Since 1987 |
HIS SPIRIT LIVES ON! ... BONER, THE PIANO DOG ... November 27, 1994 ... February 20, 2010
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HELP! A new Carburetor is needed. SpotFund: Long Live the Traveling Piano Spotfund Venmo: Dan Kean @TravelingPiano 2156399378 - Paypal Direct: Paypal - And of Course this Website Contribution Page. Contribute Or email me for snail mail.
February 28, 2010
Eureka Springs, Arkansas
My buddy Boner died a week ago... sigh. I am realizing this way of life is no less difficult than any other way of life such as a nine to five job. I now know what it feels like to live both in and out of a box. The difference with now... the Traveling Piano way... I am clear, is first and foremost my choice... and I am just grateful that I have found a way, a path that works for me and that I have been able to choose it for myself, against all odds. I wonder if I will stay on it. This Traveling Piano path was created with Boner. Had this present path presented itself without the partnership of my dog.. I do not think I would have seen its possibilities or have wanted to pursue it.
Today was the warmest this year so far. I drove around Eureka Springs looking to create fun, friendship and respect... it worked. At the towns overlook, on the street by a food establishment, outside a candy shop etc... the music fell into place naturally. It was ok... it was fun, I enjoyed everyone we... oops.. I enjoyed everyone "I" met. No drama, I do want to be true to my feelings with my writings. One girl was celebrating a birthday with her boyfriend. A bunch of guys getting drunk on a balcony flipped out when I took them up on their screaming out for a song. All day long people became courageous and stepped out of their musical fears to have a go at it on the piano. Rebecca, who had shyly passed by me while I was playing the other day... within two inches of the truck... without giving me a glance.... today jumped up to play some musical notes for her baby due to be born in a few weeks.
| February 27, 2010
Grassy Knob, Arkansas
Wow, Boner is gone... I'm numb. My buddy... we explored spots to create our fun ,friendship and respect... together. Now, looking alone is not fun. Interestingly enough, I have not shut down and neither has the Traveling Piano. I worked all day today. At the start it was horrible, couldn't find a place to play, everything was just wrong but I kept pushing through until life turned around. I found a perfect spot and had several significant exchanges with people. At night I was invited to a neighborhood pot luck dinner. There was over a hundred people in attendance, just about all the neighbors came. Great food and a very social time. I created music outside for everyone as they arrived. Inside I gave a little talk and felt like a complete idiot afterwards. Came close to breaking down several times but did not... luckily. Below are more thoughts from caring people.
I've been thinking of you and hope you've been doing okay since Bo passed away. I know he meant the world to you! It was really nice to see and read! Stay strong and I hope you are well!
I'm very sorry about Boner. We have a dog who is very special to us her name is Molly. Her personality just tops my day. I'm trying to prepare myself for the day she will no longer be with us, but that's an impossibility. I had the pleasure of meeting you and Boner infront of my teashop and the two of you were an absolute delight. Thank you for sharing your partnership with us from Smithfield, Virginia
I am so sorry to hear about Boner. I hurt for you my friend. I know what it like to lose a friend like you had in Boner (except mine was a cat named Maverick). I would like to say it gets easier, but I am afraid it doesn't. I remember Boner from the Hatboro parades and he was a sweetie. Dan, frankly, I am at a lose for words right now but you and Boner will be in my prayers. May God bless you for all the joy you and Boner have brought into so many peoples lives through the years.
I know we all loved bo and will all miss him greatly. Bo was one of the greatest dogs, and im sure, an even better companion. Im not sure even what else to say other than that i love you danny.
Dear Danny, You and beautiful Boner are in the thoughts of all of the Phoenixville Jaycees. He lives...in you. Hope to see you again soon, friend.
BEST friends! And more thats what they are! I'm sorry to hear about my buddy Boner!!! But the time we spend with those we love is priceless, I lost my little dog Julie she was my best friend and more she was like my child! I still miss her, I all ways will! But every moment was worth doing and I'd do them over and over again!!! I'm glad that you and Boner had each other to share so many moments with! And That we got to be friends with you and Boner!!! I understand the feeling of your loss! Because you guys were pal's, you counted on one another! We will be praying for you, May time ease any pain, And the comfort of the memories of all the great times you spent together comfort you!!! Boner watched from his seat on the top of the piano and shared his friendship and Love, Now He watches from a much higher seat in heaven above!!! Praying GODS mercy, blessings, and Love, May GOD comfort your heart and continue to watch over you in your travels!!! And in time may you find a new companion to go share moments with! Talk to you later Danny! And till we meet again on Heavens shore Boner! Your friends.
I feel for you, and send love, knowing how much Bo means to you. Thank you sharing Bo with the world. You wanted to give him a tour... an intro.... that was one hell of a show! :-)
I'm so sorry to hear about boner he was the best dog in the world he lived a long happy life and you took care of him well its true wat they say about dog being mans best friend i just think of the times he would hop like a doe in the snow with his tail up or when someone came over he would grab his big bone to show off and there were the times he would be very comforting...
I will keep you in my prayers as you go through your own very difficult loss. I can't imagine what you are feeling at this time. I know that I have been finding that there is no way out but that there is a way through the pain I am in now.
Dear Danny.
your videos were truly enjoyed in my home about a year
ago, being a fan of the piano as well as dogs and
travel. you summed it all up so well, so joyfully and i
thank you. so your loss of your super traveling
companion must be painful. i'm thinking of you and
sending you healing energies, hoping you are well and
be well, enjoy your memories of your darling dog,
knowing that you shared an AMAZING life together... and
i'm happy that CS allowed me to 'see' you guys in
glorious action together!
with love, light and music,
Danny, We've never met, but my heart goes out to you. So incredibly sorry for your loss.
I feel for you! I lost my dearloving Kaya @ years ago and I still cry her> They give us so much, so much.....Healing times will come and there are many little souls awaiting you love in ASPCA...Your heart will need time before opening up to another compamion but with time you will.
Wishing you lots of love and courage from across the Atlantic.
Bo won the hearts of people throughout North and Central America.
Danny, I started to read this story and just was filled with grief. I know how much Bo meant to you and ALL of those people that he had the pleasure of filling happiness in their lives. As you go through this grieving process, know in your heart that he was well loved by so many people. He left his imprint on their lives and will not be soon forgotten. If you were here, I would give you a big hug and we'd have a nice glass of wine to share in his memories. May you find some comfort in past memories, the love and friendship of those who care about you, and in knowing how much he impacted other. xOxO
Lots of love !!! thinking of you!
I am honored to be a part of you. Bo was a sweet and dear soul. So much a part of you. Thank you for sharing him with me.
Dear Danny- So sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved doy Boner. Being a true animal lover myself, I have had the good fortune to have had several great dogs, cats and rabbits during my lifetime. Only a true animal lover knows and understands how a dog can bond with your very soul. We just have to be grateful that we were blessed to have had them in our lives and live on within our hearts. Although we can never replace our special pets, there is always another one that could use our love and is willing to love and devote themselves to us. I just lost a cat I had for over 20 years the same week. Dogs are very special and always seem to know our moods and when we need their extra attention. I'll keep you in my prayers and pray that God sends you another special dog to share your life.
I just heard about Boner - We had to put our dog down in January and had him only 6 short years - and the loss, quiet and void are hard to handle - so I cannot imagine your sadness with so many more years of companionship between you. Praying for peace and comfort for you!
Love surround you today, Danny.
I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Bo. My thoughts are certainly with you during this very difficult time.
Dear Danny, I lost my best friend last September also so I know how you feel. Bear was only 7 years old and she was a human in dog form. She got cancer and it took her quickly. When she passed I pictured a giant black angel spreading it's wings and leaving her body. I still cry for her everyday and like you, never had a relationship with a dog like the one I had with her. I'm so sorry for your loss.
I remember you from a while back. Jesus and some of his people did something similar. God bless.
Hi Danny, I would like to say that I\'m sorry to hear about the loss of Boner your long time friend...
Dear Danny, I'm so sorry to hear about Boner's passing. May his spirit live within you always.
Dearest Danny: I am so sorry to hear about Bo...it's such an incredible loss and words are so empty at a time like this. I had a toy poodle for 17 years and he went everywhere with me...and the night I lost him I thought part of me was gone too...and I guess it has. You will carry Bo in your heart and you will remember the wonderful times and sometimes you'll dream about him, and it will be like the most wonderful visit with your best friend. I wish there was more I could say....but I have tears as I'm writing this----Boner was such a special dog---just as you are a special person---some things are meant to be, Thinking of you from New Brunswick Canada.
Thinkiing of you and boner today- smiled and shed a few tears :)"
I am so sad to hear this news Danny, and my thoughts and prayers are with you. Boner had such a good life with you. You and him have touched so many lives. Please take care.
Danny - All of us dog lovers share your pain.
Hi Danny, I was really suprprised to get this Email, My name is THomas, We met on the waterfront in St. Johns NL. I worked on the Sikuk Iceberg Ship, I am really sorry to hear Boner has passed, i still everynow and then check your site to see where you have travelled, and look at the pic you took of us in your truck, with boner looking at us being silly haha. take care and GOD bless you. Ill never forget that experience, ..truly a high light of my 2008 summer. all the best. be safe and good luck.
Dear Danny, With great sadness did I read of the passing of your beloved Boner. That sweet dog touched so many of us. There was never any need for him to do tricks. His gift was his presence and he gave that gift to many, many, many of us. His presence on the traveling piano and his sweet countenance were an invitation to the hesitant to "jump on up and give it a try" because he'd be there to cheer you on as you played whatever halting notes you managed at first and the more impassioned chords as your courage rose urged on by his noble presence. I will never forget Boner and will mark well in my memory the day he, along with his charming human companion, were guests at my dinner table. Blessings.
Hi Danny, my family’s thoughts & prayers are with you in this tough time, I have had several dogs through the years and it is one of the most difficult things to face. It was a great pleasure to meet you & Bo, even for the short time while you were visiting Moncton in the summer of ’08. Best wishes.
Hello Danny, Your email brought tears to my eyes. I am so sorry for your loss!
I feel the need to cry about this. I wish you a deep peace Danny. R.I.P. Bo.
Dear Danny, I am so sorry for your loss. I am blessed, as of yet I have not had to experience any great loss. My son lost his dog also named Bo about two years ago.My son is a trucker and Bo (Baby Boy) as he often called him was his riding companion. Greg was with Bo as he took his last breath. As the veterinarian gave Bo a lethal injection Greg said he laid on the floor and talked to Bo to let him know that it was alright to go to sleep. He said when it was over he cried like a baby. He still misses his buddy and talks about him quite often. Danny things come into our lives for a reason and a season. The affection you and Bo had for each other is something that some people will never get to experience. So it's alright to cry when we are sad, God would not have given us tears if we were not to use them. Try to think of the good times the two of you had together. Sincere condolences.
Hi Danny, I am so sorry for your loss of Boner. You already know he is and always be right there beside you in Spirit. My deepest sympathies.
Danny We send you love and light. I will let the rest of the Panoramians know tomorrow. Though I am not surprised to hear of Bo's passing, I wish I had written on Sunday when the 2 of you entered my mind in a strong and loving way... I think of you both with gratitude. While I cry for you and your adjustments, I will not cry for Bo. What a wonderful spirit he is...what a wonderful life the 2 of you made with each other. I hope his precious spirit is on the other side when I get there. You both mean so much to me. Can't wait til you wander this way again.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. Nothing worse than losing your best friend... He will be sadly missed by all of us at Haven\'s Borough Day.
Danny I'm so sorry for your loss! I loved Bo, and we will all miss him so much : ('''' My heart goes out to you!
You're in my thoughts.
Oh Danny, we lift a glass to boner and to you. We hope you'll come back and see us some time. Take care of yourself. When you're ready a new Boner will find you. Love.
So sorry for your loss. Over the years, I have had probably 10 to 15 or maybe 20 cats, so I have "been there". Trust me...animals are alot easier than children.
Thank you and Beautiful Boner for adding happiness to my life. Yeah, you're okay (ha) but Boner drew me in. Sorry about your loss. I recently had my best friend (Molly) pass on but she is (and will always be) a huge part of me. I feel so fortunate for experiencing all that we shared and I love having her in my heart. Thinking of you Boner and all the joy you add to the world. Be well. Hope to hear/see you sometime soon.
Dan, I know we've never officially met, but I wanted to pass on my condolences to you on your loss.... Take care---
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. People who don't love animals just don't get it, but the connection between humans and animals is precious.
Dear Dan- So sorry to hear of Boner's passing. You guys always looked so good in the Ocean City gatherings. Pets always have a time to be with and a time of leaving. Wishing you the best.
I'm very proud of you! Music, creativity,fellowship and laughter.....The best medicine in the world!
He' Danny, Crushing news. My heart is heavy knowing you can not see Bo sitting there. Everything happens for a reason, good brother. Possibly Bo being in spirit world will release energy for that spirit to live in many hearts. Certainly it will in mine. I will never see you play without Bo watching and praying in his good way. I wish you not healing, but knowing we are all one in this universe whether we have a heartbeat or not. You found a love and trust many humans and others never find. Know we are all standing right here. Bo over there. Nothings lost except the heartbeat. We can have that back with our drum. I will send smoke and a heartbeat that the connection holds for 7 generations. Bo. Aho. I am grateful Bo had your arms to point his path. You are far from alone. Go cry. Oneh Aho With Gratitude.
... we know Boner! (My dog Julio, she was with me for 16 years - from 8 weeks!) We hope you are back this year in Glenside or nearby. Met you and Boner at your waiting area before you drove to the beginning of the parade. Gregory is now in his 10th month of piano lessons. With our love, Gregory (age 9) and his Grama!
Dear Danny, When we last talked, we met at Dunkin Donuts on Street Road in Bensalem and you told me of your plans to try to play your traveling piano at the Olympics. I met Boner that day as he sat patiently in your truck as we talked inside of DD. I will always remember that day, and I will always remember what a fabulous relationship you had with Bo. I am so very sorry for your loss, he was everything to you, my heart breaks for you. I am very glad that you sent this Blog out for us to read, Danny. Thank you so much, and God Bless you and Boner. Keep in touch.
Sorry to hear about Bo's passing.
Thanks for sharing, Danny...Boner will surely be missed and in your heart forever as you embark on the next exciting chapter of your life!
Danny, I was *just* thinking about you guys today. I'm so, so sorry to hea about Bo. You were both very fortunate to have each other. Just take this time to honour his spirit like you are doing. And keep him in your mind and heart every day. I wish I could say something to make it a little easier, but I know what you're going through and it takes time. What a wonderful gift to have had his companionship, and vice versa. Please know I'm thinking of you both and the tears are running just reading your note. Bo was so special that no one could ever forget him, even having met him for just a couple of hours. What a boy. Sending you some comfort.
Danny, My heart weeps with you and I understand your loss and pain. What an amazing gift Bo was and is because his spirit lives with you. What a blessing to have met the both of you and to have witnessed the bond and love you share. Isn't it wonderful how connected you are to Bo and that his final earthly moments were in your loving arms. I know how painful those moments were and I wish I knew what to say to make it better or hurt less but I don't. My only solace when I get wrapped up in my own pain is this... It would not hurt so bad if we did not love so much ! I certainly do not wish to compound your pain or sorrow but I do want to share that we lost our angel Grace on December 8th. She died in my arms also and for quite some time I did not want to even breath. She is my world, she is my heart and she is my love. I ache for her daily as I know you must for Bo and I cannot say it gets better, I think we just learn to live with our emptiness. I miss being her mom and all the wonderful joys she brought to my day. I am selfish in that I want her back with me but her little body just could not take anymore and so she is free now, healthy and running with the angels. Please know I hold you in my prayers, I hold you in my heart, and I wish comfort for you as you learn to breathe again. Much love.
I am so sorry to hear about Boner! :-( Please accept my deepest condolences!
Hey Danny, I usually take a bit of time to respond to my e-mails... as you know, but this I feel is important to write back right now! I am in Buenos Aires right now at a friend's place and just finished reading your mail... I am very sorry to hear about Bo, but I was very happy to hear your positive outlook on the situation... I think it's important not to look at the negative, but on the many great times and the rare opportunity for such an amazing relationship!! I know there is not much for me to say... and the time is maybe what you need for now, but I wanted to let you know that I know you will be ok, and that you are strong enough to deal with anything!! I am always here for you buddy... Talk to you soon and safe travels.
Hi Danny. Just wanted to let you know I have sent you a little something via PayPal. I wish it could be a lot more, believe me. I\'ve done this in loving memory of Boner. I know the pain you are in because all your fans and friends feel it. So many of us have been through this ourselves. Those of us who are far away can only hold you in our hearts and give thanks for the wonderful years you and Bo had together, being there for each other in good times and bad (but I suspect the good far outweighed the bad). I\'ve been wondering where you decided to lay Bo to rest. I don\'t recall you mentioning that. I\'m sure it is a peaceful spot befitting your faithful buddy. Much love, Danny. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily from Newfoundland.
So sad. We're glad we got to meet you both last summer in WV.
Hi Danny; ... here in West Virginia. So Sorry to hear about Bonner. He was a pleasant dog. I hope it's one door closes and another one opens for you. You and what you do is such a treasure to all that meet you that I hope you will continue on.
Danny, I am so sad to hear about your great loss. I am so happy that you were not only with him in his final hours, but close with him. I am sure he found much comfort in your arms. You were a good father and friend to him. He will be greatly missed by many.
He was a special dog with a remarkable and magical relationship to you and your calling. Sweet, gentle, intelligent, obliging and a hell of a pianist!! (that's Boner, not you). Am glad you are not in China. Seems that the trip has been a mystical and deeply spiritual one for you and you, being a spiritual person, are in a good space to be doing this. Any time you're in Philly, I'll be glad to host you. Miss seeing you.
The loss of a beloved companion cannot be emotionally dealt with in just a few days, Danny. Give yourself time. Let your feelings swing--that's perfectly normal. Your pain and sense of loss will eventually ease but it's not going to happen overnight. Lean on us. We are always here for you, dear friend. Hugs.
Dan, I saw the article in the paper today and I am so sorry about Boner. One of the girls in the office received your e-mail and it was so beautiful. We had great memories and I will always remember how special you both were together.Take care.
I cannot express how sorry I am to here. there is no diffrence in the pain than that of your closest parent friend or family member! there are those who say we will never meet again but i donot belive that if my dog is not there i dont want to be there. I love and miss him still it was our life that we shared closer than enyone,I fell your pain like it was mine today. And it is Please know that im with you in every sence ofhte way. Love yo friend.
Hello, Dan! It has been a long time since we spoke in Narberth, but I would love to catch up. I am in my car driving to piano lessons most of the day, so a chat with an old friend would be welcome. I was so sorry to hear about your soulmate, Bo. I lost both of my dogs in the past two years. It is really difficult to express to those who have never opened their heart to these exquisite creatures just how you feel without them ready to throw a net over your head! I would love to speak with you. You are a good soul, Dan! It is tough to live in a world full of wolves, but in your travels I am certain that the lambs that you have met have given you ample encouragement to move forward. Call me.
Danny you are always welcome here, I know Boner will come with you! He is so special, his spirit will be with you always. He was love and that never passes ! Love to you LOVE !
Morning,Saw your story in the local paper this morning.This is the hard part of being a pet owner.But it look like Boner had a great life.Memories last forever.Been down this road many times.I always say never again.It hurts too much.But always find a new dog.The love out ways the hurt.Time heals but memories last forever.I\'am sure in time Boner would want you to find another dog.And you\'ll never forget Boner.Look at the story from here.About Marley.And I\'am sure you could write a book about Boner and your life with him.God Bless Charlie in Pa
Danny, I want to say how sorry I am for your loss of Boner. I know how you feel we lost our beloved dog in December after 13 years. They feel like part of your family. I saw the article in the Intelligencer and we would see you at the Warminster Memorial Day parade and would always admire how good Bo was sitting there in the sun, rain whatever. I know another dog could never replace Bo. Our dog was the best and we replaced him with a 1 year old rescue who is still a puppy. It is hard to go from having an older dog to having a puppy but we are happy to have him. Remember that both of you gave so much joy to a lot of people and we will miss Bo. Bo is in heaven with my Petie chasing bones and being role models. Take care.
I just wanted to say thank you. I heard that your dog had passed away, and I was very saddened by this. I have seen you in the Warminster Memorial Day. It was such a joy to see your dog with you. I just wanted you to know that you touched me with your joy and happiness. Thank you!
I have thinking about you, my dog passed away last year and she was the only one i ever could talk to and tell anything that i never told anyone else lol big secrets, well when i moved out to get married i wanted to take her with me and my mom and nan didn't want me too because they were used to her and i felt i could give her better care like walks, good foood and lots of love:) She was my baby so i was crushed when they said no, Then when she passed away i felt so guilty that i didn't just tell them no she needs good care, i mean they didn't walk her they smoked near her everyday and she never went to the vet unless i went to bring her. I want you to know and i am sure you do that bo got the best care from you and he had such a great life because of you, His daddy, i feel so so sad for you but i know the memories are the best and you have lots of great pics to remember him by too, Here is a pic of Ki i hope her and Bo are hanging out and having a great time together:) If ya ever need anything let me know:)
Sooooo sorry!
Dude never good :( Keep playing and :)
I\'m very sorry to hear about the loss of your best bud Bo. I read about you and him in the Intelligencer today.
Dear Danny I look at your web page several times a week to follow your travels. It pains me today to read that Boner has passed away. Being a "dog" person myself and having lost two dogs - I can understand your pain & emotions. I don't know if you will remember me (you interact with so many!) I live in Philly and spent some time with you & Boner at a Lukoil Station on City Line Avenue in June 2008 - As a matter of fact - we were on the Channel 6 news that nite - I was wearing A Phillies Jersey and played your piano with Boner up top. Boner was such a special dog and I know a true friend (family member) to you. As I said - I'm a dog person and I know how it feels to have and loose such a special friend - My thoughts and prayers are with you both. I hope you are OK. I really don't know what else to say - but I had to share some fellowship and reach out to you because I am I real Boner fan.
Sorry to hear about Boner. I\'m a dog-guy too. Best friend without doubt. You stayed with a friend of mine, in Mercer not long ago. I didn\'t get to meet you, sorry. I\'m sorry too, that I didn\'t meet Boner. Get another dog! It won\'t be Boner, but I\'d be sure you wouldn\'t be disappointed.
Danny--I\'m so sad to hear of Boner\'s passing. We always looked forward to seeing both of you at the Glenside July 4th parade. As a fellow dog lover (my beloved Cody is currently going through chemotherapy), I feel your pain and you have my sympathy.
Oh Danny ... i am so so sorry to hear that Bo has left ... or at least left our vantage point for awhile. Wanted to wrap you in the comfort of our own sweet relationship in a phone call ... my caring and appreciation for you .. but still no answer at the last number i have ... please do let me know when and where you can be reached.... i am asking that your needs be divinely attended right now ... thankful to hear and know you are not just okay, but 'doing very well' the light of your love for Bo and his for you has made a great difference for all of us ... thank you! look forward to hearing from you ... all my love, your sister ~ Orinda
Our thoughts are with you.
I am sorry to hear that you lost your friend. I know that losing a pet can be extremely difficult. I was home alone while my family was on vacation when our cat Blackborn died. It is such a helpless feeling. I knew it was coming but I felt so helpless. Please take the time that you need to say goodbye.
Every day I go to the post office. Today on my way back I heard your music sailing up to the street with etheric joy. It grabbed me and I followed it to find an unexpected sight. Some crazy guy in the back of a red pickup playing a piano and swaying to the rolling rounded chords of some kind of circular tonal dance. It was beautiful. Thanks.
Sorry to hear of Boner\'s passing. I had two cats 15/17 years old before they passed and it\'s a long time to have an animal-the attachment is strong.
Hi danny, from the gas station on street rd, i read in yesterday paper that your dog die, i am very sorry to hear this, he was a nice and kind friendly dog. i hope all is ok and you are doing well, be happy and try to have a good weekend. take care.
Dear Danny, So sorry to hear about Boner. I know that he was a kind and gently soul and a great companion. I will keep you in my prayers as you go through a difficult transition.
But I'm VERY Sorry to hear about your loss. I've suffered great loss too. So I understand. Stay positive. Focus. And Remember?..Endings are Only NEW Beginnings. Now you can start Celebrating the Life of Brotha Boner. Take Care Brotha
Hey man, im really sorry to hear that. i remember meeting him the time you came to saint paul's church. he was a really great dog.
I am so sorry for your loss. I will add you and Boner to my prayer list tonight. I lost my dog and best friend and companion, Zachary, about 20 years ago and I know how deep the loss cuts. I wish you only the best from Skowhegan, Maine
Danny, I think of you and your piano dog now and then including just recently. We wish you the best.
Good to see you doing as well as you can. Hope you are still getting a warm reception even in Bo\'s absense. Remember that people like myself relate to the emotion in your music. The music that you play will draw people in. You are very good and you play with such emotion that it spills out on everyone around. Keep inspiring as best as you can and do not lose that emotion, happy, sad,or angry. Keep the journey in focus.
My friend Yair who I have never met in person... from Israel... for two years has been working up the courage to post a video of his piano playing on the in internet. The night Boner passed he tossed out all fear.... posted his first video and dedicated it to Boner.
Chopin Prelude in E Minor Op. 28 [HQ] by Yair Sagiv 1:40 A beautiful Chopin piece, obliterated by The Yair(: I've dedicated this "performance" to my friend's dog (named Boner). Boner -The Traveling Piano Dog (November 27, 1994 - February 20, 2010). Just passed away, living a long life full of joy..
Click on the picture to play the video and then click on the "READ THE DAILY LOG" ...link at the top of this page after the video is done... to get back to this page.
| February 26, 2010
Carroll County, Arkansas
As a result of Boner the Traveling Piano dog's passing a few days ago, I am having a deeper experience of how life works best for me. Part of my being wants to completely shut down from any spirit... outside of myself. If I choose to shut down that would mean death for me... I would enter a pure black hole of nothingness... Today, I choose to say consciously connected to and with the world as I see it. I have no choice. I made the decision to live on after Bo's passing long before he died. It had to be a conscious decision. Now I must continue to take actions if only as signs of willingness for myself... that I want to live. Below are actions of support from people around the world who have been helping me to achieve my goal to live. I put the word out, I asked for these responses as well as wanted to notify people who care... many thoughts that people have been sending are coming as a total surprise. Either way, I'll take whatever I can get! I can now ask for what I want in life and not feel wrong or pathetic for doing so. I was taught throughout my childhood to think the opposite. The thoughts shared found below... are from people helping to keep me and the Journey of Peregrinating Musical Exploration alive.
Boner had (still has) a wonder full life with you and an experience no other pet in the world. In Asia we actually celebrate passing of old age and remember the wonderful times that we had shared. The memories are immortal for mortals such as us. My prayers and love to boner and you. Keep walking with your head high and heart full of love and contentment.
Remember the good times and enjoy the times ahead.
If you believe in reincarnation; you could look forward to his upcoming puppyhood again :)
Love and kisses Boner av a great journey back home we all love you mwaaa! ;-)
Good mojo headed you way from our hearts.
Today is a defining moment in our dear friend Danny's life. I ask that we all pull together and pray for him. He needs our love and support more than ever. I now this is not my place but I am going out on a limb to ask everyone to just send nothing but love and cyber hugs to Danny as he and Bo have been physically parted. I will make a donation to the Traveling Piano Man in honor of his greatest friend. I hope you will ALL do the same. I look forward to the next chapter in Danny's life as I know God has a big plan for this remarkable man.
Love to you both!
Love you Boner!!
Give boner my love :)
In Honor Of Bo...
God Looked Around His Choir
And He Found An Empty Place.
He Then Looked Down Upon This Earth
And Saw Bo’s Furry Face.
He Put His Arms Around Him
And Lifted Him To Rest.
God’s Choir Must Sound Beautiful,
He Always Takes The Best.
He Knew That Bo Was Suffering,
He Knew He Was In Pain,
He Knew That Bo Would Never
Get Well On Earth Again.
He Saw The Road Was Getting Rough
And The Hills Were Hard To Climb.
So He Closed Bo’s Weary Eyes
And Whispered
“Peace Be Thine”.
It Broke Your Heart To Lose Him
But He Did Not Go Alone.
For Part Of Us Went With Bo
The Day God Called Him Home...
So Sorry For Your Loss Danny.
Sending you Hugs, Love and Friendship Danny-
very very sry to hear...
Sad to hear about him!
rr bless..x
Danny, so sorry to hear that. I'll keep you and Bo in my thoughts today.
Thoughts and love your way from Virginia!!!!
oh, Danny....I'm so sorry...omg, are you okay? I'm crying....
I think my heart is breaking along with yours.
I am so so sorry. It is terribly hard for us to handle their leaving. Comfort is Boner's spirit lives on in all of us.
Rest in piece. keep the piano rolling.
Aw Danny, I am so sad to hear that your eternal pal has left this plane. Sending you loads of love from Ireland and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, beautiful man.
i'm so sorry...my he continue to be the most wonderful and best dog, where he is now.
So sorry Danny i know how much he meant to you , you did make me laugh when i was having a bad time , big massive hugs to you xxx
So sorry Danny......... I know hard it is to lose your best friend..... May he rest in peace and I know he will be in your heart forever.......hugs
Anybody who's had their buddy/dog pass, knows your sorrow. Boner would be the first to suggest you go to the closest pound and give one of his homeless brothers or sisters his spot on the piano. God bless, Danny.
boner left an echo that we will all hear forever, especially you Danny
So sorry Danny, our thoughts are with you. Boner was a friend, the truest gift any of us get on this journey.
That profile photo is just amazing , thinking of you today you can bet he will be forever on your piano your a lovely man i just feel you are take carexx
Bye, Boner. No more pain for you. Freeeeeeee..........
My heart is with you xxx
Adapted from a poet named Pablo Neruda... Boner is no more...
Boner has died.
I buried him in the garden
next to a rusted old machine... ...
Some day I'll join him right there,
but now he's gone with his shaggy coat,
his sweet manners and his cold nose,
and I, the materialist, who never believed
in any promised heaven in the sky
for any human being,
I believe in a heaven I'll never enter.
Yes, I believe in a heaven for all dogdom
where my boner waits for my arrival
waving his fan-like tail in friendship....
Ai, I'll not speak of sadness here on earth,
of having lost a companion
who was never servile.
His friendship for me, like that of a porcupine
withholding its authority,
was the friendship of a star, aloof,
with no more intimacy than was called for,
with no exaggerations:
he never climbed all over my clothes
filling me full of his hair or his mange,
he never rubbed up against my knee
like other dogs obsessed with sex.
He was a musical dog who romanced my Piano and was amused and thrilled by the throng of talented people who entertained him to no end!
No, Boner used to gaze at me,
paying me the attention I need,
the attention required
to make a vain person like me understand
that, being a dog, he was wasting time,
but, with those eyes so much purer than mine,
he'd keep on gazing at me
with a look that reserved for me alone
all his sweet and shaggy life,
always near me, never troubling me,
and asking nothing.....
Ai, how many times have I envied his tail
as we walked together on the shores of the sea
in the lonely winter of Isla Negra
where the wintering birds filled the sky
and my hairy dog was jumping about
full of the voltage of the sea's movement:
my wandering dog, sniffing away
with his golden tail held high,
face to face with the ocean's spray.....
Joyful, joyful, joyful,
as only dogs know how to be happy
with only the autonomy
of their shameless spirit.....
There are no good-byes for my boner who has died,
and we don't now and never did lie to each other.....
So now he's gone and I buried him,
and that's all there is to it....
- Hope your sprits will be up and wish you peace and Boner a place in the stars to look up on us!
What a sweet dog! I am glad I was able to meet him last summer. He had a great long life and lots of fun with you---You are both lucky!
My heart goes out to you.
Sorry mate. I remember when my dog passed, it cut me deep inside even tho I knew he was better off being out of pain and all. My thoughts are with you and everyone who knew Boner.
My heart is wrapped around you both!
Just wanted you to know that I love you! I am so very glad that you have had such a great life with your best friend Boner and he with you... my heart is very sad for Bo's departure but so very happy that you was there with him. May I find the strength that you have had throughout... I wish I could hug you right now... I just did (hope you felt it too)!
So sorry for you. You gave him a great life!
Safe journey, Boner!
I love you.
He's in doggie heaven right now chasing butterflies in a big grassy field with piano music playing in the background
Danny....im really sorry about your loss =( im happy i got to meet both of you two when i did. i wish you all the best.
Awww!! My condolences. Safe passage to the great Petsmart in the sky, Boner.
The unconditional love between a dog and his or her human is one of the strongest bonds I know. Be thankful you could be with Bo when he passed. He knew your great love for him and I'm sure he wanted you there. Bo is at rest. Celebrate his life but allow yourself some time to grieve as well. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy. Bless you both.
Run free, Bo. I am sorry for your loss, Danny.
I am sorry.
He had a wonderful life bringing joy and music.
I'm just so glad that I could feel the love that was Boner and that he was a part of our lives however briefly.
Please accept my heartfelt sympathy. Bo has lived a life of amazement filled with love from you and those he met. There is a little piece of Bo in all those he met while traveling with you Danny. Bo's spirit will continue in the hearts he has touched!
A big hug for you Danny and my love to both of you.
Love to both of you. Love now takes a new form.
So sorry to hear that...but I'm glad you had such a wonderful companion for so many years!
I don't even know what to say ... there are no words to express a passing spirit. I am blessed to know him .. and you. Love .. and know he is still with you always.
Don't be sad 'cause Boner was a very lucky dog... He had a good life and a gentle boss! ...from Roduma in Greece
So sorry Danny. I know Bo was your best friend.
Danny, I am so very sorry to hear that Bo crossed over the Rainbow Bridge this morning. He was a very special dog here on earth and now he's an even more special fellow in heaven. Bless you both. Yogi Bear, Paisley and I are sending you lot of love. Hope you can feel it!
Love is never lost. Think of all the ways that Boner was a conduit creating love in the environment where ever he was. He will continue in all the hearts he has touched, including mine. I never met him but the love he inspired has touched me across a continent.
Bo is TRULY the first dog we have ever REALLY loved-he is family to us and we are feeling your pain. Thanks to Bo for all the love and fun he has given to us and for actually knowing our gang enough to recognize when he was turning the corner into the neighborhood in the truck-lots of fun memories to live on from times with him! It's strange, Shane's teacher just gave me a picture of him on top of the piano for the first time on Thursday from our wedding-thanks for sharing him with us, we love you and will be keeping you guys in our prayers.
Sorry Danny:(
So sorry Danny, Hugs
I am so so sorry to hear of Boner's passing my prayers.
May boner's spirit move on with peace
I am very thinkful for yours too, your music was the first my son giovanni ever smiled and danced too:) I wish i would have taken him to see bo. I am sad for you but i am also happy he brought you so much happiness:) Take time to reflect on your special bond and it will help you get through these sad moments, Hugs from all of us.
My heart goes out to you. Boner is wating for you at the rainbow bridge, just as my Suki (died Jan 20 2010, 100 yrs old) is waiting for me. I will miss Boner.
Gary and I will always smile when we think of Bo....what a great friend. When you are in PA....... you always have friendly faces here. So sorry for your loss.
Just read about Boner. I am so sorry for your loss of your best friend. Borough Day has sure been missing you both. People still ask after you and Boner. He was a wonderful pup and a popular entertainer! Such a gentle soul will surely be with you wherever you go. Take care of yourself, Danny.
I first became aware of you and Boner when I bought your "Practice..." poster on Ebay a couple of years ago. I hung it in my piano classroom and have seen the two of you every day ever since. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
Boner is in peace now celebrate the times u had together...
Hey Danny, I am so sorry for your loss. Boner was amazing. Savor the memories, and re-live the times. I admire your attitude about not missing him as he\'s still with you as a part of you. Hang in there my friend.
As Dr. Seuss said, "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
So sorry to hear the sad news. What a friend, he was. Good boy, too.
Ah danny.. i am so sorry.. i know how much you are hurting.. and he will be missed.. he was such a pleasure.. you know the dog whispher dog daddy..the pit bull...died today at 16yrs old..too..my thoughts are with you..i will remember him always. and you...the picture album of him was really a special way to go through and keep his memory alive...it was such a pleasure working with both of you..keep in touch...
Dear Danny, I feel your pain. For anyone who has ever loved an animal, the loss of one that has, as you said, loved you unconditionally, is overwhelming. Just this morning, as I was letting our two labs out for the day, I turned and looked at your poster on my freezer. Amazing, huh? And yes, your poster is still prominently displayed. My grandchildren remark on it from time to time and ask me to tell the story of how you and I came to be. Please know that I think of you often and always want the best for you, and especially at this time. (I'm gonna go give my girls, Suzie and Princess Leia, a snack in honor of Boner.) Love, Bea... happy
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I wish you all the best in the endeavors that lay ahead. I believe strongly, that when one door closes another door opens. I am sure your loving and devoted Bo is the arms of God and will again be united with you one day, when your time here on earth is done. And to your delight, he will greet you with a happily wagging tail and warm, wet kisses. I hope you find comfort in all of the fond memories you and Boner had with one another. God bless!
Dan, I don\'t know you, yet we are neighbors. I stumbled upon your website somehow, and have enjoyed your stories and pictures. Dan, I am so sorry for your loss. Boner looks like a great dog, as I am sure he was, IS. My dogs are getting older now, and sad thoughts of them leaving me enter my head all too often. My husband is a piano player, and for some years, we have only had electric pianos. When we bought our little house, we got an acoustic, and you know... every time he plays, both dogs curl up on the floor either side of his bench. It warms the heart and brings a tear. So again Dan, my heart goes out to you. I will think of you and Boner every time my husband plays. Hang in there buddy, Boner will come back to you through the eyes of another dog. My first dog Chuck lives on with me in the soul of my Rocky, and my long lost Mutley looks at me lovingly through Cole\'s eyes. So sorry...
It sound like you were a very good companion for BO as well! You gave him loving attention and probably helped him pass on in a safe way. Sincere regards.
My heart is with you. My girls (Abbee and Velvet - Irish Setter & lab mixes) are still with me all these years since they gone on. And it is OK to cry.
Barbara, New Hope, PA
Hang in there, Danny boy; Bo has been in good and loving hands for many years....
So Sorry to hear of your loss. I too have had a special dog in my life that passed away three years ago and there is not a day that goes by that I don\'t think of George. I have another Sheppard dog now that is just a special to my heart but no one will ever replace or stand in George\'s paws. I will say a prayer for you and Boner that I am sure is just waiting for you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. God Bless
May be too soon, but I thought of you. I know the ache from losing unconditional love. Take care of yourself.
Some days it takes everything to survive and get on to the next day. But always remember this: No mater what the situation, this too shall end.
Hello Danny, Just wanted to thank you for the wonderful letter you wrote about Boner\'s passing. I am thinking ggod thoughts for you and sending lot\'s of positive vibes.. It is raining like heck here in Eugene Oregon, and the flowers are beginning to blossom on the fruit trees and daffodils are making little yellow designs in our gardens. Renewal, a new start, and the promise of new life... Hope , faith, humor and joy to you and yours..
Hi Danny, We just heard about Bo and wanted to send condolences from our whole organization. Terribly sorry for your loss -- been through it myself, with a similar bond. And so I know that it is a difficult time for your heart. So please know we are thinking of you, and we recognize the many experiences Bo gave to people are a true legacy.
I agree with Steve you need to finish the journey for Boner. He gave it his all and he would want you to travel on- Hugs
Hang in there buddy itl pass
Choose a happy memory and write about it. Bring it to mind with freshness and clarity. Fold the paper and place it inside your shirt close to your heart.
Hope you are feeling a bit stronger today Dan.
| February 25, 2010
For anyone who would like to know how I am doing... how I am dealing with the fact that my best buddy died a few days ago... I am doing really well considering the circumstances and below you will find a few reasons why... Thank God for friendship, thank God for my ability to feel gratitude, thank God I have learned what gratitude feels like. There will be a few days of postings like this...
So sorry to hear about Boner. He was a great dog. But I AM happy Boner had such wonderful life filled with love! You are the best friend Boner could have! Boner lived to be almost 16! that's a lot for dogs (especially big ones).. If there's a dog's paradise I'm sure he's there.. Take care of yourself my friend! Yair from Israel
You know my heart goes out to you! Call me any time.
Love to you, Danny. Lots of it! Smiles for the memories, tears for your loss. Take time to grieve, knowing you'll carry him with you in your heart always.
Sending lots of love your way. you shared an adventure with Bo that most people won't experience in an entire lifetime. keep the adventure going for him and when you're ready, know that new adventures and a new sidekick will find you. meanwhile, hope you are feeling more love than loss <3
Loss is often an opportunity to see the world in a new way. In the beginning I tend to just see the unfinished hopes and dreams; then I watch as my dreams transform. I firmly believe that the beings we love don't leave us until we are ready to let them go.
God Bless you.
Siento mucho la muerte de tu perrito, espero que el tiempo te ayude a encontrar el alivio a su perdida.
Danny, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Please know that you and Boner are in my thoughts and prayers.
Dear Dan, I know what it's like to lose a great companion and friend like your Boner. I still cry when I think of my different dogs that have passed over the Rainbow bridge and are now awaiting my arrival. Dogs give so much more than we can ever give back. Their love is unconditional. I know you will forever remember Boner but one day in the near future, another friend awaits you. Trust me on this. New companions help us move on. All my sincere good wishes. I enjoyed the time you and Boner spent. All the best to you and sincere condolences.
Danny I know how much he meant to you. His spirit lives on in all of usPeace
So sorry to hear about Boner but I envy your attitude toward the whole thing. It's a great way to look at it.
I am so sorry for your loss! I feel it a privilege to have heard you play at several local venues in the Bucks County area and meet your faithful friend Bo. The kids really adored him too. I'm sure you'll miss Bo and he will live on in your wonderful memories of him. Take care and God Bless!
So sorry to hear the sad news of Boner. What an amazing dog he was and so lucky to have you in his life! Your friendship remains in spirit! God Bless!
My sincerest condolences, Danny
I am so sorry Danny.... Bo never wanted to let you down... he enjoyed you and the special music you made together! I am so glad you came into our lives at BRVA ... and Bo will never, ever leave your heart or ours... You all touched so many lives ... and made so many people smile.... now... Bo is smiling back at you free from pain... and at rest.
I am beyond sorry....... Of course Boner is still with you. My heart and my love go out to you. My friend, be good to your self.
I imagine everything will unfold for you as it always has, and I have complete faith in everything you will do and have done. You have my support. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to let me know. I know I reach out to you when I need you! Please let me know when you'll be in NY again.
Just want you to know... Love you, and my thoughts and prayers are truly with you today and the days to come! I imagine this is probably one of the biggest losses you have ever felt, and it's gonna take time, so dont worry what others say.... It's ok to feel what you are feeling.. We all loved Boner, and Love you!
I am so sorry for your loss. The greatest joy of my days is sucking up the scent of my dog's hair and breath and feeling his heart beating next to mine. So, I understand completely what a true partnership you had with Boner.
My deepest sympathy, Danny, even though we never met. My partner, Fred, lost his 16-year-old black Lab, Dinah, almost two years ago. I'd known Dinah for half the time Fred had had her -- about eight years. She had cancer, too. What a great gal, Dinah, what a dog!
I'm sure you gave Boner a lot of love and a wonderful, full old age. You can be proud of that. Big hug, from Staten Island
Love and hugs to you Danny. You were very lucky to have the love of Boner, and he to have found you.
I am so, so, so sorry about Boner. Please know that he is always with you. Even though he is not physically present he is most definitely with you every moment. That love that you both shared goes somewhere..........some call it heaven .......some believe they will see eachother again as I do. I've had a few dogs pass that were like my own sons and I am telling you that I will see them again. God talks about 'all creatures great and small' who enter His kingdom. This surely includes our beloved animals. Boner is with God now and waiting to see you again one day. God love you and keep you strong. Keep your head to the sky and know that your beloved friend is with you always and will share eternity with you one day.
I am keeping you in my prayers so that you will smile each day knowing that Boner is always by your side. Keep the faith........if not for yourself, do it for Bo because he is waiting for you. He is with you in spirit now to make you stronger and help you enjoy each day that God has given you until you are ready to join him and be with him one day in the future. How can anyone doubt that there is a God when a beautiful creature like your wonderful Bo walked this earth as your companion in this life. God Bless You.
I am so sorry to hear of your friend Boner's passing. I pray to God that He eases the pain you feel. I know the feeling. I met you and Boner at Franklinville Day several years ago when my band played on the flatbed stage. You have a wonderful gift that you share with people unselfishly. May God bless you and Boner. I know that you will be together again someday. Your friend.
My deepest condolences. Nothing but time will ease your pain, but I hope your blog posts and pictures help you remember all the good times you shared.
Dear Danny ! We're so sorry to learn that "Boner", -your "traveling piano dog" -companion recently expired ! My wife, Anne and I were privileged to meet you and Boner a couple of years ago on the bank of the Schuykill River, here in Philadelphia, PA. God bless you and Boner for all the humanitarian work that you do !! I'm sure Boner was a "family member" to you !! You may receive great solace.
There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the
Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the
Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with
lush green grass.
When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always
food, water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are
young again. Those who are maimed are made whole again. They
play all day with each other.
There is only one thing missing. They are not with their special
person who loved them on Earth. So, each day they run and play
until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up !
The nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes are staring! And
this one suddenly runs from the group!
You have been seen and when you and your special friend meet,
you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed
again and again and again and you look once more into the eyes of
your trusting pet !!
You then cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be
separated !!
We love you, Danny !! Wishing you best of health and happiness !! Always !!
Danny - I am saddened to hear about Boner. I remember him sitting atop the truck as you played. Last year I lost my friend Ernie who was my buddy. At 16+ years he too had a good life and I thought he would be with me forever and now I find that he still is as I reflect back on all the good times we had every day together. So Boner may not be aroundfor you physically he will in spirit and bring a smile when you recall the good times you and he had together.
Heard it through the grapevine. Just wanted to extend my sincere condolences ... RIP Bo. Thinkin' of ya Danny.
Hi Danny, Live Strong! We will miss Boner. My family met you and Bo on the streets of Chestnut Hill. We love you!
Hi Danny, I got my first dog Toby in 2004 and only had him 3 years - he was to me as Boner was to you - the love of my life. I empathize with how you are feeling now. If I had known now - how much better a companion dogs could be - I probably would be in an entirely different situation than I find myself in. When you look back and reflect on your life - how wonderful it will be to know that you gave Boner a life and a home.
My husband/mom and I are so sorry for your loss. We met you in Warminster at a parade many years ago, and of course were in love with your Bo. You performed at Robin's house as well and you were always so wonderful. God will take care of you during this time of loss/grief. You are in our prayers. We have had 3 dogs go to Heaven, so we totally feel your pain, and know what a void this is.
I am so sorry for your loss. He was a wonderful companion and I loved meeting him and you a few years ago at Neshaminy State Park. He was dearly loved, I know.
I understand and empathize with such a loss. Take care.
Danny,, My love and blessings offered to you. Boner WILL always be with you in spirit. Safe travels, joy found, love shared my friend.
May I express my sadness about your loss. He was an amazing creature. Crying is ok. I lost several animals over the pass year. A cat killed all 3 of my chickens, and 2 of my chinchillas died, one right in my arms. That one still haunts me. Out of all of our chinchillas he never made a sound. Normally they make little chirping sounds. But he was always quiet. As he pasted away he chirped for the first time. I can't get that picture out of my head. I also lost my dog, a German shepard in 2008. May God bless you through you friends.
My thoughts are with you Dan. having lost to dog-friends in the past 2 years I know all too well the pain and reflection it brings. I love that you will honor Bo and keep his spirit living in your mind. I try so hard to keep that up for my Marley & Logan but as time goes by I often feel them slipping. I have a star in the sky that represents my loyal friends. It's my way of keeping them alive always. If/when you are ready to discover the joys of a new friend and companion, I would love to help you. I work with many local rescues and have fostered many dogs. there are so many out there who need love, understanding and companionship. they've taught me more about life than I could have ever taught them. Take care.
Sorry for your loss...Boner is just putting a good word in for ya with the Big Guy before you get there :)
I am sorry for your loss Danny. Boner was a great dog.
Dan,So sorry to hear of Boner's passing. Having lost my own "love of my life" last year, I know had difficult it can be, but I feel that the incredible energy and love that dogs enjoy, is owing to their being in the here and now - as their lives are so much(unfairly) more fleeting that ours.Meanwhile, we've been blessed with a rescue of his same breed, and we pick up on the love, right where we left it.Boner was so terrific because of the energy and spirit you embody. That will come back to you manifold in the future.All my best.
Hi Danny: I'm so sorry to hear about Bo. Your writing about him was beautiful, and you've done him a great tribute. I hope you continue to heal and that things are looking up for you soon.
Thank you for sharing with me in your time of grief. I am honored to have met you and Boner at my place through dear Cory. My deepest heartfelt condolences to you at this very difficult time Danny. Having 3 dogs myself I cannot even imagine the pain you must be going through. He was your best friend. I will remember him and you in my prayers. Warmest of hugs.
We're so sorry to hear of your loss. I could tell how much you and Boner loved each other. Like he was a part of you, the piano, the truck. I'm so glad you were together when he passed away and licked your hand. Thanks for letting us know. We'll be thinking about you Danny ... with love.
You don't really know me, just someone who received your email blogs. I wanted to express my sympathy as I know how you are feeling. We lost our furbaby of 15 yrs last May as we spent the last moments with him as well. They are so much our soul buddies in life. It takes time to move beyond not having them at our side as our constant companion and confidante. My prayers are with you as you move forward. Do not keep yourself from feeling your grief and moving through it...it is very real. Please believe that the tears will eventually be replaced with smiles as you remember the many happy years and memories that you hold in your heart forever. Believe that Boner is now running free as a pup, without any pain, with his friends that have passed before him. God Bless, An understanding friend...
I am so sorry for you lose. I hope you are doing okay. May your memories console you at this difficult time. Take good care. Best...
Dear Danny,
There's no best friend like a pet.
A pet is always there for you,
warm, friendly, dedicated to duty,
and always ready to cuddle up
next to you when it's cold outside.
When God calls such a special friend home,
you suddenly feel lost.
You feel like something wonderful
is missing from your life.
For so long your pet watched over you,
always guiding you and protecting you
like a guardian angel.
And indeed like an angel
your best friend
was sent to you from God.
But even when God feels it's time
for your pet to rest,
your best friend is never really gone.
The bond of friendship you created
will live in your heart forever.
And after the grief subsides
the memories of the good times you spent
with your beloved friend
will again make you smile
and give you comfort.
And in the way of a guardian angel,
your pet will always be watching over you
from above,
sending you its warmth and love.
Hang in there!
Love, from the Netherlands
I am so very sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my prayers.
You're in my thoughts - xxoo
Love you, Boner
So sorry to hear about Bo. I know the pain of losing your best friend too. It is gut-wrenching. A dog finds a place in our heart that no human can tap. THeir love is completely unconditional and eternal and when they are gone, that place becomes hollow and painful. I know his spirit will travel with you where ever you go, in your heart, in that place that will forever hold his love. God Bless.
So sorry to hear about Boner passing on from this world.At least you\'ve got enough pictures and stories to keep his spirit alive! Good luck in keeping the piano/truck on the road by yourself.Hope to see you soon.
My condolences, Danny. Sorry I never got to meet Bo. He sounded like a very special dog on so many levels.
I am truly sorry for your lost Boner will remain with you and the people he touched in your travels, I know you are devasted, I am grateful for having the opportunity to have experienced Bonner's life with him and he was a part of you as you were a part of him. I am physically speechless and so I send this note of rememberence and appreciation.
We understand your feelings we felt the same way when one of our dogs made its transistion Remember if you loved them they willalways be with you , you can still talk to them even when your alone he will hear you . And of course you may stay with us we have had many strangers stay , hopefully we'll all become friends. Hugs And Smile boner dos'nt like to see you sad.
I have enjoyed your newsletters and am very sorry to hear about Boner. I too, have the love of my life, in my dog, Lucky! I totally relate. (Although I have raised 4 boys, now gone and married),Lucky has become an integral part of me. My sincere condolenses. Best to you.
Hi Danny, I am very sorry to hear about Boner. I wish our beloved canine friends could be with us as long as our human friends. My sincere condolenses. My Best to you from Clearwater Florida
Thinking about you this morning and hoping something wonderful will happen to you today:)
Danny, I am very, very sorry to hear about Bo's passing. I know he meant the world to you and was, in every sense of the word, your most loyal and truest companion. My hope for you is that Bo's spirit stays with you always and that it will help carry you when you're feeling alone. I'll be thinking of you.
I am so sorry for your loss Danny. I know they become like your very best firends and can never be replaced. Boner was a special boy- he will be missed!
Sorry to hear of your loss. Dogs are family. I have a pug, 7 yrs. Couldn't feature myself without Molly.
So very sorry to hear about Boner but I understand your feelings of not sadness but gratitude to have him so long as a friend.
I am sad for your loss of one another. I know how much you meant to eachother. though it is wise to not miss him, do let him live within you heart forever, even if Boner can no longer physically be present. Cry also, as this is healthy..and it feels good.
You and Boner were very lucky to have such a strong bond, and I am sorry that he will not be physically present with you as you continue your journey. The love you had for each other will live forever. I know that Boner touched many hearts and enhanced your life, and I'm happy that you had each other.
I am so sorry to Hear Boner has left this dimension. I send you all my love.
As you may be flooded with emails, so be it - here is another one! I have had the pleasure to catch you on occasion around Quakertown, and it brought a smile to my face each time - your pup will be missed by many, but live in their memory as well as yours, be well and continue to heal....
Thank you for sharing with all of us. I am sending my love and comfort. When you described your Boner, you are describing how I feel about my little Bingo dog. I know when that last day comes, I will be holding him just as you did Boner and being grateful that I was able to have such a sweet love in my life. God Bless
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I myself lost my best friend in March of 09'. He was 17 he will never leave my daily thoughts. I like you don't know how life will ever be the same. But i do believe that he will be one of the first people i see when its my time. Your life is better for having him
Sorry to hear about Bo's passing. I hope you can continue your positive spirit.
Oh Danny, We are so sorry to hear about Bo. We will miss him so much. The short time spent together with you both was like we were friends forever! My heart goes out to you. I know what it's like to lose such a lifetime companion. He was at peace and you should be too knowing he is out of pain and lived a great life, travelling more than most people would ever even dream of! The unconditional love from such a companion could never be matched by mankind. We pet lovers know that best...no matter what you've been through and what situations life puts in front of you, they were always there to comfort you and adapt to whatever comes their way...as long as you were there, Bo didn't care where or what was going on. I remember at the Cabin he was so comfortable and content that he got up and lay down on he couch next to me...it was so peaceful and comforting to know that he felt good enough to do that depsite we had just met...that makes us feel like he trusted us and I think that all stemmed from you and our connection with you. He felt you trusted us and were comfortable, so he too follwoed your lead. He was a great dog because of you Danny, he followed your lead and you gave him a wonderful, full life that every pet on this earth deserves. Allow yourself to feel, express, do whatever you need to do to move forward...he is always with you...you know that. We are always with you too and if you ever come back this way, we are here for you. Please call or email anytime. By the way, my nan just turned 100 years old on valentines day, and that picture of you and Bo at the church with my nan next to the truck, was just posted on the girls Facebook page that was playing the Piano. You've both touched many lives from 1-100!! Take Care Danny.
R.I.P Boner
I am so sorry to hear about Boner's passing. I met Boner and saw you play over 10 years ago at Cooper Hospital in Camden, NJ for 'Employee Appreciation Week". I immediately signed up for your newsletter and have enjoyed reading your adventure updates. I fell in love with Boner and his sweet face and I could see then just how much you loved your little buddy. I am glad you were able to spend his final moments with him, I am sure he was so happy you were there. I read this email at 4:15 this morning and it brought tears to my eyes. I saved a picture of Boner on my PC so I can see his sweet happy face anytime I am feeling down. Take comfort in knowing that he knew how much you love him. This is how I get through my father's passing. Take care, Dan.
I am so sorry to hear about this. I know you will miss him. Thanks for sharing the news.
Dearest Danny, Alas! They don't last forever. However, you had him more than 15 which is rare for a dog of any breed. He was such a part of you. I remember so very well when my wife Gail arranged for you to serenade me on my 58th birthday in the parking lot of Allen Organ Company in Macungie PA. You drew quite a crowd! I also enjoyed your music at The Wheels of Time Street Rod Club outing in Macungie Memorial Park. As you have traveled, I have enjoyed your newsletters of events along the way. Boner was a rare beast - so well-behaved, glued to the top of your piano like a statue. The bond with these critters is strong and their departure rips your heart out. My thoughts are with you.
Oh boy. They capture your heart while they are with you, and rip it out when they are gone. And it doesn't get any easier no matter how many times it happens. So glad you were together for so long, that is fantastic! I was with my first and then second four legged friends (Stetson and Belle Amie) at the end of their respective times here, and wouldn't have it any other way. Each blessed me with over 11 years of their friendship, loyalty, and wisdom. Minute to minute is a good way to live, Danny- every minute counts. That is how our four legged compatriots live. It's not such a bad way. Peace to you and I hope you can play a song for Boner soon. I never got to see you guys in person, but jeez, he looked so perfect on top of that piano- what the hell did he need to do tricks for?!
Hey Danny our thoughts are with you and Boner. We certainly enjoyed meeting you both and enjoying those fond memories of entertainment. He was an amazing dog and brought the youth out of everyone who witnessed his contentment. We wish you all the best in your endeavours and will always be here for your support. Stay in touch and God Bless !
I have always been impressed by your heart and your piano playing. However, your words were more like poetry, so honest and beautiful. I grieve with you, my friend. You have lost a dear friend in Bo. Yes, his spirit will live on in you. Stay well.
I am so sorry to hear about Bo - he was a wonderful dog. There aren't too many canine buddies that made friends around the globe and made such an impression on people's hearts. I know how hard it is to lose a friend like Bo - but take comfort in your memories...he will always bring a smile to your face whenever you need one. take care, Christine...(from the Far East....East Coast of Newfoundland, that is!)
I am so sorry to hear of Boner's passing.....I will be praying for you and this period of adjustment in your life......Remember Dan Jesus promises us that He will never leave us or forsake us....and He knows our imfirmities... and because of this we can boldly go to the throne of grace in our time of need for He understands....reach out to Him when none can help...He can. Blessings,
Dan...I am really sorry for your loss. Recently Mike and my 18 year old American Ragdoll Cat died. He was so precious. I don't think I'll get ever get over his loss. But life goes on. Friends are good. Hang in there...
I feel your pain.
I'm very sorry to hear about Bo. He was a very special dog, and I'm sure he'll be waiting for you in Heaven. We lost our corgi, Bailey earlier this year and I know how hard it is to lose a valued member of the family. Take care.
What an email to start my morning off. I cried tears for the loss of Bo, it's very sad that the people you will meet from here on in will not have the pleasure of meeting Boner-it so good that he had you those final hours-he was & is truely loved! Your Friends.
Sendin' you lots of love and comfort... I thank my mommy everyday for takin' such good care of me as I know you did your best friend Bo! Great friends are never forgotten... no matter where their at!
I am so sorry for your loss! Keep all the wonderful memories in your heart and he will live on!
Bo was one of a kind...he was loved by many (and he knew it). What to do...think of all the wonderful times you guys had together. I will alway remember the time we meet at Charlie's Place, trying to keep Bo on the side of the road while looking for Chicken Mushrooms.
Ah jeez, Danny -- I just now read this. Yes, Boner had a great life with you.... but I'm selfishly sad because I won't have the chance to meet him. From all his photos and your descriptions I feel like I've known him all along....Big hugs.
I am truly sorry for your personal loss. After shedding many a tear upon losing our last canine companion Grizzley, (a beloved White Sheppard) my wife and I both pushing sixty decided there wouldn't be any more dogs... to many great faithful, loving canine companions had passed before our eyes, and neither of us could bare thought of going through the ordeal of losing another once again. 'So we thought at the time.' We lasted two years Danny. We have always made it a rule to adopt a stray and if not that, 'the runt of the litter.' Our neighbors decided we needed another dog to replace Grizzley. They gave us "Midnight Shadow" for Christmas... these quite a few years ago now. An American Staffordshire Pit Bull "Runt" who was the sweetest thing on four legs. My baby grandson and Dirk (We named him Dirk Pitt) were born a month a part, and grew up almost as "One." Sighhh, Dirk died of an brain aneurysm just before his eighth birthday. Part of us seems to die with such a magnificent creature when they leave us in such a way... but then again Danny, its as you say; "Our most loyal companions will never leave us, they will always be with us, in Spirit, in our memory, in daily occurrences and in my way of believing, 'be re-united with us when we pass on to meet and thank our Maker.'" Hopefully my friend time will allow room for a second companion one day. After all Danny, 'it is only fair to share your music with another dog... what a way to live out life... see the world, meet fine folks (some different then others I am sure) (I resemble that re-mark!) feel and listen to the melody of the piano keys below while having a loving best friend and companion near at hand for love and security. You are loved my friend.
My sincerest condolences. Your e-mail had me in tears. I only hope you have room in your heart to adopt another dog, who would flourish under your tender care. No dog can ever replace another, but some dog could use the love you give.
I'm so sorry to hear that Bo has gone. He was a terrific dog, as evidenced in his smiling face in all those photos and the smiles of the people there with him. Peace and hugs.
We are sorry for your loss.
What is it about dogs and toilets ?! ...
and chewmen, gutted of stuffing, of course...
and running freely with sticks.
They want to drive but can't reach the pedals, so
they ride shotgun or backseat drive.
They show you things you've never seen before,
They teach you lessons God wants you to know, and
then they run home leaving us to follow alone...
for a while
I am so sorry for your loss, and am touched by your email. I know how precious our relationships are with our animals, you and Bo are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sorry to hear about your best friend passing.
Sorry to heart that. My condolences. The world will miss Boner
So very sorry... I have 4 dogs myself and they mean the world to me - can't imagine your loss... Our thoughts are with you...
I continue to cry for you, with you. This is a beautiful memorial to your precious and beloved companion.
So sorry to hear of your loss Danny! You are in my prayers.
My prayers are with you; we have lost many sweetie pups in our lifetime and we feel your loss tremendously.
That's a long relationship. You might be best served to start training a new Boner and keep the "drive" alive. It would do you good.
With much love, I feel your pain. Boner's the greatest. Living alone and having pets, I truly know how it feels. Wow, he lived a very long, long, loving, wonderful life with you as his loving companion. His long life is a tribute to you, babe, and his spirit. Danny, I am mourning your loss & sending much love your way. When the time is right (or before), there is another soul/dog out there who could use all the love, attention, affection that your goodness and kindness has to give. You have much love and kindness to offer. Lovingly...
Danny, life is. You are so very loved. There's a lot of beautiful people out here aiming sweet thoughts of comfort in your direction. Take that in and let it give you strength to go another mile. <3 <3
Danny, I don't know you, but I can say that we lost our beloved cat back in November. The morning we were due to take her in for the final visit, she passed in our bed with my wife and I. It was the saddest moment thus far in life. I'm really sorry to read this, but it's a good thing that you got to be together.
Hope it gets easier Danny be strongxxx
Just felt compelled to send you the lyrics to Smile, just seemed to sum it up, tomorrow, I'll send you one that makes you laugh like, I Like Big Butts and I Can Not Lie, but for today, I just want you to work on a smile... Smile, though your heart is aching.
Smile, even though it's breaking.
Though there are clouds in the sky,
You get by...
If you smile through your fears and sorrows.
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through.
If you just light up your face with gladness,
Hide every trace of sadness.
Although a tear may be ever, ever so near.
That's the time you must keep on trying.
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find life is worthwhile
If you'll just smile, come on and smile.
If you just smile.
| February 24, 2010
Eureka Springs, Arkansas
So... it is what it is... life is what it is. John, one of the owners of The New Delhi Cafe in Eureka Springs has let me sit in his cafe for two days doing all my internet work. I really appreciate it. The Traveling Piano truck has been sitting outside on his sidewalk. My feelings are swinging all over the place... up, big time down and all around. At least I'm swinging. It is getting too cold to play outside again, snow is coming again. Thank God I have a garage to use for the truck. Ron and June my hosts have welcomed me to stay as long as needed to regroup. I really dislike using the words me, I... with everything, I want to use... us... we... where is Boner? I listened to some live music at an open mike in the cafe and that helped my spirits enough that I opened up and shared some of my music. To do that is still "going out on the limb" for me. I'm more comfortable outside in nature playing the piano on the back of a pickup truck with my best buddy hanging out with me. I've never felt comfortable sitting at a piano indoors, ha... true. I am going to respond to every person who has contacted me with support no matter how long it takes. The way its looking that may take a long time.
| February 23, 2010
Eureka Springs, Arkansas
My new friends Ron and June here in Eureka Springs, Arkansas have been amazing. Last night I tried to play piano for them and ended up just torturing them because I cried the entire time. They took me to their "friendship table" today. A group of friends and neighbors who get together periodically for lunch. Last time I was in Arkansas a few years ago, I experienced a music group just like this. Afterwards, we all went outside to the Traveling Piano and I felt like it just didn't work. People were afraid to approach me and when they did they would not get onto the truck to play. I have four years of experience in knowing that if Bo was up on that piano... people would have been up on that piano. Boner put people at ease, made people feel comfortable, was a terrific distraction for any inhibitions. What I now do with improvisational music and interacting with people... just doesn't work without Bo. The Traveling Piano mood, the feeling, it was created from all the vital components and Boner the piano dog was an vital part of the whole. It is what it is. When I played Ragtime and Boogie Woogie as an act, career, performer for money etc... that was different. I have no interest in going back to that and there is no Boner now to help ease people into the" now" experience... to help soften the Traveling Piano presence.
As the day progressed an adjustment took place. Ron and June do not have wireless internet so I had to find a place in town because I need to send out thousands of emails and notify people about what has happened. Eureka Springs has been known for its healing waters just link Berkeley Springs where I last started this present leg of the journey. What are the chances of finding two towns like that? The springs here are now polluted because the town is built on top of another town that has been covered over by mud. In the summer this place swells from about twenty five hundred residents to over fifty thousand. I find this stuff interesting. Anyway, I found a local hotspot and spent the day there with the computer. I was able to park the Traveling Piano truck right outside the door. With just leaving the truck there and hanging around it about eight people got up and played. This was perfect... it was healing for me... gave me some confidence that the idea can still work. Now, if I can just deal with driving alone... ha, I'm projecting. I'll worry about that when it happens. I came back to my present home base... Ron and June and I got to know each other better. Ron was in the air force for twenty one years, was a sheriff in Santa Barber, had a pizza parlor, worked as a janitor... June is from England and has a house full of wonderful tea cup collections... this place I'm staying in is like an English cottage in the most classical sense. Ron and June have been married fifty one years and have not just visited but lived in many different countries. They have brought exchange students into their house over the years, sometimes for a year at a time from all over the world. So... this couple is amazingly open minded, progressive and still exploring ideas on a significant level in their mid seventies. Wow. I am feeling safe enough tonight to go to sleep without touching base with a friend over the phone. Instead I am eating cheese puffs and am going to read about a hundred emails sent to me today from people who care about Boner's passing. I am alive strictly because of the support I have been receiving and that statement is not exaggerating... I hope, I trust the love and support will stay strong until I can feel the full reality of present life without Bo in my physical world.
| February 22, 2010
Holiday Lakes, Arkansas
I picked up the Traveling Piano truck from Brandon today. How interesting that it was being made over the day Bo died. I said goodbye to the spot where Bo died in my arms and almost fainted, could barley stand. I love my soul mate. I do not want to live without him. The truck looks fantastic, brand new... Brandon could not have done a better job. The piano front reads, "living now" - "loving here" ...my friend Tom in Virginia inspired those words for us. I needed this truck makeover. Brandon hand painted musical notes that are super cool and flow with my improvisational energy. They have been created to the max on the sides and the front hood. They are blue with a green tint boarder edge against a bright cherry red. Wow! The front hood of the truck has the Traveling Piano sign painted backwards so when any car is in front stopped at a red light and a person looks in the rearview mirror... it reads perfectly. How cool is that? Very... The Traveling Piano truck being painted is a huge boost in a time very needed. I would call it providential. Driving away from Springfield alone in the truck fro the first time... with a freshly painted truck... oh, what mixed feelings... turmoil.
I sent an email to my new hosts telling them what happened and that my visit would be more on the menu of helping a stranger in need than a guest coming to gift their community. I told them I'd probably be crying allot and would stay in a hotel if they thought that would be best. A few hours later I landed in Holiday Springs Arkansas with Ron and June in a beautiful home overlooking lakes in the Ozark mountains. While driving I realized how much I dislike traveling alone. It sucks and its boring, lonely, stagnant... help. I saw a sign on the road threatening a year in jail for littering? Shit, where am I? My dog loved nature. That is what we had most in common driving down the road sharing the enjoyment of nature together. Seeing people look at the newly painted truck with interest and the potential of having fun without Bo to receive them... oh my God, help me. The things I remember... if you the reader remembers from past blog entries well... I stepped around Boner's last poop without stepping in it... three times. Hoorah... sigh. Now I must lock the truck every time I leave it. I can't just stop in front of a store and leave the engine running while I do an errand... Boner's not there to protect.
My dog helped me to love myself... through him and with him I learned to love myself... he was a mirror of my love... my heart and soul... together we gave that love to the world. Love is pouring in from everywhere. On the internet, I put the word out... friends, acquaintances from many years gone by and people I have yet to meet have been responding with love, support and relationship. Of course there are also those who do not want to hear any of it. (believe me I can understand that) I've been getting needed phone calls. My close friends Patty and Lance offered to give me stewardship of their dog Opal because they thought her temperament would give me comfort. I know how they love their dog. My friend Yair from Israel, for two years has made video's of his piano playing but has been to fearful to post any of them online. Tonight, he courageously posted his first video online for me and dedicated it to Boner's life. ...cry... cry... that tore me up. ...love... Friends have been posting words of support and love on facebook continuously. Emails have been coming through from people I have not heard from for years. A few friends have sent financial contributions to encourage me to continue with the journey. For the last two nights I have sensed Boner laying next to me in bed with hundreds of orbs around me... spirit, but I have not allowed myself to feel any of that. I just feel lost and alone.
| February 21, 2010
Springfield, Missouri
It has been very difficult, excruciating. I don't want to go to bed because I don't want to wake up. Now I have no one to relate to except people, ugh, thats work. I took a walk and thought, I don't want to enjoy the flowers and the trees and the birds and the bees without my dog. Where's my purpose, I have no purpose. Yep, this is what I am going through. I've prepared for this life adjustment in knowing that I must reach out to people. I call friends and tell them not to give me words of encouragement just allow me to cry on the phone connected to them for just a minute. When I can know a friend is with me... I can hang up and do what needs to get done next. Dana and Gary have been so excellent. I will decide what to do with Boners ashes in a week or two. It is difficult to write. I've been re-doing all the bio's for my correspondence and online communities. All the "we's" (as in Boner and I) ...are disappearing. Pain, sadness...
| February 20, 2010
Greene County, Missouri
BONER THE PIANO DOG ... November 27, 1994 ... February 20, 2010
Boner the Traveling Piano Dog passed away this morning around 4:45am in my arms. I had spent a good bit of time with him as he slept soundly, his head in the palm of my hand. He licked me with all the ability left in him. Earlier in the night we simply gazed lovingly into each others eyes... nose to nose. I held him tight from behind as he took his last breath. I immersed myself with the warmth of his body... the softness of his hair... until the very end. Bo is and always will be the best. He is my buddy, he is my best buddy. I love him. Our relationship grew everyday in love for his entire life and up to the very last moment. Boner was the first dog ever in my life. We found each other when he was eight weeks old. I had a dog in my minds eye since the age of five. It took almost forty years for him to manifest. The wait was well worth it. My buddy was a life experience way beyond My Wildest of Dreams. I could never have imagined the experience of total appreciation, partnership and most of all, the trust... that my dog gave to me. He helped me through life in many, many ways. I will not miss him. I refuse to miss him. His spirit will stay alive in me and through the thousands of pictures and writings dedicated to his existence. People often asked why he did not do tricks or play the piano and that is because I had never planned for our partnership to be an integral part of my work. It happened through a synchronistic series of events. His life with me was always and simply as... my buddy hanging out with me. I am not driven to sadness, I am driven to gratitude. Presently, I am living minute to minute. Of course I am scared for myself in being without him. I know I will have to reach out for friendship to help me to go on. This will be a challenge for me. My present hosts Dana and Gary... they were meant to carry me through this initial adjustment and I am very thankful for their help. There is no coincidence the Traveling Piano truck is out of commission right now. I am where it is best to be. It is important to remind myself that I am not alone. I am with friends. I am numb, I would like to go cry now but I think I will go to bed first.
| February 19, 2010
Springfield, Missouri
I am truckless today! The weather has turned warmer and the sun has been shining. Argh! Frustrating! I want to be outside playing. The Traveling Piano is presently in pieces... safe and secure in my new friend Brandon's garage. The truck is getting a paint job and really needs one. A half year ago I thought this truck was going to be put to rest and I would have a new one ready to go. Things did not work out as planned. The idea of cleaning up this truck a bit really excites me because it is a collaboration. I have given Brandon "artistic freedom" to do the lettering and placement. In the past I would have been completely anal about what, when, where, how, why... with everything. I made a "decision" to embrace, accept and enjoy the outcome no matter what and can do that because I trust. Now... I've done that before and really got screwed but that was when other people asked me for their trust, it had not come naturally. This situation has no chance of failing because "it will be what it will be."
Piano dog Boner is very sick. Dana our present host and I drove around looking for an animal hospital and we found the Grant Avenue Pet Hospital in Springfield, Missouri. Unlike the hospital experience from yesterday, these people took us right in. After an exam, some thoughts, a consultation with another doctor and hearing Boner's history... the doctor gave me a conclusion that felt right on the mark. Bo has cancer and it has now spread into his heart and lung areas. With his old age he naturally is also experiencing congestive heart failure and his pancreas has been giving him trouble from eating food that was different from usual, (people food) ...old age again. The water buildup a few months ago around his heart, the steroids have been helping with that. I thought his present belly swelling might have been from water around his heart again... or from lung distortions that showed after his last ex-ray but they tried to take a sample of any water and all they got was blood, no water. Then the doctor had me feel his area of swelling and I could feel his fibrous tumors. He has been jumping up in the middle of the night after falling asleep on his side because of breathing trouble. His disease is smothering him and causing him to become weak and disoriented. Every time it happens I also get up to reassure him because he becomes afraid. Bottom line... there is not much that can be done at this point, he is over a hundred and five years old in human years. Boner has lived a fantastic full life. He is loved and loves... totally. I decided to live out our partnership together doing what we do best and that is interacting with people in fun, friendship and respect right up to the very end. Here we are in Missouri and just yesterday we lived the dream. We may do it again in a few days, maybe not. I am going to up his steroid dose which may help him to feel better but will also create a quicker crash and burn. I personally would like to leave this world feeling the best that I can and living life to the fullest. This is what I also want for my best buddy. We gave him steak for dinner and he ate a little. I went out and brought his favorite people foods... cheese twists, peanut butter, bread, hamburger and yogurt. I offered him a cheese twist and he could not muster the desire for it, maybe tomorrow. Myself... a huge bowl of ice cream and... I couldn't finish it. My mind is working double time to help me deal with this transition. One coping thought has been... I am with this really wonderful cool dog to enjoy for a few days and then I have to let him go back to his original source.
The hospital today contributed their services and did so without my requesting that and with them knowing very little about us and also after I told them I was going to pay cash. His gift to us made it clear that his life is not about the money he makes. The doctor understood innately what we are about. That meant the world to me. I wrote a review online for the place, here it is... I am traveling on the road with my best buddy who is over 15 years old and who is getting ready to pass. This hospital took us right in, no drama, no feeling of inconvenience or doing us a favor, they clearly... cared. I was impressed when the doctor bent down to be on the same level with my dog to check him out rather then lift him onto the table which would have been uncomfortable. He checked with his colleague for a second opinion, he was practical and genuine with his assessment. He made sense and diagnosed a problem that other doctors could not pinpoint. I've been to many different vets over the years and it felt very reassuring to know for a fact that this hospitals priorities are to help animals. It was not all about money and creating an appearance of being successful in fact... it was not about the money at all... it was about expertise and compassion which is what I needed in this time of uncertainty. Thank you Dr. D. J. Rund DVM
| February 18, 2010
Sequiota Park, Missouri
I'm realizing that I need to "get over myself" with the emotion I have been feeling about the people I have been relating with. Everything amazes me so much and I am so happy about what I have been experiencing. My hosts Dana and Gary have a two bedroom house and I have been occupying one of those bedrooms. Tonight they have another traveler staying along with myself. This guy Gregg is from Minnesota had just finished a twelve hour drive. We all had some great intellectual discussion. He is a Theosophist. This is a believe that all religions exist to help humanity evolve and therefore have some truth to therm. Dana and Gary are taking the living room couches tonight and giving the other bedroom to Gregg. They want for Gregg to have a good first night experience. I've had this happened for me from a host in the past. To meet a stranger and offer them your bed while you take the couch is a good thing.
I went to take Bo to another Vet today... he really has terrible trouble breathing at night... they wanted three hundred bucks to check him out with two ex-rays. That price along with the fact that the place smelled of cat poop big time... we'll I declined the appointment. Then we fell into Sequiota Park, Missouri. I was there to wash some highway salt off the Traveling Piano truck. Of course there was not much time to do that because today was the nicest day in a long time so a lot of people were around. The last person we encountered was an eighteen year old guy named Cole who was clean two years off of methamphetamine. He had spent the first year in a christian rehab. He wanted to pray with me before Bo and I left so I said, "no problem." He used the word Yeshua which I learned is the hebrew name for Jesus.
| February 17, 2010
Springfield, Missouri
I'm feeling very grateful today. I'm grateful I have my best buddy with me and I have found people whom I value and who value me in life and also that I have been able to pursue so many life experiences. Oh yea, also that the sun came out and the temperature came out of the twenties and into the thirties today. I met up with Dave who I met yesterday and for a short while we went out with the truck and hooked up with two women neighbors on a neighborly walk through thier neighborhood. Ha, we had pulled into a parking area by some tennis courts and they found us.
Before it got dark I drove over to Bradon's place to meet Mindy and their son Lincoln. (more new friends) We all had some music and after meeting Brandon for the second time, I was really turned on with his presence of spirit. He's a movie actor, autobody specialist, airbrush painter, skateboarder and has taught Tae Kwon Do as a black belt. I saw large paint containers in his garage and asked if they were used to paint cars. He said yes and as a result I will be staying here a few extra days while we paint the Traveling Piano truck. It really needs it! This is a major opportunity that cannot be missed.
| February 15, 2010
Springfield, Missouri
My friend Wes helped me get an RSS feed up for this website. Look to the left of this page. I'm not really sure how it all works but I hope it makes the Daily Log easier and more assessable for people. Boner's breathing has been really heavy and I don't think there is very much I can do about it. One day or even a minute at a time is the only way to deal with it all. It is amazing that I have set my life up in such a way that part of my job is to constantly interact with people and be interested in them. (something I enjoy very much) This will help me not to sink into a deep hole of sadness when the inevitable happens with Boner. He is tearing up a rawhide bone right now as I write this. He has a renewed interest in them. Bo's constantly licking me and full of spirit even with his issues. I lost a rolled up wad of bills with a rubberband around them, several hundred dollars. What can I do about that?
Last night I began looking into house sitting situations for short term stays so we can visit different communities for a longer period of time. If you or someone you may know is ever looking for a house sitter anywhere, I'd like to hear from you. Even though it was frigid out I attempted to play today. Bo stayed in the cab. We went to meet a friend from online who lives here in Springfield. My fingers could not move fast at all. My hosts Dana and Gary have been so amazing, especially concerning Boner and his condition. They have successfully integrated visitors and travelers into the fabric of their life. It feels very natural to be with them and part of their family.
| February 15, 2010
Springfield, Missouri
It has not been cold, has not freezing, it has been... bitterly freezing and has been snowing all day! Before I left Camdenton, Missouri my host Barbara jumped onto the truck for some music. We did it in her garage. The truck will be outside now with the elements for at least the next few days, I wonder how much cold all the electronics can take? I watched some beautiful birds on the back deck of Barb's house today. Bo and I have been making new friends and we love it. Now in Springfield, Missouri with Dana and Gary, I was thinking that some people may ask what kind of person would invite a stranger and his dog into their home? The answer... interested people and... interested people are interesting. It has all been fantastic for my life and all our hosts feel their lives constantly enriched from the people they meet. It's fun.
I was worried about my new stopping point here in Springfield, Missouri because our hosts have a cat and a young cockerspaniel named butterscotch. Bo has not been getting along with other dogs and I do not want to stress him out. Well, thank god with this situation no problem. The cat watches Bo and Boner ignores the cat. Buttercup is as sweet as can be and knows to back off with her curiosity and play. Whew!!! My host Gary works in sales and is as laid back as can be. I instantly felt comfortable in his company. Dana is a independent woman, another "humanist" I have found (what are the chances of that, two in a row) ...very much into Carl Jung and the study of social phycology and art history combined as one. During our talk in getting to know each other the subject of wether my instincts are more Eros or Thanatos driven (life or death). Cheeezzzz... all these people I have been meeting... religious, mythical, metaphysical, physic, analytical... hahah, I'm not looking for this stuff, I just find it maybe because I'm interested in almost everything. As a child I was told specifically what I was allowed to be interested in. My, how things have changed. While driving on the road today, I saw a huge billboard saying, "the use of profanity will make you seem uneducated." Hahaha.... damm!
| February 14, 2010
Osage Beach, Missouri
Went riding to find some internet service to download the blog. I left Boner with my host Barbara because it is too cold for him to stay in the truck without heat. (while I was gone Barb let him outside to pee and he found a whole chicken breast and downed it) With his condition he could get really, really sick from this but the way I am going to look at it... he really enjoyed it, and the situation is out of my hands. My new friend Barbara is a follower of Carl Jung... she is a Jungian. A retired social worker for the state of Missouri and now she manages a shopping center part time. We had some very interesting and stimulating conversation that began immediately after I woke up this morning, like ten minutes after I woke up. Ha, was that ever a challenge! The neighborhood is full of New Tribes, they are missionaries who plant tribal churches around the world. Unfortunately, we will not be around long enough to meet any of them. I ended up today at a Panera restaurant in Osage Beach and with interested people connecting with us... a Traveling Piano senerio unfolded minus the Traveling Piano dog... for the second time. Everything happened really fast because I had to get back to Bo; Barbara had an appointment to get to. Oh well, it is what it is, we all had fun for a short time. I'm in for a big life adjustment concerning Boner. His spirit is strong, he has energy and his heart is working very hard to keep him going. I think I will be able to handle what is to come... with the support of friends. Will you be my friend? Hahaha... no kidding... I'll be needing everyone in the very near future.
| February 13, 2010
Camdenton, Missouri
I really enjoyed staying with Steve and Joyce. As we were about to leave I got some pictures of them holding their activist signs. They have had about four of them planted on their front lawn. Joyce jumped onto the piano to play. After some pictures and piano key tickling we drove off and arrived in Camdenton, Missouri around dinner time and our new host Barbara had an amazing dinner waiting... roast pork with beets, mixed salad with veggies and fruit, a potato casserole, bread, every single morsel tasted amazing... I mean really amazing but that wasn't the best part... when we pulled into her driveway an open garage was waiting for the truck. That felt completely welcoming. Barbara's friend Joe joined us and he jumped onto the piano. After dinner I created and recorded music in the garage. A door opened to the living room where Barb and Joe sat on a sofa by a lit fireplace and listened. We are near a huge lake so... with the cold and snow... its frigid. Presently, its raining out. Boner and I are on the bottom floor of the house in a huge handsome cabin like room which feels incredibly private with a king size bed, cedar walls and windows looking out into the hills of Missouri. What can I say... hmmm, don't want to leave this room? ...except maybe for some more of that pork and to play some music?
| February 12, 2010
Saint Louis, Missouri
Exhausted am I. Boner's last vet hospital got a call from me at four in the morning. It was an emergency. His breathing was off. The hospital nurse called the doctor who agreed with my suggestion to give him some pred (steroid medication). I think that is amazing... that I could call a vet in the middle of the night, wake her up and receive a response. They also called me at eight in the morning to see how he was doing. Even more amazing... Bo is not receiving special treatment from this hospital, the Shively Animal Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky. So I was up and down for most of the night... and grateful.
Morning arrived and with only one full day in Saint Louis I wanted to make the best of it. First, we stopped at the local fruit and vegetable place. My host Joyce had some shopping to do so I created music and interacted with people as she shopped. Afterwards, Boner and I drove down Delmar Boulevard. I love this street. It is a perfect street for walking with tons of style and variety of life, culture and business. I could have stopped and felt comfortable playing anywhere on every single block. I find Saint Louis a city where I could spend a month walking and exploring the streets looking at the space, buildings, sculptures... while passing a restaurant I noticed every window advertised "free smells" inside... funny.
I wasn't looking for it, did not even know it was in Saint Louis... we came across Scott Joplin's house! You know, the Ragtime guy? So of course I had to stop there and play the Maple Leaf Rag. I walked through his apartment where he wrote The Entertainer and was surprised that I actually felt a nostalgic energy from the place. Onward... to the arch. I needed to get a picture with the Archway to the West! It really is an impressive structure, the highest such structure in the world. I'm glad I pshaw'd my "did that, done that, not interested in that kind of tourist stuff" mentality... and went anyway because it was really cool. I met a guy named Ivan walking along the street and asked him to take some pictures for me.
Back at the ranch... (my hosts home) we started a neighborhood get together. I just started playing by the house curb and in a short time seven different neighbors appeared, kids and all. Neighbors who had never met each other, who had not see each other in years... it was a perfect Traveling piano success. Later that night I ended up at a pub in the center of town for a Rationalist get together. A bunch of critical thinkers, atheists, agnostics, humanists, free thinkers, darwininan's and such came out even though it was cold and snowing. I had no awareness that it was thirty two degrees out and snowing on and off all day... I was having too much fun. At night I left Boner home with Joyce. He had already had enough for one day so Steve and I went out with the truck. Tonight was minus the "piano dog" for the first time. Ugh, I did get through it. Onward... every email Steve had sent to me before we met was signed Pax, Steve and Joyce. I said, "who's Pax?' He said Pax is latin for Peace. Hahaha...
Steve my host had a stroke a few years back and now sees with stereoscopic vision. What is interesting about that is he has been creating three dimensional geometric abstract images, art and photos since he was a young guy and now he sees it all perfectly without needing a camera or anything else. He showed me his stereopticon which is used to view the pictures and told me how a trained eye can learn to see three dimensional pictures without any tools. I felt really good about all the work Boner and I did today and the fact that several dozen people got onto the Traveling Piano to play!
| February 11, 2010
University City, Missouri
Before I left Indiana Melanie, my hostess with the mostess, her grandson Oliver had an opportunity to try out the Traveling Piano. Bo and I stopped for breaks while driving every two hours. He has been huffing allot on and off.
Have not seen much of Saint Louis yet but it seems like the Traveling Piano would work really fine in this city. Problem is I'm only here for a day, damm. I want to start setting things up to say at least a week in each place. I'm so excited that I keep forgetting it is like twenty degrees outside and playing a lot of piano and getting people to jump up onto it to play for themselves is not very realistic. While traveling I thought, "no over poluation problem in the state of Missouri for sure and if someone wants some distance from their neighbors, no problem." There is lots of open space. A law was made here after a great fire in the 1800's that all the buildings on the river be made of brick and stone, no wood. I thought that and also passing a huge steel archway, the Gateway to the West was interesting.
My hosts, Steve and Joyce are major peaceniks, a couple in their mid-eighties married some sixty years. They have peace, not war signs on their front lawn, stuff like power to the people type signs hahaha. I love them! They consider themselves "humanists" and belong to the Saint Louis Ethical Society which has about 400 members. Joyce is a retired children's book librarian and Steve a social worker who came to this area as a young guy to join the Peace Army which was associated with the Fellowship of Reconciliation formed after World War One. Steve is a world war two vet and was at Okinawa Japan when the bombs were dropped.
They treated me to dinner with their daughter Jaina and her son Simon at a local Mexican restaurant. Steve and Joyce have no problem with me getting up at noon tomorrow. Can we talk relieved? Tonight, while we were in the living room talking, the milkman came. No kidding. Who knew milkmen still existed!? Hey you reading this blog... do you know what a milkman is? Hahaha...
| February 10, 2010
Jeffersonville, Indiana
Damm... I want to be back in Pennsylvania in my old house and in my old neighborhood right now for the largest blizzard in history heading for three feet of snow. I'm so jealous of everyone enjoying it all. I love "big snow" so does Boner. We went to the vet today for a last checkup before leaving the area tomorrow. We are heading for Missouri. He had a EKG for his heart and now we have additional medicine, the main being the steroids. Steroids are keeping him alive along with antibiotics, heart enzymes, breathing meds, fish oil, mutli vitimins, pepcid and prescription dog food. I gave up on trying to get him eat string beans for fiber even after cooking then in chicken broth, he just will not eat them. I'm organized with everything packed in the truck. God forbid one thing falls out of place which I know it will and then I'll need to reorganize again. I think moving stuff around and around and around may be a pathology of mine. At least today I feel ready with it all. (as long as I don't have to remember where anything is, ha) I've been here in Indiana at one home base for over two weeks and have been given space like it is my home. Things are about to change. I'll be changing hosts every two days for at least the next week or so. I hope I can get some music working in Missouri even though the temperatures are freezing.
| February 09, 2010
Jeffersonville, Indiana
About seven inches of snow fell last night. It was really beautiful and different, a heavy fine mist of crystallized snow falling fast and steady all night long. This morning I found about eight puffed red cardinals with their mates sitting outside the window on snow covered branches. Wish I could have caught a picture of them. I'm too scattered, hahaha. Shit, what is to come next? I woke up at noon. The sleep felt good, I felt rested which is not all the time. I'm packing again... finding crevices in the truck to keep things like my cash, Boner's treats, my computer backup hard rives, yoga mat (that I do not use enough)... ha, the things I brought with me that I deemed important. I'm leaving things behind because I just don't have room. Over 200 music cassettes I have been giving away when people jump onto the truck to create music, they had cost a lot of time and money to make, I wanted to create value and respect from them, oh well. I told Melanie my host to give them to people as a present from her.
Don't know if I should brave the snow covered highways to take Bo to the vet for one last checkup before we leave. His breathing has been short and quick for the last two days but I'm not sure anything can be done about that. Cheezzzz... I want to just get on the... (want to say damm but really mean "wonderful" :) truck with my loving dog in front of me and create music for people everywhere... to discover... and not deal with all this other (want to say damm but really mean "stuff" :), is that too much to ask for?
Went out to shovel snow off Melanie'a driveway and she came home early from work. We took the truck out to a random empty street for a picture in the snow and out of no where from a distance, Carla and Shannon come running. "We want to hear a piano playing music in the snow." Ha, haha... fun!
| February 08, 2010
Jeffersonville, Indiana
What kind of world have I created for myself? The fact is that now... if several days go buy without creating music I begin to fall off my balance beam... if I do not interact with people for even a few more days I begin to get into trouble in my head.
A working aspect of this journey is to not identify with fear. I have many tools and past experiences to help with that. Writing it down as I am now doing, is one of those tools. Fact is, I could pick up a cigarette, (quit that) a calming drug, (quit that) get into drinking, (quit that) enmesh with inappropriate relationships, (quit that) ...to cope. Now, I find myself now reaching for music, my journeys mission, faith, trust, experience, good friends, sometimes a healthy piece of fruit...
God, I feel nauseous. Along with feeling a bit trapped from the cold... not being able to go anywhere because I can't leave Bo in the truck with the cold weather... what I want to find is... to ask... hey friends, anyone who reads this blog... please help find or suggest a place for us to go as soon as possible... we must of course to do it with the truck... find a warm and quiet time in nature. My idea is to spend time in peace with Bo while he passes. I sold my home for this journey so there is no place to run to (no regrets) and there are people we can stay with but think this will be a smoother transition just between ourselves. Of course I'd like people nearby but do want space. Presently we are on the border of Kentucky and Indiana, will be leaving some day this week... to a warmer spot. Many people think we have many friends and places to go with invitations all the time. Not... true.
My friend Pat just phoned me from New Jersey. She had been crying because she missed me. Wow, never had THAT happen before. Not quite sure what to do with that information in my head :) I created music in my hosts garage tonight for about an hour.
| February 07, 2010
Jeffersonville, Indiana
I'm working to find places to stay and people willing to host us as we move forward. The uncertainty of it all, ha... oh lord the uncertainty of it all! I emailed someone in Los Angeles to ask if they would be interested. We have to find about six different places in a variety of states on the way west. If you would like to meet us or know of anyone, HELP! Hahaha... some people think we get invitaions all the time... not. It keeps snowing. When we head out again, the truck overnight anywhere without a garage... a problem because it is so old. Speaking of old, I up'd Boner's steroid medication today, his breathing became labored. The family in Los Angeles responded with open arms. Here is the reply I sent.
I have to tell you how wonderful it felt to get your email last night. My security level with everything was fluctuating big time concerning Bo (his health) and our direction (literally, as well as with life) ...since I live with no clarity (nothing new) and in the moment, haha... I prayed a little, thought about trust and faith, turned on my computer just before turning out the lights, (I had no host request responses from about 20 send out during the day) ...and then yours came through. I started to cry it meant so much. Thanks again and I look forward to meeting you and your family! Danny
| February 06, 2010
Jeffersonville, Indiana
It is frigid outside with snow on the ground. Time to move on westwardly, it feels unsetteling. Wish people would invite us to stay with them so I did not have to waste so much time on searching for hosts. My present host Melanie had a serious fall on her steps last night. It was not pretty. I took her to the hospital and while the doc was stitching up her head I told the Traveling Piano story and gave the Traveling Piano experience of creating music... minus the piano! I thought in my head, "good god, maybe I shouldn't be talking so she concentrates on what she is doing, this is crazy," but the doctor was very interested! Whatever it takes... whenever there is an opportunity... hahaha. I went back and forth outside to keep Bo warm in the truck as it was snowing. The truck I had brought last year to turn into the new Traveling Piano... it becomes clearer and clearer as time goes on, was not meant to be. It has a bucket seat and Bo had to lay curled up in it. At this point in his life he needs to stretch out when laying down so his breathing does not get obstructed. The Traveling Piano luckily has a bench seat. Outside the hospital last night they had this recording that went off every few minutes saying that smoking is not permitted on the property. Reminded me of the bird sounds used at car dealers to chase away birds. About two in the morning some kid called me to ask about piano lessons. it was a strange night.
| February 05, 2010
Jeffersonville, Indiana
It has been raining all day. What a strange feeling because it has been all about snow for months. I cannot remember the last time it rained! It is time to start thinking about moving onward, westwardly. I've had it real good where I have been staying, just wish the weather was better, a little warmer more sun etc... I have had a really great bedroom to use, lots of space has been shared for both Boner and myself both mentally and physically... the food, wow! As much as I can eat and cooked for me too, a major variety... coffee cake, salmon, humus with pine nuts, barbeque steaks, strong fine coffee, major salads, bacon, eggs, potatoes, sweet potatoes... ha, I could go on listing for an hour from the last week. This kind treatment and sharing empowers me on every level. I was thinking today how I exist to enjoy and be enjoyed. There is no way that I could ever enjoy life unless other people were enjoying as a result.
| February 04, 2010
New Albany, Indiana
It is in the low thirties outside, too cold to play music or so I thought. My host Melanie and I went to one of her favorite breakfast spots to get a sandwich. It was in New Albany, Indiana. I thought, "never played in New Albany." We sat down to eat and started messing around and joking with the waiter which lead to messing around and joking telling him there was a piano outside in the back of a truck with a dog on top. I love it when people think I'm joking and they they see it is for real. After we ate he came outside along with two other co-workers. We stayed until Bo started to get cold and then on the way home we are driving and this guy pulls up along side of us and yells out jokingly, "how much to you want for that piano"? I said, "do you want to play on it?" We all drove off the road into the Frisch's Big Boy fast food joint parking lot and messed around for about ten minutes.
I am working to become more aware of when I start in my head preparing for the future. I tell myself there is no need for that. I specifically do not want to think about the future when it comes to Boner. For example I was thinking about getting some kind of apparatus to help move him when he can no longer walk outside to go to the bathroom on his own. That is the start of living in projection and it is not living in the moment. When the time comes for him to need something I'll address that need when needed. :) When I am enjoying him now... in the present moment I want to be careful not to associate the past, for example comparing his present physical condition with when he was a pup. It all is now... "it is what it is" ...now. I've never seen him as old before why should I start doing that now. Damm...
| February 03, 2010
Louisville, Kentucky
Boner and I had a terrific day. We worked, played, went for a walk, he is pooped, me too. My new roadmate has malfunctioned but I am going to shrug it off like everything else. Hahaha, I laugh it off. It is a pain in the ass but I gotta take the pain with the pleasure and as I see it they both go together in this world. Luckily, I will be able to find a place to purchase a new one. Ha, another two hundred and fifty bucks... man, the money flies if not in one way... well, almost in every way! Screw it. Thank God there's still some left to take care of business.
As the experiences move on I think of the picture archives building and my need to keep up to date with the filing and posting which has yet to happen. Hahaha... should I just let go of the possibility to be updated with everything? I remember in the beginning when I had one interaction per day. Now... I could have a hundred a day if I did not stop myself. And the pictures to post... there are so many! Oh well, I just do the best that I can.
The day started with a phone call. Someone I had met from the other day asked if I would come and play for their friend celebrating a birthday. This is what the Traveling Piano is about! I want friends to share what we have to offer with their friends! Everything is unconditional so there is nothing to lose and everything to gain for everyone. Another plus to the phone call... it got me out of bed and out of the house earlier in the day, yeah! So first we were in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Afterwards I was riding across the bridge into Louisville, Kentucky saying my mantra over and over... fun, friendship and respect... and then started to drive around in the streets downtown... feeling my way around... I sent up a prayer to St. Anthony *wink* to help me find a situation and then ran across tons of people standing around outside a building with fire trucks and hoses etc...
Slowly I drove past and figured, why not? I'll park on the street at the end to not be intrusive, the energy was calm. I was outside of a several story high, homeless shelter and alcoholic/drug recovery center. There must have been a fire inside but I was not interested in that. Neither was anyone else they wanted to know what we were about and wanted to have some fun. Perfect, eh? After everyone went back inside a few fireman came over for some afterwork recovery for themselves. Ha.
In the late afternoon I found a spot by the water between two huge bridges. It was a beautiful area and we met some swell people. Did I just use the word "swell?" Hahaha... As I was driving back to where I am staying I did not fear about getting lost in having no maping assitance. I found my way easily while reminding myself that concerning the broken road mate and everything else that could be troublesome that comes my way... I don't live in the problems, I live in the solutions. I was not taught this way as a child. I had to learn it as an adult. Lots and lots of practice I have had. This is the way I have wanted to live my whole live and have known that, even as a child.
| February 02, 2010
Clarksville , Indiana
Bo seems a bit more stable today... or is it me. I slept eleven and a half hours and woke up groggy maybe from emotional turmoil, maybe because I'm out of practice energy wise and yesterdays work drained me. A lot of energy is thrown around when I do my thang :) It does not help that I am heavier than in the past. Anyway... we went out to explore and found the Falls of the Ohio a park with parking right on the water... with major rushing water. I told myself I was going to record some music and then asked myself who I was kidding because even though there were not many people around, everyone that was around was very interested. I think I tell myself things to rationalize my just pulling up somewhere to play music because I do not want to feel stupid. Sometimes I need to create a reason for myself, well actually most of the time.
I knew we would not be out too long because it was cold. Boner wore his sweater and I think that really helped him. He has always liked wearing his sweater except when waiting for me in the cab. I was constantly watching to see if he was shivering. He was fine the entire time. There were about fifteen keyboard ticklers and piano bangers that jumped onto the piano to play today. People help me keep my perspective all the time and they do not realize it. I was talking with one guy and mentioned that Boner is on his last leg. The guy said, "aren't we all." Perspective... he could have gone into a pity, emapthy, drama, reassuring, pep talking type bonding but instead reminded me to keep it simple. The river banks had major fossil beds. I was sure to avoid the area because I am crazy about rocks and fossils and stuff like that. I'd want to go collecting and then do what... take them home? I have no home and I have no room for anything with the truck! Ha. I'm really feeling appreciative for my host today. She has been giving us plenty of space, consideration and good food!
| February 01, 2010
Louisville, Kentucky
I changed Boner's medication routine today and he began to crash big time. I was losing him. He seems ok... now. The operative word is "now." On a lighter note... We finally got back to work on the truck with some music. My host Melanie had to go to her car dealer. I played outside while she did her business inside off of Dixie road in Kentucky. Everyone wanted to come out from doing their work but they were all on the time clock. A cop came buy to drop someone off for work... Melanie seriously yelled inside, "He's with me, did someone call the cops?" Hahaha... we all had a great time. Afterwards we went to get a fish sandwich at a well known dive... more fun. Stopped at the vet on the way back to Melanie's house to ask for guidance with Bo, brought some canned dog food and he finally ate. It had been a day and a half. Thank God he ate. And then I ran across a really fun guy who has had a musical issue... since age thirteen.
He has not been able to pass by a piano without playing five notes wether he gets into trouble for it or not. Tonight he sat down for sixty seconds and played a lot of notes. He said, "wow, that was an amazingly free experience." That was the second time today that someone said it was amazingly "freeing" to play on the Traveling Piano. It made me feel really good. At night after an amazing steak dinner another garage concert happened. Melanie, her sister Karen, Boner and myself were in attendance. Afterwards Karen looked at me with a blank face and said, "that was very nice" and then with each minute that followed she softened and softened and more words began to come... "that was really different, that was really something, I really enjoyed that" etc... I think I am becoming ... not more confident... but more accepting... with my ability to affect people through my spirit. As long as I never take it for granted this "gift" will become stronger and stronger. I'm looking forward to becoming stronger.