Raggin' Piano Boogie Daily Blog

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February 10, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada

Anyone who is anybody is in Las Vegas right now for the Superbowl and here I am living on the Strip in Las Vegas feeling like nobody. Am I anybody? Lol, I feel like I want to be invisible and I am actually a little jealous that I am not part of any of it. That is my own fault. I did nothing to be part of anything. Constantly, I ask myself... do I want to be part of any of it? Of course, but I do not want to do any of the work or put any effort out what-so-ever. I don't even want to take a shower for it, lol! I drove by the Sphere lit up for the first time. Its Big! There are really not many people around anywhere although the media is hyping the 300,000 people coming to the city for the event. Many times a year that many people come for different reasons, the big conventions, other big events, etc... There are not many people on the streets because they are all at their own parties and such. Money making is not much more than hype. I'm trying not to feel like a loser while my Superbowl dream passes me by... once again.