Raggin' Piano Boogie Daily Blog

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February 08, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada

I do not know what to think or how to feel about the Superbowl and this journey! Being a rooting fan as a spectator with sports has never been my thing. Standing out as part of the whole inside an event or happening is my thing. This Superbowl happening in Las Vegas is really a big thing. But... what is a big thing? What makes a big thing? Is it the hype, the hoopla, the money involved, all the people? All the people are really in their own parties doing their own big things. The sky is lighting up at night out my window like the glow of fireworks from the new Sphere entertainment complex down the strip. I want to be excited and be awed by it all or... is that just what I think I should want? Because, not much excites me anymore. Even to pursue my own excitement... nah. Hence the fact that I am not part of the Superbowl in anyway. The Traveling Piano journey began specifically in the quest to be part of the Superbowl. Once again here I am skirting around the edges of what I want to be on the inside of? Maybe that is not what I really want. I do... want fun but the energy to pursue that is not there either. If this sounds like I am depressed, I'm not. Just always trying to figure things out and keep my head above water as to my truth of spirit and being honest with myself.