Raggin' Piano Boogie


HIS SPIRIT LIVES ON! ... BONER, THE PIANO DOG ... November 27, 1994 ... February 20, 2010

Use the links to the left to read a past Month or Year... and then there is always your Backspace to return to a past page.

HELP! A new Carburetor is needed. SpotFund: Long Live the Traveling Piano Spotfund Venmo: Dan Kean @TravelingPiano 2156399378 - Paypal Direct: Paypal - And of Course this Website Contribution Page. Contribute Or email me for snail mail.

January 31, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

January 30, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

January 29, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

January 28, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

January 27, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

I woke up to begin my third week of this gallery venture but was feeling sick and weak from the last two weeks. My determination to push through gave way to sensibility. Running through my head was terrible obligation and expectation created for myself and to fight through that and guilt as a result was a challenge. There is nothing I "have" to do. I can leave everything without shame or regret. Over and over I fought my way through the thoughts to just stay in bed. In reality there was no other choice. What gets done at this point is what gets done and so it is. A brighter future for the Traveling Piano's legacy is seeming to be less and less attainable. It has been very, very bright as it is so I've nothing to complain about or feel sorry for. I've been very satisfied with my life and its accomplishments. Not comparing myself to others is paramount when it comes to all that. It is not like I do not have 100's of unrealized dreams. at this point I can handle the end of it all with grace and gratitude. Right now I am living the best dream of my life and that would be every minute with Mo.

January 26, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

Damm the aging process! After yesterday working at the gallery and from the five days before everyday, I am so sick I did not get up until 5pm and only then to take care of Mo. He is such a trooper never complaining about need to go outside do do his business or that he is hungry. He can hold his pee forever! I could not even watch a movie I am so out of it right now. As I have gained an understanding through the years of life and death being one and the same, I am now beginning to understand that so it is with growth and decline. Does that understanding help anything? Only if I keep the realization present at all times in my mind for the sake of gratitude.

January 25, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

Today was meant to be my day off from the Traveling Piano's work. But... it is supposed to rain in two days and there is nothing secure from being wet at the gallery, the photos, cardboard holding the photos, the cloth covering the tables, everything on the floor, etc... because the guy helping to put it all together disappeared into other interest.There is a lot on the floor right now as I am in the middle of making signs. I need someone who can scale a wall and climb onto the roof to make repairs from the wind and more. The day was spent putting everything into plastic cases, taking everything up off the floor and covering the furniture with plastic tarp. When done, once I laid down I could not move from physical strain. Better today then tomorrow when I can rest up for the coming week.

January 24, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

Getting this blog up to date after almost two weeks feels really good. I have had no time at all for anything but the photo gallery work not even to take a shower. I cook for Mo and I, then zone out at night because nothing else is possible. Dealing with the Valentine's Day project, making signs for the gallery, organizing everything there, cleaning from the Las Vegas dust and dirt, playing the piano, interacting with people on the piano, showing people and explaining the photography, what I am about and what I am doing... there has been no time to post online, do this blog or anything else.

It has been two weeks as of today that I got up with an alarm clock every morning, this for the first time in probably over forty years. I have been at the photo gallery five days a week. When I stop moving like to rest on my bed for even a half hour... to begin moving again, to get off the bed is almost impossible. The stiffness and pain is excruciating. After a good nights rest I can get up ok. I do not think I have every played the piano for five days in a row like I have been doing. It takes a lot of energy to do especially with the high energy of talking with people! I need to constantly remind myself when talking to keep the speed going so I do not lose anyone's attention, lol.

January 23, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

Putting together the Valentine's Day Packages has been a total challenge. My friends Mary and Eric were going to help but they have been sick. They could not have helped anyway because I need to keep doing them over and over to find better combinations. The bags are too big for the content which are many items but they are all very small. It all does not show well. On paper and with words it sounds like a lot but everything is so small well, I was going to try and get $20 a piece for them. There is no way I could get more than $6 and with all the cost and time... $6 is just not worth it for me. I am deciding to maybe just give it all out and not try and make any money to help defray the costs. People living on the streets will really appreciate them. Read below in the blog all the items. It is really awesome. With everything else though, the time and energy of all this is well, I just keep plugging along doing what I can do.

January 22, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

I make it clear that the Traveling Piano experience is not about getting a tip. When someone throws money at me or the experience, it becomes monetized, period. If it is going to be monetized (even when I do not want that), I decide on the worth, as it is about me and what I have to offer. The coffee shop across the street sells a small cup of coffee for $7 dollars. I tell people that I do not want their dollar bill, or two or five. For the experience or exchange, if someone is going to monetize my interaction and the Traveling Piano experience, the worth best make me happy. This is why I say, no fees, tips or commercialization. This is why I give the option a redirect into contributing for a photo for $20. Even that... does not help very much but it is a respectful exchange, a thank you worth acknowledging and they have a memory, a gift, or something worthwhile to walk away with along with the experience. I refuse to be undervalued and what others think about that does not matter. I am not them when it comes to money and worth. All this I make very clear and am up front about so there is no confusion.

Someone who had come out of the coffee shop and was on the piano seat sent $5 to Venmo and then followed up with an email asking for the photos I took of them. It pissed me off a little. I emailed them back saying that was not necessary as I made it clear the photos would be a gift and and then said if they wanted to contribute don't be so cheap I can't get a cup of coffee with five bucks. Lol, I do so enjoy being able to be upfront like that. He sent a reply saying to enjoy the coffee. I followed up with that I need him to send two more bucks to get a small one. LOL He will probably always hate me now but hey, my self respect is more important and so it the Traveling Piano brand so to speak. Did I burn a possible bridge? From my forty year experience I say, it does not matter one way or another. Speaking my truth with total authenticity and with intent pure... fuck them if they can't take a joke, lol.

January 21, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

I am onto a Valentines Day venture. The intent began as a desire to do something for those living on the streets like I did during Halloween. There was total fun in putting the idea together with red mesh gift bags I found online, red satin and also polka dot bows. Some tissue paper to help fill out the bags and put some white color inside. I found pink Valentine Fortune Cookies! That with red foiled hershey kisses and starlight peppermint mints. There is also strawberry and cream heart shaped lollipops, funky heart tattoos, rose petals, a paper heart on sticks and I even found red truck stickers with hearts and flowers flying out of the back!!! It all cost $400 so I am hoping to sell some to take care of the costs or maybe whomever reads this can send a contribution. I won't hold my breath for that because it is rare indeed that anyone does that.

January 20, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

I am really in a great spot daily. It is across the street from a coffee shop that is busy and attracts top level business people in the city. It is full off tourists and serves as an Uber drop off and pickup spot. It has all the locals and many artists. The place is always packed, four blocks away from where I have lived for the last seven years and I never knew! In my own spot I tried to compliment the bar tender today by asking if she appreciated and enjoyed her fantastic shape. Her body is amazing. A local Youtuber who rents a spot upstairs for work jumped in with "hey man, thats not appropriate." I told him to shut up and not to talk to me. He's always had a stick up his ass about me and he destroyed a relationship I was building. She's gay, knows I am gay "and old," the ass was just trying to score points with her using me and of course she took to his side as he tips her everyday. I am done with them both. The word for the day is "avoid." I am not going to stop complimenting people when I feel it is right and good to do.

While with the truck two guys parked across the street and jumped out to take pictures of what they were seeing. They parked their spiffy truck sideways blocking the street. Their attitude was that of self-entitlement. One guy was wearing a camera around his waist. We all had a good time with the Traveling Piano and once done I began to ask what they were about. They own a well funded nonprofit and scour the streets looking for homeless vets to "save" them by giving them federal money. The word "patriot" is in the name of the non-profit. They make money for themselves off the homeless. I know profiteers like this as I know the back of my hand. As they were leaving they threw out a pro trump comment. I replied with a "don't throw that shit at me." It was just a clarification on both sides of what we are about. As people like that use the poor, they also use people like myself. I hope God gives them my spirit because I sure as hell don't want to.

January 19, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

All the work I did yesterday "on my day off" was worthless. My mind, my dyslexia, no matter how much effort, I still do most everything wrong the first time. While creating a banner on my computer I could feel something was wrong but just kept plowing through because I could not see anything wrong. Well I designed a banner one inch high when it needed to be 12". In fact, I need a banner 2' high to print out. The length... I knew there was something crazy about that. It was almost 2x's the size in length needed. I did it all again while reminding myself that I am on my day off. I can do whatever I want. My enjoyment was in going to bed at what everytime I wanted and getting up whenever I want. That is my weekend activity for being off. Going to bed when I want, getting up when I want.

January 18, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

Over and over today I had to tell myself that I am off work, I can do anything I want, I need to chill, it is the weekend. I've scheduled two days of rest each week with the Traveling Piano Fundraising Showcase Gallery. I ended up designing signs for the inside. It took eight hours for one sign. My brain has little clarity anymore not that it ever did. The most needed information for people is that all the photos they see, they are from me. It shocks them to see that I am also a photographer and a really good one. They think I purchased the photos to sell. Also, I need to clarify what I am doing. Lol, another first... what is happening with this residency has never happened before, the entire idea is unique just like the Traveling Piano and everything about it.

January 17, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

I just finished getting up with an alarm clock for five days in a row. That is a record, the first time in twenty years. I must say it felt a little good, the structure, game play, purpose, good environment, knowing what was expected of me for myself... it was all good. No one today contributed for a photo. This is a first. Someone threw a dollar bill into my caldron before I could stop them or check to see if it was more than a buck. That kind of pissed me off. I am getting rid of the fun caldron idea. It is like someone throwing a quarter at me and no... quarters do not add up. It is self-serving to do that. A way to appease one's self, to connect, to delusionally not feel guilty about contributing nothing, to feel they contributed, etc... And, I told the guy before hand, do not give me a few bucks, its worthless. So anyway, I still feel a sense of accomplishment today in just getting up and to the gallery.

January 16, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

My teeth are giving me a problem. I cannot chew and can feel infection. My health plan will pull the teeth but not fix them. The dentist wants to charge me $4,500 to fix the problem created by one tooth. It is under a bridge so they want to charge money to take the bridge off, pull out whats under it, resurface the three teeth the bridge was attached to an create a fake insert to use. It is my upper left that I use in order to chew. The right side up there also has issues. They took about 25 ex-rays to suck as much money from the benefits as possible. I was told I could make payments to pay it all off. Fuck them. I am not going to accept going into debt for a rip off. Not after having left all that shit for twenty years now. I'm praying that God will direct my thoughts on the matter. But I know... paying $4,500 for a tooth is not going to happen. The medical field is not going to financially use me until death. I get three calls a week from different specialists saying I need to come in for exams or tests to stay healthy. I just say... no.

January 15, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

I'm having a feeling that Mo is going to last here on earth for the exact amount of time that Bo did. How interesting that would be. Next month he will reach his fifteenth birthday and with a few months more... that would have been Boner's time here on earth. Mo's story with me is amazing and how out relationship evolved in direct relationship to Bo. While I am so almost completely distracted with doing my daily work with the gallery which is all consuming, I absolutely take time for direct attention with Mo and myself alone... all day long... moments, some long, some short. My relationship with Mo is the number one priority for my life. He keeps me grounded. I find the love needed to exist in his appreciation and devotion in not only being a dog for himself but for his appreciation of our relationship. How I have been enjoying the nurturing of his being with respect and gratitude.

January 14, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

I am super focused these days on what I have and want to give for the world. I must stay very aware that my personal anger and hate for others, my desire to be vindictive and all that, I must stay aware of so that it does not consume me and more importantly not dominate my truth of spirit. My truth of spirit necessitates that I keep my spiritual channel clear to allow all the love and acceptance possible for not only myself but the world. Any healing will come through my music and personal interactions with others. While I drive up the street everyday to the gallery I acknowledge the God of my understanding and that my thoughts be directed along those lines. Then I say out loud my intent for musical Fun, Friendship and Respect and lastly I ask for the serenity to accomplish my days intent through acceptance, wisdom and strength. That always works.

January 13, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

I got back onto the horse so to speak today. I took a few days off from the Gallery because of wind and exhaustion. There was a flurry of activity with people and it got intense. There was tons of bullshit flying around too, lol! I tell myself it is the nature of the animal for many people and I need to get used to it but damm, when I am being completely authentic with complete fakes it really can be frustrating. There was one guy with attitude, he was completely dismissive in his way. I over came that but while leaving he began to give me unsolicited advise while walking away and that made me just want to give him a good kick in the ass, lol. Of course people like that are too insecure to get onto the piano and never would they contribute in anyway. There were two other charlatans throwing big names around with there millions of tik-tok and Youtube followers, etc... (thats a thing people brag about) The Metro police stopped by and one of the officers actually got onto the piano in the middle of everything and I went through my entire musical process with him.

This was a super dooper rare happening that a Las Vegas police officer would let down all inhibition to join in with the Traveling Piano. I was too engrossed in the situation to take photos as I wanted to give him my full attention. I asked one of the charlatans to take photos for me. Of course I had to have a photo of this. Out of the corner of my eye I saw he was playing with the lens for close up shots (that is a warning tell of someone not know what is needed) and... his friend mentioned about the guy wanting money to take the photos (another huge tell of a couple of morons) and well... I got a whole bunch of photos of the sidewalk, side of the truck closeup parts of heads, etc... damm what an opportunity lost. Such a rare thing to be able to share. A good community Traveling Piano cop experience for people, it would have been great. And then there was the local who showed up with his sax. Lol, it was all a blur.

January 12, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

Mo and I went to the movies today. It was a day off! I needed that. We saw the move Wicked. It was ok but not near worth the hype put out. We we're the only ones in the movie theatre... just so perfect! I am super aware not to put pressure on myself. I will fall off the cliff if I do. At just about seventy years old everything needs to be paced carefully in order to not burn out or just die from pushing too much. All choices must be from a place of true desire. Fun is an operative word. I remind myself that if I am going to die from being on this present path with the Traveling Piano Showcase Fundraising Photo Art Gallery to get the truck rebuilt and then endow it for future generations... even though I am doing my best and as much as possible and it is not enough to accomplish the task... this would be a good way for me to go.

January 11, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

The wind has been really strong and it feels extra cold when it is blowing so... just no, Mo and I have been staying home while that is happening. No matter how little I am doing with this Art Gallery, I am more active than maybe since before covid? Is that possible? t feels as though I may die soon so the priority is to enjoy everything I am doing. The only thing I can know for the future or remember about the past is pretty much peripheral. Focusing on the present moment and living now... it is the only option and the only way to go. I mean, that is for everyone who pays attention in and to life right now eh? Just like with Covid which was the first time, the entire world, all of humanity is basically experiencing the same situations in life... whether they realize it, want to realize it or not. I am talking about the mind of humanity becoming dis-eased, the environment, greed and human authoritarianism, control, manipulation and the worst... AI running amuck. And then there is the Musical Fun, Friendship and Respect through the Traveling Piano...

January 10, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

The photos I have, if there was the where-with-all, I could be setting up actions and times to sell online. I could be doing live face-times to sell them on my social accounts and setting up reels to promote them online. Create events to have people and groups come to purchase them, Find volunteers to take them out to other business with Traveling Piano info in the area to sell. I could go on and on with ideas and ways as there are 100's of creative ways to fundraise with them. Alas, my time, energy and... where-with-all is limited now more than ever before so I just do what I can do. It is enough. Maybe magically I will be approached by someone to help me with it all but I will not holding my breath for that to happen. Its all good.

January 09, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

After getting up and taking a walk to the gallery in the high winds I was like... I just can't do this. And, I do not have to. It turned into a low day just doing nothing. Processing what is happening in LA with the wildfires is depressing. I have played with the Traveling Piano on many of the streets and in the neighborhoods destroyed. I talked with some friends, got myself up date with this blog and... I am preparing for some Valentines Day fun for those living on the streets. I went shopping online for some pink Valentines Day fortune cookies with gift bags and ribbon and red foiled Hershey Kisses, stickers, etc... a little project of love always does wonders. Hopefully I can sell a few to cover the costs for everything.

January 08, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

It has been eight days since I looked at any news or on any social timelines. Today I folded just for some basic information about the Los Angeles wildfires. My empathy and compassion is draining. Of all the types of natural disaster I have been present for with the Traveling Piano, fire is the worst. Aside from the loss of personal possessions and memories, the loss of beauty, nature and domesticated land at its best, the personal emotional trauma created, the fear... all that is left is charred black remains that will take many, many years to get rid of let alone replace. I feel like someone who has lost their ability to walk. The Traveling Piano would help so much there but I am just too tired, have no money for a place to stay and I am not even sure the truck would make it there anymore. I must focus on what I can do here where I am. Put my energy and compassion to use here to help there, as we are all one and interconnected.

January 07, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

It has been a long time since exploring nature. There has not been enough time. Going to the movies, taking Mo to the park... there is sleep (lots) and work (some) and hanging in a no where zone of mindlessness (often). That is how the days have been going more and more as time moves forward. Thank God for all the good times past, all the nature I have been able to experience in life. Damm, there is not time now to even enjoy the 100,000 photos I took. What is most important is that I share them with others hence, the Traveling Piano Fundraising Photo Art Gallery Residency. I am posting today just three randomly found photos from the Traveling Piano in Alaska.

January 06, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

As I work with the truck, when I come home there is absolutly nothing more I can do for the entire day except cook dinner for myself and Mo and maybe pick something up and put it away. I am still adjusting to getting up earlier, that may have something to do with it. When I am working usually, I have all the energy needed but once I stop my level drops to almost zero. I've been working to get to bed earlier. So much for the days of going to bed at five in the morning and waking up in the afternoon. That is what has always felt most comfortable for me. Now, for several days I've been getting up with an alarm clock!!! That is just so ugly, lol. But I need to be at the gallery before noon.

January 05, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

The nature of my mind is a desire to live in denial. I was bred to live in the denial of truth, the truth in spirit for the sake of authoritarianism, emotional immaturity and human manipulation and control. Most of my life has been spent learning to stay true to myself and working to keep my life living in that truth. I want to stay real with what is happening to our world and the horror about to hit us all, hitting us all right now. My challenge is to find the "real" joy, appreciation, gratitude and fun that can exist with the "real" horror that is consuming us all. I must allow others to deal in whatever ways are best for them. Danny, just stay in your lane and try not to cross over into there lanes with what works for me. Too bad we cannot all just be on the same page with support for each other. So many want to reject support, do not know they need support or choose dysfunctional support.

January 04, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

Mo and I took it easy today. There is no way I am going to push myself overboard with self obligation and expectation concerning my work. What does not get done will not get done. I am doing everything I can do. And I am not going to allow concern about what others think about what I do or do not do. My focus cannot be on accomplishing goals. It must be on living in the moment with joy and gratitude. Of course I want to get the photo gallery finished (if that ever happens) and I want to rebuild the truck and pass it on and make some money and have fun doing it and get attention and help to accomplish all that while nurturing the world with what I have to offer but, there are now severe limitations mentally, physically and emotionally in doing it all myself. What a balancing act my life is becoming!

January 03, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

Two guys from Zacatecas, Mexico got onto the piano seat today and that was just awesome for me as I was in Zacatecas, Mexico with the Traveling Piano back in 2007. One of my most favorite ways to connect with people is where they come from or live now as I have been to thousands of places in the northern hemisphere. As my ability to sweep people onto the piano seat wanes from my lack of energy, now I need to sweep them into the truck, give them the experience and then sweep them off the truck and into the gallery to hopefully want a photo? When I give someone or a group all my time and energy for like fifteen minutes they have totally enjoyed and they do not contribute via a photo well, I'm thinking to myself, what a fucking waste of time. It is disappointing. See... this is why everything has been setup the way it has been for the last eighteen years. I do not find out if people are givers or just takers. I give... then the exchange is done. I am not about selling myself or what I have to offer at this point in my life long career.

January 02, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

I got my first parking ticket at the Traveling Piano Fundraising Photo Art Gallery Residency spot today. It happened when I got off the truck and took people inside to show the gallery to them. There is no way I can afford to pay for parking all day, everyday. You would think the city would give me the spot for all I have given to the community since 2016... ha,ha,ha... who would think that? Now I am on their radar. I did drive down the street to talk to the meter maid. She wrote off the ticket for me but set down the rules. What they do is come buy and take photos of the license plates and when a person slips up once... tickets are sent for all the times the license plates were not on record as paying.

There is no way I am going to pay for parking. There is free parking from 11am to 1pm from Monday through Friday for the local lunch crowd. That... is when I am going to be there with the Traveling Piano. It limits my time which is probably to my benefit so I do not wear myself out. I will be forced to pace myself. Even two hours a day may be more than I can handle five days a week. I'll just be there at the gallery without the truck. Too bad about weekends. It is what it is. Something will happen to help me run this fundraising showcase better as time goes on. It is just so slow going!

January 01, 2025

Las Vegas, Nevada

This is a low key New Years Day for me. Part of me wants to wake people up to the worlds doom and gloom of the coming year and then I thought, why? What purpose would that serve? If people were to take the reality to help serve them in the present moment that would be good but that would never happen. The majority would cling onto the idea of doom and gloom or just straight out reject... reality. Personally, I just want to create validation and reassurance for the worth of humanity. This is what I can do and this is what I want to project in this new year. I want to help create worth and self-respect for others. One way to help myself do this is to be done with reading the news. I've tried it before. Now it is imperative that I act with this response ability.