Raggin' Piano Boogie Daily BlogClick here for the Raggin' Piano Boogie home pageFebruary 07, 2024Las Vegas, NevadaI missed seeing the Bradley Copper's Maestro in the movie theatre which was really disappointing for me. I knew it should have been seen on the big screen. The movie has been sitting on my computer desktop since it came out and I was waiting for the right time to watch it. Today was the day. It brought back so many memories of my past and my individualizing as a person into adulthood back in New York City, New Hope, PA and Philadelphia. I was reminded of having had a long life or at least it feels that way. Bernstein's Musical Candide remains my all time favorite musical and then of course West Side Story and I forgot about Bernstein's Mass until the movie reminded me. His music helped shape my early feelings in music. Intellectually, I have little understanding of it but through feeling I can reach the center of my core spirit. I can find that personal experience with many genres of music. The memories... I have been around many prominent events and happenings that have helped to shape the world I have grown up in always skirting the edges of it all or touching the core of those happenings lightly. I dabbled in the Classical world in many ways back when and Boradway and many other worlds of music. The way it has been for me is to create my own world. I've never felt like I could fit into anyone else's world. The feeling of not fitting in or securely belonging to anything will probably stay with me until I pass. |