Since 1987 |
HIS SPIRIT LIVES ON! ... BONER, THE PIANO DOG ... November 27, 1994 ... February 20, 2010
Use the links to the left to read a past Month or Year... and then there is always your Backspace to return to a past page.
HELP! A new Carburetor is needed. SpotFund: Long Live the Traveling Piano Spotfund Venmo: Dan Kean @TravelingPiano 2156399378 - Paypal Direct: Paypal - And of Course this Website Contribution Page. Contribute Or email me for snail mail.
July 31, 2008
I am so tired I feel like fainting. I am numb. Ninety four percent of life as I have known it is over. I am in my old house for a couple more days with my sofa, television, fridge, washing machine and a few odds and ends. So now where it stands... I've collected contributions for a few of my belongings and gave most of them away. My friend Charlie has a house full of my stuff... stuffed from floor to ceiling. Charlie has been amazing with a full heart. I've been working my ass off over the last month, so has Charlie. God I am exhausted from it, so is he. My dear, dear friend Stephen, Charlie, fire spinner Tim Lund and video man Richie Cunningham... we were able to carve out about a half hour of music with fire, video and friendship tonight along with every muscle of mine aching and hands hurting so much they are swollen.
I almost can't believe I did it but I gave my performance speakers and amp to Tim tonight. It was a big gesture for me not just because of their worth but because it it was a serious move towards embracing my departure for China. No more parades or big festivals or events!!! I also gave him my huge four by four trunk full of Christmas lights in all shapes and sizes for his Barrel of Fun crew. I was Mr. Christmas for many, many years. I was very happy for him to have it all. Stephen began to get courage to take things for himself... a palm plant I have kept alive since age 20, stereo music speakers, an amp, suitcase, antique mirrors etc... oh what fun! It feels good to get back to some blogging tonight. Tomorrow I will catch up with the past few days.
| July 30, 2008
I accepted stewardship for many possessions over the years. I wanted to create substantial funding for the Journey of Peregrinating Musical Exploration with what I owned, my house and possessions to create fun, friendship and respect with musical empowerment and inspiration and to do it without organizational, commercial or political interests or agendas... to do it all as an individual with no cost for anyone. I reached out to grab $270,000 with the sale of everything including my house. I created the Boner The Dog website to help accomplish the goal. I had a two month daily fundraiser with the Traveling Piano in my back yard. I promoted the idea constantly everyday through performance, television interviews and news articles, flyers, parking lot promotional fundraisers ...last weekends Traveling Piano Send-Off event and in a myriad of other ways for over a year. I would say that I failed at my attempt to raise any substantial financial funding for the Journey of Peregrinating Musical Exploration through selling everything I own including my house. I will also say I'm done, I give up! Ha! I thought at least one person would come through in a big financial way. it has not happened ...yet. never-the-less i am done. I must now move forward with what I have.

I will now take financially what has been given and use it to the best of my ability to play out the adventure of a lifetime for as long as it can last. It might be a day, a month, a year, two years... I'm just going to keep on practicing living in the day. I feel like I am being propelled into the future, into China for the Olympics. I came home on Monday to find my passport had arrived. The next day I was emailed the Traveling Piano mission statement translated into Chinese. The next day a friend dropped off a present from the Olympic training center in Colorado, a 2008 Beijing truck sticker and tea shirt to wear. Then today i got an email from a couchsurfer suggesting I explore a Chinese student visa. That way I could stay eight months verses a three month tourist visa and he would help me out with logistics. So... onward.
| July 29, 2008
Still going... still moving... cleaning up from the last three days... moving reeeeeal slow.... with creative, manifested, surreal memories of reality from the weekend. I have not had internet access, I misplaced, my wireless card, I forgot to take my computer with me the other night, I was in Burger King because it was the only place I could find a wireless connection to the internet... in my underwear. I think I am a little out of sorts. Good thing I was wearing a low hanging tea shirt!
| July 28, 2008
Cleaning up from the last two days... moving reeeeeal slow.... with creative, manifested, surreal memories of reality.
| July 27, 2008
Today was another surreal day as was yesterday. The second and last day of the Traveling Piano's Sendoff fundraiser. As people arrived I would watch them walk across the pond embankment from the parking area to the event area. I asked people to park far away along a huge corn field just in case a millions cars arrived. Boy did I miss the boat with that projection! I don't think there were more than ten cars at any given time but the walk over the grassy hill was a beautiful one, an excellent introduction to the event area and a very fun experience for those not usually in a farm environment. As I flipped back and forth with my mind I worked to stay conscious to not go into denial, avoid what was happening, what I was feeling or create any false illusions or feelings by pretending or projecting that anything was positive or negative. "It was what it was."

Boner was up and down off the piano most of the day. I don't know where he was most of the time but I'm sure he was having tons of fun. Stephen would fetch him for pictures with people. I was conscious the entire time that there were very few people in attendance and I embraced that fact. The only thing that was a bit troublesome for me was that there would be allot of stuff to put away, I would not be giving as much away with fun to inspire as I would have hoped and then there was the financial issues. The bottom line... I will continue with this Journey as long as I can... being financially responsible. As far as the cost for this event... I let Charlie handle the food, he had chickens from the farm and vegetables for the gumbo. He picked up some drink mixes at the market, a neighbor gave him tons of free corn the night before, my niece and her friends took care of the brownies, friends helped with physical labor and entertainment, Charlie provided the space. When all was said and done I ended up purchasing two watermelons and boxes of instant potatoes that were never even used. The cost for this two day party out of pocket... less than $20 bucks!!! Money raised? Enough to get me through a week and three days with no emergency or other needs than gas, food for myself and Bo, tolls and a red roof inn type of lodging.That's it.

The storm came. There was a major, major storm much larger than usual. Think what you want but I knew I was creating it. With my mind's eye I was stopping people or slowing people down from coming! That was the reality... cheezz... my reality ...that is if you want to believe the contemporary spiritual teachers, Rhonda Byrne and her friends and also Eckhart Tolle. I'll blame them for my train of thought to lighten the wrath of those who will say I'm being ridiculous and that I am not that powerful. We are all that powerful. Anything is possible, without ego there is nothing but God in my life. It is a challenge to stay in God's space totally and completely. I like doing that. I was choosing a rain storm through and from God. Why? I better not start with why. I better stop here before i make someone want to slap me across the head...

The storm was so huge that large trees fell and blocked major arteries like Route 611. Smaller roads became impassable from the damaging hail stones. Electrical wires fell and blocked roads. The hills and winding travel ways into this rural area were such that people had to stop driving and pull over and wait the storm out. These were the facts as I was told. I was oblivious to just about all of it. All I knew was that strangers I did not know were intensely running around covering my belongings with plastic tarps to protect them. The storm was connecting people together. People started to talk to each other with intimacy about things that strangers usually avoid talking about.

A big crowd huddled into Charlie's musty garage full of my stuff, his stuff, the faint smell of chicken shit and dust everywhere. A bunch of strangers stuck together in a small strange personal environment not knowing what to do or say. True to form Charley appeared with his great big smile and spirit, "who wants some plums to eat"? Everyone started to relax. My umbrella stand happened to be right there full of about ten umbrellas for the people who could not fit inside.

During all the chaos and fun the Canticle Singers arrived. Todd Pressman who i have created a strong spiritual connection with having met only two times through his brother Brad and for no more that 15 minutes each time... 21 years ago when I started this career... showed up with family and friends Amy Shimmin-Pike and Joan Mc Govern to sing accappella choral pieces. We went upstairs into the living room, dinning room and kitchen for some music. Boy, talk about personal... talk about Charlie embracing everyone into his private space. The group was as professional as could be, top notch, I loved the music and participation. They really "winged it" fantastically under severe conditions. The last piece of music was in honor of the Journey of Peregrinating Musical Exploration... John Denver's "Leaving on a Jet Plane."

The rain stopped. Vehicles began to pile in. I began to get nervous and then the vehicles stopped piling in. My friend Brad Pressman arrived. Brad is an architectural genius from New York city and has helped me as a personal friend with all the promo and pictures i have ever had. My close friend Cindy came back for the second day. She lives two hours away and this time she came with almost every family member. My friend Patty from high school who first inspired me to start playing the piano on a truck came with Lance her husband. My niece, and surprise... another niece and nephew with their families... talk about a gaggle of kids, there were about twenty all together during this time... it was really a fine situation! I was so happy to share some new experiences with family. At night, Dave Gillies from the Give and take Jugglers stopped by with his friend. I have constantly run into Dave for the last twenty years during performances where we both have been booked and we have never been able to connect socially but have wanted to. I really appreciated his support. His crew once juggled bowling pins as they flew over my and Boner's head during a performance of Dizzy Fingers. Some very interesting people I had never met before filtered in and out. I remember a couple, a red haired Irish looking girl with a dark guy in dreadlocks playing bongos along with Tim and MB while others playing with toys and I improvised music. I wish I had been able to spend more time with everyone.

My personal favorite of the entire two days... I was performing and I saw a car pull into the driveway. A bunch of guys filtered out and were just standing around. It seemed like they did not know what to do so after about five minutes I yelled to invite them over, "get your asses over here." That startled them a bit as I found out later they were being cool, a little shy and acclimating themselves to the environment and situation. Surprise... they were Furries!!! I love surprises, I forgot they were coming to the event. These guys, I've know them from events like the Ocean City Doo Dah parade in New Jersey, for my entire career... Skywise the cameraman, Rapid T. Rabbit along with Fuzzle Ferret and Renegade the Skunk drove in from New York city and middle Pennsylvania to create fun and friendship.

The timing could not have been more perfect because it was when most of the people were around. What a sight, especially to watch the kids eyes pop! Everyone was stunned. Twelve foot high furry characters bouncing, flopping, swaying out of the garage and onto the Honey Lake's farm lawn. Boner who has always distanced himself from any type of festival character was completely at ease. He even had a smile on his face as Renegade the Skunk put both his big hands up to embrace him on top of the piano. Wow. Rapid T. Rabbit the only vocal character of the bunch interviewed me from the truck for his long running, twenty five year NYC cable show, Rapid T. Rabbit and Friends.

My ability to improvise music, my creativity doubled through the experience of the last two days. I accomplished the personal goals I was looking to achieve with just about everyone who attended... that of musical interaction, empowerment, inspiration, gifting, fun, friendship and respect. Chicken gumbo, brownies, watermelon, fresh venison hamburgers on rolls with fresh picked sweet corn, lemonade and ice tea ...improvisational music, dancing, singing, playmates flying experimental props and objects through the air, people relaxing in chairs, friendship, participation, relationship, supporters wondering around picking out gifts to be had, people of all ages, types and sizes fishing in the pond for big mouthed bass using pieces of hot-dogs, chickens running around in the yard, twelve foot high fuzzy furries extending their friendship, the pureness of nature.... what a creatively manifested experience of the universe this was and it was created equally by all who attended through I believe God as we each understand.

| July 26, 2008
Surreal in general means bizarre or dreamlike, it was very surreal. Today was very dreamlike. Several people voiced the exact same sentiment. The Traveling Piano Send Off event was happening. No one was quite sure how or exactly what was happening but we were all OK and floating along with it. The bottom line... it was fun. Every moment was fun. Everyone in attendance had fun! My dear, dear friend Stephen, God daughter Alisha, Charlie, Tim and Mary Beth were all there helping. I arrived an hour early and jolted Stephen and Alisha out of bed, "quick, get up, the thing starts in an hour and nothing is outside setup!!!" Tim and MB soon arrived and immediately began to setup. Charlie was constantly working, getting things together. I was trying to do everything... "Charlie what are we going to do for food"? He says, "when they want some we'll make some." Are you kidding??? "Throw a cup on the table with a half gallon plastic container of powered ice tea mix, we have chicken gumbo that I made, corn harvested from yesterday, watermelon what more do they need" he says. Charlie, the first thing people want to do is eat or drink something, the food needs to be abundant! I'm used to stuff like using the corn husks for a table bed display, putting ears of corn to displayed to be aesthetically pleasing, color, varieties, textures... hahaha, none of that was going to happen today for sure. It all worked out in the end.

Tim handled the guests, collecting donations and explaining what was going on. MB a weight trainer/lifter was really into carrying the crates of heavy records and books out to the yard. I set up the truck and it all began. The turnout was small. The quality of people who came was larger than life itself. Right from the start two woman Bea and Michele arrived, a mother and daughter team. They stayed all day until the very end. They felt like "soul" supporters. They just enjoyed "being" the entire day with the event. I'd see them as I moved from activity to activity. They were a "feel good" presence that helped to give me a feeling of consistency and substance with the event. Here is something amazing. They first saw me perform at my very first gig in Peddlers Village, PA. That was in 1987! They did not know that was my first gig. They have been at engagements throughout my career at events in Ocean City, NJ. They have been with me all along from the very start to the very end.

Arlene, a healer, teacher and musician arrived at the start, out of nowhere. "I only have until two in the afternoon, I'm here for the music jam, brought my violin with me." What fun she was! We took pictures of the two of us with her loot... my rug, some music CD's etc... Tim brought out his bongo's to jam wth. My Ragtime mentor and longtime friend Don Kawash who got me started with Ragtime performance, he came to perform. I made sure I sat down and took time to enjoy his music and company. He had an interest in my mother's Italian marble topped pure Mahogany end tables. i was so happy for him to have them. Families came in groups and I gave my musical experience, strength and hope concerning creativity and how a life can work.

People who wandered in often picked out the perfect item to take home. Here is an example. A guy from center city Philadelphia was very interested in a medical operating lamp that I had held onto since I was 20 years old. I told him it was one of the first lamps created for its use. As we talked somehow the conversation turned to the fact that he lives in the Fairmont section of the city and that happens to be where the lamp was from, the cellar of a house in that section of the city. He said I wonder if it came from the old prison hospital which he had an interest in. I told him that it in fact came from a house across the street from the prison.

Another really interesting situation was with a guy named Richie. He was also a constant from start to finish but for both days! He took video the entire time. I never asked anyone, but I so wanted for someone to do that for me. Richie lives in Pennsylvania and we crossed paths during the Katrina time period down South years ago when he was volunteering. I synchronistically ran into him in a local park earlier in the year. Stephen took pictures for me all day. Charlie made sure everyone had a Honey Lake farm experience, especially with getting people to fish and catch big mouth bass with pieces of hotdogs. As Charley showed people around, "make sure you don't miss this." I watched him all day create his brand of fun for everyone as I created my brand of fun for everyone.

Everyone created their brand of fun for everyone. What we all had in common was our intent, desire and goal to share, give and help the Journey of Peregrinating Musical Exploration on my behalf. Alisha pushed the brownies... I never ate so many brownies in one day! I forgot to bring my cell phone with me, that was a good thing. I could not handle the distraction of taking calls. Julie who helped me with flyers a few weeks back, came with her daughter and granddaughter. They ended up making more signs to put out on the roads to try and draw people in. "Free Stuff" signs with pointing directional arrows.

I got hit a few times with people who took way too much with out giving anything in addition near the worth. Ouch, hurt... it was a push, shove feeling to "let go" of valuable, emotionally attached pieces of furniture or good art items to some people especially when I could tell they were collecting stuff to sell ... I reminded myself constantly that this was a "big give." I avoided the area until they left with their truck loads. I focused on people like Tim and MB who not only gave freely all of their physical, mental, spiritual, emotional time and creativeness... for both days... they gave me a personal financial contribution over and above that and I had only met them once before and it was a year ago. Wow... and asking for nothing in return. Now "that" is a big give!

While performing, I was having this major experience with my psyche that some people may really turn off to but I am going to write it anyway. I became totally aware in the moment that I was creating my reality and that everyone present was creating there own compatible realities. I had an awareness of how large groups of people create the same situations together. Me personally... I did not want a huge turnout, I could not have handled more people than were in attendance. I wanted some sort of intimacy and to interact with everyone present and to do activities and there was only so much energy I could muster to accomplish the goals. I could never had achieved my true inner goals if hundreds of people had attended. As I post the pictures to this blog I see not a huge smashing spectacular crowd filled successful fundraiser but personal pictures from a party. It is getting easier for me to discern between what I really want and what I often perceive. I did want to raise funding. Who knows what may come from today? I have the faith that any funding needed will come and I have enough for now.

Tim and MB, all day long took time to play with twirling rope, bats, wands and balls to dance with improvisationally while I created music. They shared with others, gave tips and showed with example what can be created and how it could be done. The night time was amazing with improvisational fire dancing. Everyone present was in awe and truly mesmerized. I was so grateful for the opportunity to create art once again with these two magnificent performers. I had met them at the Playa del Fuego Mid-Atlantic Regional Burn festival last year. We experimented, we played, we created art. Tim came onto the truck and created an amazing ambience for me to create improvisational music along with the graceful movement and feel of fire. I improvised music on the piano with my left hand while at the same time joining them in dance physically with my other hand. We were all totally in the moment... creating, manifesting the spirit of love in the dark through fire, dance and music using the pureness and juxtapositions of nature in so many unusual ways.

| July 25, 2008
Saying goodbye to 40 years of Christmas decorations as I pulled them out of boxes was a major theme today. They are laying, sitting, standing, hanging all over the Honey Lake Farm lawn in the dark right now. You can find about two dozen stuffed bears in the trees. I hope to find someone who can enjoy Christmas in July tomorrow and the next day so I can "gift" them big time! I'm giving away everything I can during the Traveling Piano Send Off. I still have stuff in my old house but the majority s out. This has been a major process for me. My food for the day was a large bag of Toritos. True confessions... what can I say? As it got dark Charlie and I started to chase chickens around the yard trying to get them into the hen house so they don't poop all over the cleaned porch overnight. You ain't heard nothing until you've heard a hen scream. I'm not talking skwalking I'm talking screaming! How the hell do you spell "skwalking"? My god daughter Alisha and her brother... my dear, dear friend Stephen arrived after dark to help for the weekend. I was leaving, I needed to get home to get the Traveling Piano truck. I also need some quiet time and to center myself. Boner has been keeping low, he spent most of the day under a table or in the truck cab. When I got home I found my cell phone charger sitting in a glass of water and my phone is not charged. I have no contact with the outside world!!! Good. I have no projections or expectations about this weekend. Good to that too. I am doing the best that I can... "it is what it is". My intentions... I want to take a picture with everyone, play some music for them, maybe have them play some for me, "gift" out the wazzoouuu... chew some food together, get to know something about everyone, share my gratitude and good spirit, have a little fun and relax? Hehehe... yea, I'll have no choice but to be relaxed with no energy :)... I'll have energy I'm sure... its all an experiment... its all an experiment... its all an experiment with playful innocence and love.
| July 24, 2008
Today's picture, creating music with a guy fishing off the Delaware river pier. I'm thinking. "gone fishing... Not! My time is consumed with moving and getting ready for the weekend setting up tables to put things on, working to make the presentation interestingly visual and fun. My friend Charlie has been helping... words could not express how much. He put up with my bossing him around all day on his property, in his space... "Charlie, this needs to get cleaned, this needs to be hidden somewhere, do this, do that, etc... When I Ieft him at 8:30pm and then he went to collect 150 pound bails of hay for his neighbor, his feet killing him, feeling his age of 64... he filled me with joy for the weekend. I dropped off my hammers, garden tools and he says, I want em' all. I said, "Charlie you already have three of everything." I wasn't thinking the heavy use they all get. Actually I said it many weeks ago and it still stands. I have no problem giving this guy every possession I own if he wants it. His friendship is worth more. I'm really looking forward to a fun good time. Are you going to be there? Check out the 26-27 Event Info link.
| July 23, 2008
I must write all of this... Well... "it is what it is" I have no idea what kind of turnout there will be for this weekends fundraiser. In my minds eye I see a small turnout. That suites my present state of mind and ability to followthrough. It could also be a really big turnout but somehow my minds eye will not allow that to see through me. Does this come from fear or just plain old what is to be? I have always said I enjoy one-on-one interaction so I look forward to the opportunity to spending some time with everyone who attends this weekends event. As far as raising funds... damm, that also I cannot see in my minds eye. Gifting my possessions with fun and joy... yes that I can see. Time with good friends... very much I can see. Today's focus is to get as much together for the party as well as moving big pieces of furniture while remembering fun, friendship, respect, musical empowerment and inspiration ...and most importantly love!

I'm having difficulty getting the big furniture out of my old house and up to the fundraiser. It may not happen. Feeling lost, I just pushed forward. I had flyers to distribute but I have been putting that off. "Just do it!" While driving around and while in the process my mind caught a negative spin and went spiraling downward. "The posters did not work, not one of them is still up anywhere, people took them all, these flyers are a waste of time", etc... and then I remembered, "you may have an article in today's newspaper". I stopped to pick up a copy of the Bucks County Herald. I'm thinking, "damm nothings here", as I flip through the pages like a maniac and then I see it. The Raggin' Piano Boogie website picture is right across from the editorial page with a full feature article from Bridget Wingert: Happy To Be Here - Danny Boy Keeps Raggin' On ...it was so wonderful! I wanted to connect with Bridget on the spot. I drove down the road thinking, "Thank you, thank you Bridget for trusting me in my journey and having the faith in me with a show of community worth. The article was very supportive." From that point on my energy started to pick up. I could feel people engaging with me as I asked if I could leave a few flyers at their business establishments every mile or so down the road.

I saw a band getting ready to play at an open bar along the street in New Hope, PA . I stopped to hand one of the guys a flyer to tell them to come and get some free records, equipment, etc... this weekend. In a matter of fifteen seconds, the front vocalist Michael said, "please stay... let me sing a song for you." He was insistent, my truck was running with Bo in it a block away, I was rushing around like crazy but he was so sincere I could not resist. He announced over the mike that the music was for "Dan, who is doing something very special." As I listened I realized I was being given more than just a gift of music by musicians, they were helping me to stop my driven mode of insanity and for a few minutes to enjoy life with them, musically. That was very cool!!! Check out these guys... Soul Custody As I drove away I thought, "I am so, so... supposed to be doing what I am doing. Every time my spirit starts to slip down something comes into my path in an unexpected way to hold me up.
I arrived home to find a Paypal contribution for the Journey of Peregrinating Musical Exploration from the most beautiful and wonderful... world musical singing artist Deva Premal who's music I connected with at the very beginning of my journey. Deva and her husband Mitin's music has very much empowered my spiritual sense of mission. They have inspired me with musical kinship and specifically through Deva's most musical voice...to be healthy in body as well as support my expression to the world. Musicians supporting me financially! Wow... this means the world to me, like family. Love...
| July 22, 2008
I slipped outside into a field tonight and into the warm, breezy, summer darkness to practice some repertoire and create some musical improvisation. The Ragtime, I was amazed to remember and play fairly well. I have only played my repertoire a few times times over the last few years. Scott Joplin and bunch of Novelty Rags were my life for what... over 25 years? ...feels like forever. My own, personal music is my life. That sounds so dramatic but it is true. I can now create music for an hour and a half and not be aware of time. I remember when I first started to improvise three years ago how strange and scary it was not to feel embarrassed with myself and try to stay connected for ten minutes. Now I just get lost... its heaven. My music is for the world. I want for Boner to meet the world. My dog belongs to the world. So do my possessions and that is why I will release them this weekend. Come hang out with us and get some!
| July 21, 2008
I am realizing more and more everyday that people hear, think and see me and my career in many different individual ways. As a friend once said that she thinks her sexual makeup is one of 6.5 billion different variations on this planet... I am learning that their can probably be 6.5 billion interpretations of my motives and what I am doing with The Tour of Peregrinating Musical Exploration. I must stay strong and true to myself concerning my own intent and desires. Saturday and Sunday... with this last fundraiser event ever... for the Tour of Peregrinating Musical Exploration... this is how I figure I will work...
1. First and foremost this is a fundraiser and will without question will determine my present ability to move forward with what I have to offer to the world. The $15 entrance fee will help to weed out, "takers". I will have donation boxes everywhere to ask that people contribute for the food and setup. (like for the porta potty I will need to rent, Charlie's toilet is too fragile for constant use). My giving will be unconditional but I will also want to give the opportunity for people to respond to my generosity with generosity of their own. (for say the $2400 antique china closet from 1890 shipped over from England for Grey House the 2nd house ever built on the NJ shore) but I will truly accept nothing in return without a grimace. Hahaha... ouch, ouch... I can do this...!
2. This will be a Big Give of all my worldly possessions except for a few things which I will be giving to friends to enjoy for an unknown amount of time. (if you have ever given something to someone to hold, you know how that works). When this process began I made a decision not to dump or sell anyhting for quarters and pennies at flea market... my possessions that I have been given the stewardship to value. I want to bring value to everything I have owned. This Saturday and Sunday, everything will all have the same value... "priceless". I tried raising money over the last year with a two month sale in my back yard (I couldn't let go), I tried again with the www.bonerthedog website concept (too much work, I give up) so... I always said if nothing else I would let go of everything I own to "inspire" in good ways, which I hope will happen from this event.
This will be a fun going away party for the Traveling Piano. My friend Charlie, myself and whomever else shows up to help with be hosting together with music, food, ice tea, entertainment, gifts, hanging out together, walks, ponds, ducks, chickens, games, fireworks personal interaction, meet the neighbors... (bring a blanket or chair to sit on)Let's have some fun! Any additional ideas? And one more thing... I did the almost impossible today and called every single family member to invite them. I must admit the intent was selfish in nature, I don't want to leave and continue on my journey with anyone thinking that I do not love them. The only way I know how to deal with such selfishness is through love. At least, that is what felt right for me today.
| July 20, 2008
It is a major challenge to stay in the "zone" with what I need to do this week for My Big Personal Possession "GIVE" Fundraiser Event on Saturday and Sunday. Will you be there? I am missing music tremendously. It is difficult for me to stay in a positive state of mind without it. Why do I not give myself at least ten private musical minutes alone everyday? I will try tomorrow (I'm writing this daily blog late because I was so exhausted from moving last night)

I am having strong thoughts because I am about to invite family to this fundraiser. Here I go... my parents loved me as I did them to the fullest. There is no question in my mind of the completeness in that life experience. As I have personally grown throughout life so has my love and the ability to learn from and about it. Through my friend Gertrude (now passed) I learned what unconditional love feels like for myself. Now I have learned a new feeling associated with love. Do you know what it feels like to not get enough, not have enough in relationship, a feeling like the other party could be doing more but they are not doing it... or not doing it good enough, or are holding back for some reason? Through my friend Charlie I have experienced the feeling of "enough" love, the example of another human being giving everything they could possible give of themselves through love. What an amazing feeling. I now have experienced in life the feelings of "unconditional" and "enough" love and I want to share that with the world through my example.
| July 19, 2008
During the start of my liquidation last year a guy came into my yard when I was not home... phoned me to say he was taking a paperweight worth hundreds and was going to leave ten dollars for it. I said please do not do that and he did it anyway. It baffles me how people can be irresponsible sometimes, know it, and not care and how they justify in their mind or repress what they are doing. I went through a similar situation this week that created the same feelings of getting ripped off. I had to negotiate the hassle because I don't have time or the desire to deal with the bad energy it was creating. In an case I will continue to trust and learn about my limits and boundaries. Today I continued to move my belongngs to my friend Charlie's place where the event will be next week, before that I cried a bit with prayer, went to the library to renew my passport... libraries are a relatively new venue for passports and the business has created funding for them. Hmmm... In my neighborhood alone they process 400 a month! I had to get a photo, went to three photo places before finding one that had a workable machine, went to the universe with some meditation... My dear, dear friend Stephen is with me again to help with moving...
Since it is a hundred degrees outside I left Boner home sleeping upstairs and did not tell him I was leaving when I went for my photos. I came home to find him on the downstairs couch looking worried with a "where did you go?" look. Then his tail started to wag but he was not happy enough to get up. What was amazing to me was that he had brought downstairs with him one of my tea shirt's. It had my smell on it. I found that he had put it on the arm of the couch to rest his head on while he waited. Isn't that amazing?
While driving around today, people in different places that I do not know started to recognize and acknowledge me. I was reminded how difficult life becomes for me when I am not interacting and actively participating with people musically in life. It feels very good to see people smile for and with me.
I said to my friend Pat today, "I'm not so sure I want to go through with this plan." She said, "I think its a little late to be saying that."
| July 18, 2008
| July 17, 2008
Finally, I drove to new York City to get my visa for China. I had what the embassy requested... my passport, the application, 2 photo's... it wasn't enough. They need to know who's inviting me, where I will be staying, a hotel reservation or something. I asked if they knew of a hotel I could use, a friend... nice try. The fact that I realized before I went into the building that my passport had expired last July, well that issue never came up. I felt total acceptance over the experience and determination to do whatever is necessary. I have my creative goals in mind and I'm going along with the ride. I spent some time over lunch with my good friend Brad.
During the New Jersey Turnpike ride on the way home the Traveling Piano truck died. I stopped to get gas, turned off the motor and that was that. Good thing this happened at a gas station eh? I had a jump start battery with me that did not work. The driver next to me tried to give me a jump, no go... and then the gas station repair truck entered the scene. That did the trick but not without effort with the engine. I kept fear, urgency and drama out of the picture. I did begin to go through my options but had no negative thoughts.
This has happened with the truck so many times over the last three years I've stopped trying to figure out why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work. The break down's have been a good tool for me to consciously practice not going into a panic mode. It might have been my new cell phone transformer in the cigarette lighter. Maybe needs to be turned off before the motor is turned off or it drains the battery? As I drove away I thought, "maybe the Traveling Piano's force of spontaneous energy created the moment. I was meant to play some music for the guys pumping gas. The sun and heat today was oppressive and the customers were giving them a hard time. I saw it twice while I was there and they were talking about it to me. The last guy to help me was a drummer so I played some music for them. "Man, we needed that, thanks, your a genius!" I turned their day completely around with sixty seconds of Boogie Woogie music. It was like the truck stopped itself and was not going to start until all the guys were there and I did my thing. When I was done we tried to turn it and and that was that, it worked. Cool!
| July 16, 2008
The Flight of Peregrinating Musical Exploration was with full force today. It did not start out that way. I started out angry with all the stuff that needs to get done and then I began to drive up to all the surrounding towns of Pipersville PA to put posters in public places to create awareness for the event which I hope you will be coming to on July 26th and 27th.

As I drove up river road along the Delaware river it just all became so beautiful and awesome... I was able to assert myself into enjoying it. The priority became the experience of the journey in the moment, the purpose of the Traveling Piano. My priority was to enjoy life to the fullest and share that and then it was like God said, "Huh, your going to enjoy me? Well, just see me... enjoy you... enjoying me!" Then the magic began. I started out in Erwina, PA meeting the owner of the Sand Castle Winery on top of this sweeping hill of greenery. I met several business owners along the river and everyone embraced the idea of putting up a poster. In Black Eddy, I found a picture perfect general store with the locals hanging out on a typical summer day. At first they thought I was crazy but it did not take them long to "get it".

I crossed over into Milford, New Jersey... wow! Talk about classic Americana... I drive back down the river and into Frenchtown... found a guy in Stockton NJ playing the guitar and singing outside the inn... invited him to the fundraiser and got him up onto the piano for a picture... Lambertville, NJ and then onward back to Pennsylvania to the town of New Hope.

Everything that happened in New Hope was amazingly synchronistic from the very first moment. The timing and crisscross of encounters, Every experience interlaced, led fast and smoothly in and out... onto the next. People stopped to ask for information before I got a chance to turn off the truck. I found a parking spot right outside the biggest nightclub where I wanted to put a poster. Two couples from New Jersey, from England and Dubai were eating dinner across the street. They connected with me... I went over to talk to them and... this guy Godfrey who I met in Point Pleasant over the weekend and who took stewardship for my parent's furniture passes by out of no where and invites me to his house nearby.
About ten minutes later, I pull into Godfrey's driveway just as he lifts the lid off his grill to show two... "wow" large pieces of plank smoked grilled salmon ready for eating. His wife is presently in Alaska and his kids are spread out in different places... he was alone working on his house with two pieces of the richest most orange salmon steak grilled to perfection... just done. The timing could not have been more perfect. He was perplexed with what to do with the second piece and then I happened along. After eating Godfrey went and got two candle sticks and lit two candles for the top of the piano, he had a special glass of wine and it was sparkling Pellegrino for me on tonight my 26th year anniversary of being "off the sauce" and we each had our turns in the night air with music and the moon almost full in the quiet (except for a few frogs) and in the warm of the summer night.
You can be sure I'll be sleeping with gratitude tonight!
| July 15, 2008
Day by day I move forward one step in front of the other. I'm going to work for a repeat of this past weekend for the upcoming weekend. I spent most of the day recovering from the weekend. Heavy work always hits me strong after 48 hours. I have also been taking care of business, no music on the piano... I'll need to keep my focus without music right now. That makes me want to cry like a baby.

Traveling Piano Church Parking Lot Fundraising
This coming Friday and Saturday, July 19th and 20th... all day. Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania Church Parking Lot.... naa... too much moving to do... forget this.
Furniture - Household Products - Women's Clothes (that's a story) - Sheet Music - Albums - Tools - Equipment - Collectables - Gifts - Treasure Chests - Kitchen Stuff - Chakas Galore - Appliances - Rugs - Stuffed Animals - Antique lamp Shade Frames - Christmas Big Time - Thanksgiving - Easter - Books 1000's - Picture Frames - A Lot More...
it's a small town, once you get there you will not miss the spot. One set of directions. Point Pleasant. Another set of directions. Point Pleasant.
| July 14, 2008
I was talking with my dear, dear friend Stephen and Charlie about how my mouth as well as my body never stopped moving all weekend and these pictures came from that conversation. The pictures also somewhat describe my present state of mind.

The weekend's event turned more into a promotion for the last fundraiser I will ever hold before I leave the area on July 26 and 27th.(someone else can hold one in the future for us if they would like to :) I met many, many neighbors in Middle Bucks County over the weekend and invited them to come and have some fun, friendship, food and music. Almost everyone said they would love to. I had flyers I handed out. It reminded me of one great specific aspect of worth that the Traveling Piano offers, that of bringing people together. Often when i am playing somewhere spontaneously, well here is an example...
I am in a typical housing development and I begin playing music for a family in their driveway. Neighbors begin to investigate where the music is coming from because they have never heard it before (my improvisation). They look out their windows. Along with the music... the sight of the Traveling Piano (especially Boner) attracts them to come outside to further investigate. Along with Boner and the people I am with... we all wave them over, and then this wonderful connection begins between neighbors who have never before met or who normally have no reason to talk or connect and then we all begin to interact with each other and experiment and play with the piano and take pictures together, and laugh and discover and well...
...now all the neighbors of Pipersville, Point Pleasant, Bedminster, Carversville, Buckingham PA and many other local areas who often only get glimpse of each other while driving down the road and who have often wondered about each other in every way will have an opportunity to met informally with fun, friend and respect and for a good cause. I'm really excited about this because this kind of experience is exactly what I am about. The thought of It makes me feel real good. Wether there are ten present or ten hundred will not matter. We we have a good time. You are invited.
| July 13, 2008
This day was as difficult as it gets; fun and stimulating as well. I was completely sun fried before the day even started... and exhausted. My dear, dear friend Stephen was completely zoned out. i was amazed at his stamina and how wonderfully he was able to work with me. How interesting that he came into the path of this project two days before, because as I look back it could not have possibly happened without help. My friend Charlie helped to start the day by stopping by with a cooler of food and liquid nourishment. He spent the rest of his day bailing hay and looking for a coyote that has been picking off his chickens one by one.When I laid down on the "hard" floor to sleep at the days end (15 hour day) I could not decided wether the body pain was worse just being still... or from trying to move into a different position.. or even the act of trying to move was tramatic with the little strength left.

One little guy was so funny and creative while playing the piano. He decided to try and create music while going to sleep. He never stopped playing no matter how far down he sunk to the floor. I had an incredible about of fun with people during this two day liquidation of my personal possessions which are passing through me ever so slowly. Here in middle Bucks County Pennsylvania I have never in my life so far have met such a concentration of interesting and engaging people... in every way. Everyone was interested in the Traveling Piano because they are interesting people. That is how it works. Interesting people are always interested. My encounters reminded me of how much that I enjoy people. Being able to enjoy people with a smile... just for themselves in the present moment... this makes my life worthwhile.
| July 12, 2008
The fundraiser began and it was one car load of people stopping at a time which really worked out well because I found a need to explain what was going on to everyone. Thank god for my friend Stephen. He continually carried out items from the storage house while I told the Traveling Piano story over and over and over ad nauseum. I find the people in this area refreshing. When they are finished listening you know it. They just walk away or stop the talking, not rudely... just as a matter of factly. This is good for both parties as I have difficulty stopping once I get started :)

Boner kept avoiding me all day because he did not want to take the chance of me wanting to throw him up on the piano. It was a HOT HUMID SUN! Every half hour he would switch to a new shady spot and often he would go into the house to get away from the choas My God, it was hot. I just told myself, "live in it, it is what it is." I let Bo off by himself for most of the day except to take a pictures.

Juggling between setting up items, pricing them, talking to people, playing some music, keeping a check on Boner, dealing with the sun, humidity and heat, having fun with people creating music for themselves, it was all more than a challenge. I constantly remind myself to embrace all difficulties, it is all practice for China. Reminding people that this is a not a flea market, that it is a fundraiser and that I will not give them my $350 item for $2 was irritating at times for both parties. When all was said and done, financially it was a good day for a typical flea market but it was not much of a fundraiser knockout. We did good with contributions for items but not that many items went... We slept overnight on the floor of the church's education house. All the spiders in existence had a field day with us throughout the night.
| July 11, 2008
This postiing is three days late because the Verizon wireless team does not exsist everywhere as their television comercia implies or for sure at least not in Piperesville or Point Pleasant PA which is one hour from Philly. With everything going on... me trying to remember what happened three days ago? Ha... not. The day was spent with my dear, dear friend Stephen who came to help me with with the Traveling Piano parking lot fundraiser. We set up tables, talked to some people who stopped by early and tried to price some items. A good twelve hour day of lifting and moving trunks, furniture, books, glass etc... we were ready. Blankets covered everything to protect the wood from morning dew. It was weird to see the family furniture outside on a lawn. I did get to play a bit of piano. I was going to use the internet contribution numbers from the www.bonerthedog website but I could not connect to my site so it was all about guessing and re-pricing my worth and value.
| July 10, 2008
Traveling Piano Church Parking Lot Fundraising
This coming Friday and Saturday, July 12th and 13th... all day. Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania Church Parking Lot.
Furniture - Household Products - Women's Clothes (that's a story) - Sheet Music - Albums - Tools - Equipment - Collectables - Gifts - Treasure Chests - Kitchen Stuff - Chakas Galore - Appliances - Rugs - Stuffed Animals - Antique lamp Shade Frames - Christmas Big Time - Thanksgiving - Easter - Books 1000's - Picture Frames - A Lot More...
it's a small town, once you get there you will not miss the spot. One set of directions. Point Pleasant. Another set of directions. Point Pleasant.
I snuck out for a short while to create some music for myself today between everything else :)
| July 9, 2008
I'm Freakin' Out! (almost) My now sold house is emptied out enough that sound is beginning to bounce off the walls. It is beginning to sound empty! Back and forth, back and forth between my old home and the Point Pleasant Baptist church, moving my belongings out into the world. This process has brought thoughts to the forefront for me that have become so strong I want to share them. My friend Charlie who has been supporting me considers himself a religious man. I do not consider myself a religious man. I am a Christian but in a very, very private way. I believe that to witness and show by example is the best way to express spirituality. Back some time ago Charlie said we were like brothers. I wanted to clarify that more. I said I believe we are brothers in Christ. I have no need to explain that except to say that it is all good stuff. The experience and expression of my spirit has often lifted an eyebrow or two when it comes to religious people, especially conservative people. I've always been an equal opportunity kind of guy so I guess this is some eyebrow lifting words to read for atheistic, liberals. Lift those eyebrow's people. :)
| July 8, 2008
Sometimes I can't believe I've been moving out of my house basically by myself. I was thinking, I need an intervention with this process. Then I thought, "I definitely need... divine intervention". And then I thought, "I don't want a "hard Lesson" with a divine intervention so I better use the words, wonderfully divine intervention," So I spent the day yesterday thinking thoughts to attract a wonderfully divine intervention with my process. This morning my friend Cindy called and it worked out for her and her son Tyler to come and help me move things I could not carry by myself to my truck. With my friend Charlie at the other end I got two loads to the Point Pleasant Baptist Church for the Parking Lot Fundraiser on Saturday and Sunday. Half way through the day I realized I was having my "wonderfully divine intervention with Cindy and Tyler." I almost missed it! Good thing I was consciously aware. I rarely get to spend time with these family like friends. I got some help, we had dinner together and Charlie is constantly there with support. Always keeping spontaneous musical connections on my mind like... pulling up to a street corner and inviting a bunch of bicyclers up for a ride on the piano.
| July 7, 2008
Point Pleasant Baptist Church Parking Lot Traveling Piano Fundraiser... this coming Saturday and Sunday, July 12th and 13th! My personal possessions up for contribution. Point Pleasant in Bucks County, PA, don't blink or you will miss the town. There is a post office, general store, a bar, a "church," a few houses and a really cool huge store named F. P. Kolbe that sells just about anything you could imagine and Point Pleasant is also the home of Bucks County River Country... a Delaware River Tubing and Boating outfitter.

I went to the river's edge for some r&r musical therapy. It was fun to watch people's reaction as they drifted in from a day's tubing to find a dog on top of a piano with a man creating piano music in the back of a pickup truck on the beach! I got "River Dan" the owner of the place to play a few notes on the piano. When I was done the truck battery was dead for the third time this week! Hmmm... lucky me that Dan is a nice guy and gave me a jump. Map Quest does not list the point pleasant zip code so you can find directions here on the tubing, kayaking, canoeing, and rafting site page. Point Pleasant.
Also, Rich Kolbe let me put up the big Traveling Piano Fundraiser sign I used at my house last year across the front of his property in view for everyone who passes. Hopefully everyone who visits Boner and I will also visit his store. Here is another link for directions. Everything is in one spot.
Point Pleasant.
| July 6, 2008
A few pictures I never got to post.

| July 5, 2008
This coming Saturday and Sunday... in Pennsylvania... 15 minutes from ...8 miles north of New Hope, PA... in the Point Pleasant Baptist Church Parking Lot ...a House Liquidation Fundraiser.... directly in the center of town which is about less than a city block square. Call: 215 639 9378 for Info or to Help! I need help everyday.
Today is a rainy day, good. It is going to take a while to recover from this 4th of July... it was just so full of fun and passion! Ha, Today I found out that after all the money, effort and time spent creating and putting up posters to create awareness for the sale July 12th and 13th and the fundraiser July 26th and 27th... I am finding out that people are taking the posters from the business establishments I have been putting them in... they are taking them home to save as souvenirs for themselves! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhrrrgg... this is frustrating!
On the other hand... thank you so very much Susan for creating a yearly contribution to the Traveling Piano via the Traveling Piano Contribution Link. Ahhhhh... a vote of confidence that the Traveling Piano will still be Bringing the Beat to the Street next year! *Big Smile*.
| July 4, 2008
This was a most intense day. My last day performing professionally as Raggin' Piano Boogie. I have been transitioning now for three years. I performed for the Oreland and Genside Pennsylvania July 4th Parades... towns that have been constant supporters of mine. After the Oreland parade I stopped by the firehouse to help them celebrate their 100th Anniversary on behalf of the Lion's club who put out the money to have me there. I was in constant high energy mode from about 9:00am to 6:00pm. I remember the days when I could do five parades on the 4th! Whew, that would take an awful lot of incentive to accomplish at this stage of my life.

My friend Charlie, it is difficult not to write about him so often in these blogs. It has been a long time since I have had another person so integrated into my life and it has happened so quickly. Charlie drove down from Pipersville, Pa to be my driver for today which was great except for that fact that he was a half hour late! I was leaving the house on my own when he pulled up. Talk about stress!!! I made it to the first parade one minute before start. With wonderful spirit, Sid who runs the parade and was equally stressed because I was late but said something like, "take a deep breath and gather yourself, you've got time, your not until the end. What a great guy. My being last in the Oreland parade lineup has been a twelve year tradition. "It's not over until the piano man with the dog goes by."

Afterwards, at the firehouse I let the kids have a go by themselves all over the piano and Charlie took a turn inspiring and having musical fun with the kids. He's a natural kid himself. He just could not followthrough with my literally begging him not to take movies with his camera while driving my stickshift on the parade route. Thank God his camera card filled up almost immediately but then he began to get lost in the crowds attention. He had people bringing him watermelon to eat while he drove... waving his hands all over the place. I was so pissed because I was trying to perform and I had to constantly watch out to where his focus would go. I had to consider that Raggin' Piano Boogie was part of a parade and not its own entity. Charlie's antics can be troublesome but totally irresistible at the same time because Charlie refuses to "not have fun". It seems to me that he consciously chooses fun at all costs, no matter what, life must be fun! ...and that... is what I now demand for my life ...so... there is no way I can deny his interpretation of fun... that would be to allow other people to determine my own interpretation of fun. I introduced Charlie to key people telling them he may become the new piano man for the truck after I leave... if the present truck does not go with me. Charlie had to run right home after we were done the parades because coyotes had found out that there are chickens to be had on his farm and there was no one home to protect them. What a friend to drive an hour each way to help me out today when he has so many needs to take care of for himself!
My most fun today was finding a young group of guys and girls before the Glenside parade and coaxing them up onto the piano to bang away like little kids. Seeing them in abandonment was fun for me. Boner... a most wonderful dog, friend and partner... with love, went along with the flow all day. I am so very grateful for our bond and what we have been able to create together.
| July 3, 2008
Through the last week my priorities became too unbalanced. Everything started to focus on fundraising and making money. For me that is when life begins to spiral down and away from "fun". I have not yet learned how to have fun making money! That will come... I do not want to create urgency with need for money. The most important element of the Traveling Piano is fun. Fun must be the first priority and if it is not there is no Traveling Piano, period. My personal priority in life has also began to blur. My personal priority is to enjoy my time with Boner while he is still around and to share him with the world.
I was going to go to NY's Chinatown today to promote support for China. Boy, am I glad I did not do that! It would have been a mistake for my present priorities. I needed sleep and I gave that to myself. I enjoyed every moment of it... 12.5 hours! ...took care of some business, mowed the lawn, I was going to soak in a bath but could not give myself the time... I did go to the river's edge to create some music for myelf... I have two parades tomorrow and people are depending on me to produce Fun! They are the last two professional performances in my home area before I take off and I needed to spend time today prep-ing myself mentally, physically and spiritually for them.
The July 26th and 27th Traveling Piano Fundraiser/Liquidation event ... my priorities have been adjusting for this event also... there will be significant people and musicians (depending on what one thinks is significant) ...in any case this event will not about impressing anyone. It is about contribution, being part of, sharing... mutual fun, friendship, respect, musical empowerment and inspiration... and the liquidation of my possessions with a spirit of joy and respect. As far as entertainment I am just going to list the types and styles of music and art on the agenda page and not promote anyone as more impressive or must see and hear or worth paying a ticket price for. Five year old Johnny or Sara making their musical debut ...impressive professional friends and musicians... we will all be present to experience each other... "it is what it is" :) That is in the spirit of the Traveling Piano!
| July 2, 2008
Today was poster pasting day. I began stopping at stores, supermarkets, strip malls, "I'm having a fundraiser can I put this poster up?" Trying to keep the music alive while looking for support is not easy. I did find a fun group to start out with. Two girls jumped up onto the piano and one began to play with her "bum". This was a new way to create music on the Traveling Piano! I liked it, her mom did not. Ha... anyway, who knows if these posters will still be up at the end of the day. I hope so because they cost money and a lot of work went into them. I'm creating awareness for the Point Pleasant church parking lot house liquidation event next weekend on both Friday and Saturday and also for the last Fundraiser July 26th and 27th. There will be lots of fishing for everyone to watch and catch. Please spread the word and I hope you will come to the fundraiser! Big fish, lots of fish for the last weekend in July, read the list on the July 26-27 Event Info link.

Half way through the day the Traveling Piano truck died. I left the piano speaker power on and forgot about it... with the truck engine off. Bad move, the battery drained. I looked for someone to pop the clutch as I pushed but could not find a person who knew what "pop the clutch" meant. Most did not know what a clutch is. I can't pop a clutch. A woman named Coletta, owner of a nearby Italian restaurant saved me. She actually reached out to me following me down a path from behind... "do you need some help?" Battery cables did the trick. What a wonderful woman, she did not want any music or her picture taken because she was not comfortable with "show". I respected that and was Very appreciative.
The day ended with some music and gifts for my friend Charlie's granddaughter Samantha. Today is her second Birthday. I played a piano soundtrack music while Charlie created antics throwing gifts up to Samantha who was standing on a balcony from above and then this crazy man took to the piano with Samantha on his lap for a few moments while I jumped onto the nearby hammock with his dog Tilly. Boner just put up with it all as usual.
| July 1, 2008
Awww man, it is July 1st. I felt major trepidation about going to Chinatown to promote support today. Why, why am I afraid? Why the resistance? Fear that I'm going to get yelled at, reprimanded, told to stop, that I am being inappropriate, Lordy! In general this whole gig does not feel like its working. I am feeling the past... that is the problem. There is a background ache (the past) that I am wasting my time, not using my time efficiently, I do not have enough time, promoting is not working. Ha, the bottom line, I am feeling like it is not working, that is the problem. Also, a problem is that "promoting" feels like work. "Get a grip Danny, get the feelings straight. Number one... feel fun. Number two... promote. Fact... if I am in the present moment... living in the present moment... I cannot feel failure and "whatever" is always fun! This is true. So, in the moment constantly, fake it until I make it. If nothing else feel whatever and just do what I need to do anyway, no matter what. Easy to do? I just did it anyway.

The people I met were from China and understood little English, they could not read my flyer. I am going to China with the Traveling Piano. I was reminded how I will not be able to use inflections when I talk to help with my communication. The Chinese language uses set tones to speak along with pronunciations. A little girl tried the piano for the first time. It was very endearing. She was very brave and excited at the prospect. Another girl from a Southern province played very nicely and I could feel from her what I will have to offer to the people there through my music. I don't even want to try to explain that. I'm glad I went out to create music today even if it was for a short while.