk and cereal. I saw people I knew. The people who know me now in Berkeley Springs really like me, they respect me, I can feel it in the way they say hello. They go out of there way to be emphatic about it. I've never been anywhere for a long period of time where I ran into the same people over and over and as they get to know me better and better, (mostly through each other) they like me more and more. Ha, it really is a nice feeling. Where I used to live outside Philadelphia, where I owned a house the only time people acted that way was after they saw me in the newspaper or on television. As I turned the corner onto the last main road to where I am staying, surprise... two large chicken mushrooms growing on the side in the dark. Sooo... crazy. You can read about chicken mushrooms on last months blog page. It was like a welcome back gift. This is the year of the Chicken Mushroom! Then just before the rides end... up in the sky the big dipper constellation appeared. I've never seen it so bright, clear and sharp. There seemed to be no other stars around it in the sky.

August 08, 2013

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

When people connect with the Traveling Piano and jump into the truck, then onto the piano seat while trusting me with their music... I have always considered that a contribution to this journey. It is what keeps the journey alive, not money. I say it to almost every person that they are feeding the journey with music, often courage, validation, reassurance and joy... relationship. Relating with people rejuvenates my soul. Sometimes it drains me physically, emotionally and mentally but never spiritually. I visited my friends Patty and Lance today, purchased new hub caps for the truck, did several errands but could not play any music. It is hot and humid and I am drained emotionally. I'm getting ready to drive to West Virginia tomorrow.

August 07, 2013

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I have given a lot of thought over the past few days about my recent asking for Traveling Piano financial contribution and why. My need was much more than financial. I did not want to feel alone and needed to feel that people are in this journey with me in action. Well wishes, suggestions and condolences were worthless when I felt like I was drowning. I felt helpless and needed immediate action in a caring way, to know I have friends that will actually help, not just want to. I do have friends and they helped me. I was wondering why a $5 contribution felt as good as $500 and then through this quote I found the answer. "Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little." I realized that it was the "act" of caring from my friends that was important for me. So I picked up the truck today and now...

August 06, 2013

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I have been consumed with people's suggestions and the frustration resulting from that. The general consensus is that the Traveling Piano truck is just worn out. There must be a solution. It is much more than simply a truck that can be replaced. The piano is built into it, the utilities do not exist in the trucks made today. It has been the most important aspect of my life 100%... work, play, music, my relationships with my dogs Bo and Mo and other people for the last 26 years. It is not possible to replace, that would take the creation of a custom made vehicle. After the repairs, the life expectancy will be very short... Someone posted on facebook... "All good things must end." I deleted that post because it is not true. Good things transition to better things. This has been my life experieince. The Traveling Piano is a good thing made of "energy" full of "spirit". There is no way it will end or I would never have started it. The truck will change as it has been doing for 26 years. It will continue not because people "like" it but because of the people who take part in it. If you "like" the Traveling please be part of it and make a contribution towards it. Contribute ---> Its Time To Contribute Not one contribution has come from this website. What... is... up... with... that? There is not person on the internet who does not have five bucks to contribute to keep the Traveling Piano going. This website has had many more than 14,000,000 hits! Thirty friends have contributed on Facebook so far and along with a contribution from my friend Sid the original repairs have been paid for but the truck is still not road worthy.

August 05, 2013

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Traveling Piano truck engine died. The truck is 26 years old with 300,000 miles on it. This happened while I was driving to West Virginia from Pennsylvania immediately after a $1200 tuning, radiator replacement, wheels, repair, etc... Mo and I are a little stranded but have a roof over our head. I need practical financial help more than encouragement, condolences, suggestions or ideas. The funds do not exist to replace the truck. The piano and equipment is built into it. If I must go back to work to "fund-raise money", the journey as it is... will end. Whether to end the journey totally as it is, or rebuild the engine are my choices. I have been funding this journey by myself. I sold my home back in 2008 to do it. If you want to help with financial contribution, I need it and that is not easy to say. About $3000 more than the $1200 is needed. What makes the Traveling Piano unique is that it does not charge fees... solicit tips... fundraise... sell product... or promote for sponsorship. All that is a way to make a living. It is not the Traveling Piano way... which is the way of pure friendship and friends taking care of each other. It is very difficult to keep these update posts real and not get caught up in the raising of money. I am looking for unconditional support as in... giving for the sake of giving... or simple because I ask as a friend... or because the Traveling Piano is good in of itself for the world and you want for it to continue... for the world. I know people care. You can help by making a contribution via the paypal donate button on this page... Its Time To Contribute ...If you would like to send money by snail mail, private email me and I will send you an address. Another way to help... prayers and good energy always. 18 friends have responded to date equaling a total of $595

First today, I dropped the truck off to a repair garage. I spent the day cooking for the household where I am staying, went shopping for food, took a short walk with Mo and feel totally crazy from deflecting suggestions, empty well wishes and ideas from friends on facebook who just cannot understand that I am asking for some friendship back in the way of one-on-one support financially. I slept on the floor of where I am last night and may be doing that for the next few days. Is that crazy or what? I could go out and purchase an air mattress but then thats just more money out of the till. There are no spare beds to use and the sofa is too short. The guy from the garage never got back to me. I'm leaving it all to faith. It is very difficult to tolerate people's misunderstanding of what my needs are or not being able to care enough to send ten bucks to help me out even though I understand it is difficult for people to understand. Ha, am I crazy today or what? I'm crazy. its all good.

August 04, 2013

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I am having truck problems. After filling the truck radiator my friend Cindy and I went for a drive to test the waters so to speak. It did not over heat but the radiator did lose a lot of water. Tomorrow I am going to a new mechanic to get a second opinion. Before dark I drove once again to the river area where I was yesterday. Blue skies, billowing clouds over wide open space and water, kites in the air, children playing, dogs running, people having picnics. Except for a few interactions I was left to create music and explore with the sound of the new speaker I purchased a day ago. Its time for help. This website has had close to 14,000,000 hits. It is time for "you" to help support me because I need it. I have analyzed to death the reasons why people do not contribute. There are many reasons but now is not the time to reason. Now is the time to decide what will happen with this Traveling Piano journey, the Flight of Peregrinating Musical Exploration! If you want me to continue as has been, please help.

August 03, 2013

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The synchronicity it difficult to put into words. I woke up at 6:30am at my friend Cindy's house and amazingly I was up without a problem in order to take the truck over to the service station. The second the guy heard "white" smoke he said the engine was dead. I was like "hey, at least look at it first." Nothing can be done, even looking for parts until Monday because everything is closed. I wanted to say, "because everyone he works with is closed." Later, I went back to bed. I'm feeling disoriented but its feels ok. I'm already fighting the feeling of overstaying my welcome only one night in. I've become a little paranoid about staying with people. My friend Cindy and her friend Mike who own the place are easy going people. It was raining in the morning. Towards nighttime a friend named Peggy stopped by and I got her onto the piano. She's in her late 60's and a heavy metal rock music fan big time. After posting my woeful tale on the internet my friend Larry from the other day got hold of what is going on and told me to see his friend an auto mechanic on Monday. I was able to drive the truck to a park two miles away to see what would happen. Nothing happened. The park is a large open space along the Delaware river where piano dog Boner and I have been many times. The sky was beautiful with clouds. I tried out my new keyboard speaker and was in heaven. There was a lot of musical exploring going on with single notes from top to bottom on the keyboard. I could hear nuance again which had been long gone with the other dead speaker. The fresh breeze felt like the ocean, warm sounds of nature, open grassy fields, sailboats and tugboats drifting by in front of us... several people parked nearby and listened to the music.

Everyone left us alone which is exactly what I needed and nodded acknowledgment as we left. Before the exit I wanted to visit a spot by the water where Bo and I used to go swimming many years ago. There was a bunch of very, very fucked up guys drinking and having fun. Of course they had to get onto the Traveling Piano to bang away some. I had to sort of channel them through the experience. It was fun and just a little bit dangerous, love that. A couple who had been listening since I had started earlier stopped by and I ended up telling them Traveling Piano stories. They jumped onto the truck, told me all the wonderful things I love to hear... their description of nature through the music while they listened. That always makes me laugh inside because it is always just as surreal for me as it is for them but they are having the experience for the first time and I am not. I get to live these experiences for myself over and over through other people. I love when people tell me how they were having a bad day and I switched that all around for them. They began to describe, "we were sitting there and then heard the music wondering if it was coming from a car, then saw you and then began to listen as the time unfolded almost in slow motion" (ha,I just love, love, all this)) ... "a man and a dog walked by, and the a bird appeared in the sky, and with the breeze and the water." People describe in great detail their experience of nature through the music. How can I stop doing this Traveling Piano? As long as I am able to, I guess thats how long I'll be doing it.

August 02, 2013

Bucks County, Pennsylvania

I thought I had been getting bit on my ankles by mosquitoes. Nope, it was attack spiders while sleeping in my nieces basement. Mo got bit too. They itch for like a week with red welts! Never again in the cellar during the summer at my nieces! On the way out we stopped at Jennifer's house who is a neighbor to meet her new 2nd adopted child from China. As we were taking pictures with her daughters playing on the piano the mailman stopped by. He got off the truck and jumped on the Traveling Piano truck for a minute and then on our way. After the strange way the Traveling Piano truck was acting last night I thought it best to stop at a local garage mechanic to see if he saw any problem because it was going to be a five hour drive today. He filled the radiator with antifreeze. We drove to my friend Pat and Cindy's place and then went to find a new sound speaker for the truck. The present speaker is useless, blown out. New speakers now come with built in amps and I am sure my amp was about to go so it cost over nine hundred dollars but I still saved money by not purchasing two units. Now I have more room in the truck for storage and I purchased the warranty only because I know that nothing is made to last anymore. Outside the music store I had a lot of fun with some employees on the Traveling Piano while there was major heavy duty paving trucks and machinery pounding all around laying new road.

Just before turning onto the turnpike heading to West Virginia the heat index marker for the truck engine hit the roof. I was not sure what to do but decided to try and drive it to the repair shop who created this problem. It was the closest place to reach but also Friday at rush hour knowing they did not have weekend hours and with no one to pick me up, no place to stay for the night, no motels near the shop... I passed a service station on the way and a guy was standing outside it so I stopped. The guy said the problem was most likely the head gasket. It would be an expensive eight hour job if they could find the parts and if the whole engine was not shot. He was closing for the weekend anyway. I drove away with a couple of gallons of radiator water and the heat on full blast to keep the truck from exploding. I pulled over and sat on the side of the road feeling numb while thinking about how it was not a bad state of mind to be in. It was actually good. I was feeling alive and in the present moment. It was definitely better than sitting in a recliner all day doing work on the internet and spouting opinions to myself inside my head. The best bet was to see if I could make it back to my friend Cindy's place and wondered how I was going to survive in her house with my allergy problems. Amazing, the upstairs area was bright, clean with minimal animal smell and her son Tyler is away for a few days, I got his bed and the place is air-conditioned. Sleeping on the sofa will be next until I get this truck going or do something else.

August 01, 2013

Fallsington, Pennsylvania

The day was spent getting the where-with-all to go pick up my truck from the service station in Glenside while shelling out $1200 bucks for a new radiator, wheels, a tuneup... my friend Sid gave $500 towards the repair because he's a great guy. I had asked them to keep the truck inside if it rained. It seemed they had just rushed to get the work done, parked it outside and from the rain found a puddle of water in the tarp seeping through to the inside, ugh. After I left they must not have put the hub caps on tight or forgot to put one back on, could not deal with driving back so that will cost another $50 bucks. They didn't replace the window lining... I think they don't like me. After the car sat for an hour I could not get it started and then white smoke started to billow out the back. Even though, that did not stop the fun. A bunch of neighbors stopped by and I drove everyone around the block while some walked alongside, others sat in the back and the others messed around banging on the keys playing shark movie and halloween music. It was a musical ice cream truck scenario turned as chaotically funny as could be.